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  1. 5b99b43 Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (#239) by dependabot[bot] · 3 weeks ago main
  2. 327e37a Bump dart-lang/setup-dart from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 (#237) by dependabot[bot] · 3 months ago
  3. 910f6d7 Update lints, require Dart 3.2 (#236) by Kevin Moore · 3 months ago
  4. aaf7d1a blast_repo fixes (#235) by Kevin Moore · 3 months ago
  5. 06bc148 Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (#232) by dependabot[bot] · 6 months ago

Dart CI pub package package publisher

A Dart implementation of an HTML5 parser.


Parsing HTML is easy!

import 'package:html/parser.dart';

void main() {
  var document = parse(
      '<body>Hello world! <a href="">HTML5 rocks!');

You can pass a String or list of bytes to parse. There's also parseFragment for parsing a document fragment, and HtmlParser if you want more low level control.


This package was a port of the Python html5lib library.