blob: 83e679a7ccfd7d4c9da72cabb0588656be7d392a [file] [log] [blame]
/// Internals to the tree builders.
library treebuilder;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart' show getElementNameTuple;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'list_proxy.dart';
import 'token.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
// The scope markers are inserted when entering object elements,
// marquees, table cells, and table captions, and are used to prevent formatting
// from "leaking" into tables, object elements, and marquees.
const Node Marker = null;
// TODO(jmesserly): this should extend ListBase<Element>, but my simple attempt
// didn't work.
class ActiveFormattingElements extends ListProxy<Element> {
ActiveFormattingElements() : super();
// Override the "add" method.
// TODO(jmesserly): I'd rather not override this; can we do this in the
// calling code instead?
void add(Element node) {
int equalCount = 0;
if (node != Marker) {
for (var element in reversed) {
if (element == Marker) {
if (_nodesEqual(element, node)) {
equalCount += 1;
if (equalCount == 3) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this should exist in corelib...
bool _mapEquals(Map a, Map b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
if (a.length == 0) return true;
for (var keyA in a.keys) {
var valB = b[keyA];
if (valB == null && !b.containsKey(keyA)) {
return false;
if (a[keyA] != valB) {
return false;
return true;
bool _nodesEqual(Element node1, Element node2) {
return getElementNameTuple(node1) == getElementNameTuple(node2) &&
_mapEquals(node1.attributes, node2.attributes);
/// Basic treebuilder implementation.
class TreeBuilder {
final String defaultNamespace;
Document document;
final List<Element> openElements = <Element>[];
final activeFormattingElements = new ActiveFormattingElements();
Node headPointer;
Element formPointer;
/// Switch the function used to insert an element from the
/// normal one to the misnested table one and back again
bool insertFromTable;
TreeBuilder(bool namespaceHTMLElements)
: defaultNamespace = namespaceHTMLElements ? Namespaces.html : null {
void reset() {
//XXX - rename these to headElement, formElement
headPointer = null;
formPointer = null;
insertFromTable = false;
document = new Document();
bool elementInScope(target, {String variant}) {
//If we pass a node in we match that. if we pass a string
//match any node with that name
bool exactNode = target is Node;
List listElements1 = scopingElements;
List listElements2 = const [];
bool invert = false;
if (variant != null) {
switch (variant) {
case "button":
listElements2 = const [const Pair(Namespaces.html, "button")];
case "list":
listElements2 = const [
const Pair(Namespaces.html, "ol"),
const Pair(Namespaces.html, "ul")
case "table":
listElements1 = const [
const Pair(Namespaces.html, "html"),
const Pair(Namespaces.html, "table")
case "select":
listElements1 = const [
const Pair(Namespaces.html, "optgroup"),
const Pair(Namespaces.html, "option")
invert = true;
throw new StateError('We should never reach this point');
for (var node in openElements.reversed) {
if (!exactNode && node.localName == target ||
exactNode && node == target) {
return true;
} else if (invert !=
(listElements1.contains(getElementNameTuple(node)) ||
listElements2.contains(getElementNameTuple(node)))) {
return false;
throw new StateError('We should never reach this point');
void reconstructActiveFormattingElements() {
// Within this algorithm the order of steps described in the
// specification is not quite the same as the order of steps in the
// code. It should still do the same though.
// Step 1: stop the algorithm when there's nothing to do.
if (activeFormattingElements.length == 0) {
// Step 2 and step 3: we start with the last element. So i is -1.
int i = activeFormattingElements.length - 1;
var entry = activeFormattingElements[i];
if (entry == Marker || openElements.contains(entry)) {
// Step 6
while (entry != Marker && !openElements.contains(entry)) {
if (i == 0) {
//This will be reset to 0 below
i = -1;
i -= 1;
// Step 5: let entry be one earlier in the list.
entry = activeFormattingElements[i];
while (true) {
// Step 7
i += 1;
// Step 8
entry = activeFormattingElements[i];
// TODO(jmesserly): optimize this. No need to create a token.
var cloneToken = new StartTagToken(entry.localName,
namespace: entry.namespaceUri,
data: new LinkedHashMap.from(entry.attributes))
..span = entry.sourceSpan;
// Step 9
var element = insertElement(cloneToken);
// Step 10
activeFormattingElements[i] = element;
// Step 11
if (element == activeFormattingElements.last) {
void clearActiveFormattingElements() {
var entry = activeFormattingElements.removeLast();
while (activeFormattingElements.length > 0 && entry != Marker) {
entry = activeFormattingElements.removeLast();
/// Check if an element exists between the end of the active
/// formatting elements and the last marker. If it does, return it, else
/// return null.
Element elementInActiveFormattingElements(String name) {
for (var item in activeFormattingElements.reversed) {
// Check for Marker first because if it's a Marker it doesn't have a
// name attribute.
if (item == Marker) {
} else if (item.localName == name) {
return item;
return null;
void insertRoot(Token token) {
var element = createElement(token);
void insertDoctype(DoctypeToken token) {
var doctype = new DocumentType(, token.publicId, token.systemId)
..sourceSpan = token.span;
void insertComment(StringToken token, [Node parent]) {
if (parent == null) {
parent = openElements.last;
parent.nodes.add(new Comment( = token.span);
/// Create an element but don't insert it anywhere
Element createElement(StartTagToken token) {
var name =;
var namespace = token.namespace;
if (namespace == null) namespace = defaultNamespace;
var element = document.createElementNS(namespace, name)
..attributes =
..sourceSpan = token.span;
return element;
Element insertElement(StartTagToken token) {
if (insertFromTable) return insertElementTable(token);
return insertElementNormal(token);
Element insertElementNormal(StartTagToken token) {
var name =;
var namespace = token.namespace;
if (namespace == null) namespace = defaultNamespace;
var element = document.createElementNS(namespace, name)
..attributes =
..sourceSpan = token.span;
return element;
Element insertElementTable(token) {
/// Create an element and insert it into the tree
var element = createElement(token);
if (!tableInsertModeElements.contains(openElements.last.localName)) {
return insertElementNormal(token);
} else {
// We should be in the InTable mode. This means we want to do
// special magic element rearranging
var nodePos = getTableMisnestedNodePosition();
if (nodePos[1] == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): I don't think this is reachable. If insertFromTable
// is true, there will be a <table> element open, and it always has a
// parent pointer.
} else {
nodePos[0].insertBefore(element, nodePos[1]);
return element;
/// Insert text data.
void insertText(String data, FileSpan span) {
var parent = openElements.last;
if (!insertFromTable ||
insertFromTable &&
!tableInsertModeElements.contains(openElements.last.localName)) {
_insertText(parent, data, span);
} else {
// We should be in the InTable mode. This means we want to do
// special magic element rearranging
var nodePos = getTableMisnestedNodePosition();
_insertText(nodePos[0], data, span, nodePos[1]);
/// Insert [data] as text in the current node, positioned before the
/// start of node [refNode] or to the end of the node's text.
static void _insertText(Node parent, String data, FileSpan span,
[Element refNode]) {
var nodes = parent.nodes;
if (refNode == null) {
if (nodes.length > 0 && nodes.last is Text) {
Text last = nodes.last;
if (span != null) {
last.sourceSpan =
span.file.span(last.sourceSpan.start.offset, span.end.offset);
} else {
nodes.add(new Text(data)..sourceSpan = span);
} else {
int index = nodes.indexOf(refNode);
if (index > 0 && nodes[index - 1] is Text) {
Text last = nodes[index - 1];
} else {
nodes.insert(index, new Text(data)..sourceSpan = span);
/// Get the foster parent element, and sibling to insert before
/// (or null) when inserting a misnested table node
List<Node> getTableMisnestedNodePosition() {
// The foster parent element is the one which comes before the most
// recently opened table element
// XXX - this is really inelegant
Node lastTable = null;
Node fosterParent = null;
var insertBefore = null;
for (var elm in openElements.reversed) {
if (elm.localName == "table") {
lastTable = elm;
if (lastTable != null) {
// XXX - we should really check that this parent is actually a
// node here
if (lastTable.parentNode != null) {
fosterParent = lastTable.parentNode;
insertBefore = lastTable;
} else {
fosterParent = openElements[openElements.indexOf(lastTable) - 1];
} else {
fosterParent = openElements[0];
return [fosterParent, insertBefore];
void generateImpliedEndTags([String exclude]) {
var name = openElements.last.localName;
// XXX td, th and tr are not actually needed
if (name != exclude &&
const [
].contains(name)) {
// XXX This is not entirely what the specification says. We should
// investigate it more closely.
/// Return the final tree.
Document getDocument() => document;
/// Return the final fragment.
DocumentFragment getFragment() {
//XXX assert innerHTML
var fragment = new DocumentFragment();
return fragment;