blob: f8a992e12ae5c6b866d777f3d9eff126e90bd2b3 [file] [log] [blame]
/// A simple tree API that results from parsing html. Intended to be compatible
/// with dart:html, but it is missing many types and APIs.
library dom;
// TODO(jmesserly): lots to do here. Originally I wanted to generate this using
// our Blink IDL generator, but another idea is to directly use the excellent
// and and just
// implement that.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'dom_parsing.dart';
import 'parser.dart';
import 'src/constants.dart';
import 'src/css_class_set.dart';
import 'src/list_proxy.dart';
import 'src/query_selector.dart' as query;
import 'src/token.dart';
import 'src/tokenizer.dart';
export 'src/css_class_set.dart' show CssClassSet;
// TODO(jmesserly): this needs to be replaced by an AttributeMap for attributes
// that exposes namespace info.
class AttributeName implements Comparable<Object> {
/// The namespace prefix, e.g. `xlink`.
final String? prefix;
/// The attribute name, e.g. `title`.
final String name;
/// The namespace url, e.g. ``
final String namespace;
const AttributeName(this.prefix,, this.namespace);
String toString() {
// Implement:
// If we get here we know we are xml, xmlns, or xlink, because of
// [HtmlParser.adjustForeignAttriubtes] is the only place we create
// an AttributeName.
return prefix != null ? '$prefix:$name' : name;
int get hashCode {
var h = prefix.hashCode;
h = 37 * (h & 0x1FFFFF) + name.hashCode;
h = 37 * (h & 0x1FFFFF) + namespace.hashCode;
return h & 0x3FFFFFFF;
int compareTo(Object other) {
// Not sure about this sort order
if (other is! AttributeName) return 1;
final otherAttributeName = other;
var cmp = (prefix ?? '').compareTo((otherAttributeName.prefix ?? ''));
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
cmp = name.compareTo(;
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
return namespace.compareTo(otherAttributeName.namespace);
bool operator ==(x) {
if (x is! AttributeName) return false;
return prefix == x.prefix && name == && namespace == x.namespace;
abstract class _ParentNode implements Node {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is only a partial implementation
/// Seaches for the first descendant node matching the given selectors, using
/// a preorder traversal.
/// NOTE: Not all selectors from
/// [selectors level 4](
/// are implemented. For example, nth-child does not implement An+B syntax
/// and *-of-type is not implemented. If a selector is not implemented this
/// method will throw [UniplmentedError].
Element? querySelector(String selector) =>
query.querySelector(this, selector);
/// Returns all descendant nodes matching the given selectors, using a
/// preorder traversal.
/// NOTE: Not all selectors from
/// [selectors level 4](
/// are implemented. For example, nth-child does not implement An+B syntax
/// and *-of-type is not implemented. If a selector is not implemented this
/// method will throw [UniplmentedError].
List<Element> querySelectorAll(String selector) =>
query.querySelectorAll(this, selector);
abstract class _NonElementParentNode implements _ParentNode {
// TODO(jmesserly): could be faster, should throw on invalid id.
Element? getElementById(String id) => querySelector('#$id');
// This doesn't exist as an interface in the spec, but it's useful to merge
// common methods from these:
abstract class _ElementAndDocument implements _ParentNode {
// TODO(jmesserly): could be faster, should throw on invalid tag/class names.
List<Element> getElementsByTagName(String localName) =>
List<Element> getElementsByClassName(String classNames) =>
querySelectorAll(classNames.splitMapJoin(' ',
onNonMatch: (m) => m.isNotEmpty ? '.$m' : m, onMatch: (m) => ''));
/// Really basic implementation of a DOM-core like Node.
abstract class Node {
static const int ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2;
static const int CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4;
static const int COMMENT_NODE = 8;
static const int DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11;
static const int DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;
static const int DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10;
static const int ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
static const int ENTITY_NODE = 6;
static const int ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5;
static const int NOTATION_NODE = 12;
static const int TEXT_NODE = 3;
/// The parent of the current node (or null for the document node).
Node? parentNode;
/// The parent element of this node.
/// Returns null if this node either does not have a parent or its parent is
/// not an element.
Element? get parent {
final parentNode = this.parentNode;
return parentNode is Element ? parentNode : null;
// TODO(jmesserly): should move to Element.
/// A map holding name, value pairs for attributes of the node.
/// Note that attribute order needs to be stable for serialization, so we use
/// a LinkedHashMap. Each key is a [String] or [AttributeName].
LinkedHashMap<Object, String> attributes = LinkedHashMap();
/// A list of child nodes of the current node. This must
/// include all elements but not necessarily other node types.
final NodeList nodes = NodeList._();
List<Element>? _elements;
// TODO(jmesserly): consider using an Expando for this, and put it in
// dom_parsing. Need to check the performance affect.
/// The source span of this node, if it was created by the [HtmlParser].
FileSpan? sourceSpan;
/// The attribute spans if requested. Otherwise null.
LinkedHashMap<Object?, FileSpan>? _attributeSpans;
LinkedHashMap<Object?, FileSpan>? _attributeValueSpans;
Node._() {
nodes._parent = this;
/// If [sourceSpan] is available, this contains the spans of each attribute.
/// The span of an attribute is the entire attribute, including the name and
/// quotes (if any). For example, the span of "attr" in `<a attr="value">`
/// would be the text `attr="value"`.
LinkedHashMap<Object?, FileSpan>? get attributeSpans {
return _attributeSpans;
/// If [sourceSpan] is available, this contains the spans of each attribute's
/// value. Unlike [attributeSpans], this span will inlcude only the value.
/// For example, the value span of "attr" in `<a attr="value">` would be the
/// text `value`.
LinkedHashMap<Object?, FileSpan>? get attributeValueSpans {
return _attributeValueSpans;
List<Element> get children => _elements ??= FilteredElementList(this);
/// Returns a copy of this node.
/// If [deep] is `true`, then all of this node's children and decendents are
/// copied as well. If [deep] is `false`, then only this node is copied.
Node clone(bool deep);
int get nodeType;
String get _outerHtml {
final str = StringBuffer();
return str.toString();
String get _innerHtml {
final str = StringBuffer();
return str.toString();
// Implemented per:
String? get text => null;
set text(String? value) {}
void append(Node node) => nodes.add(node);
Node? get firstChild => nodes.isNotEmpty ? nodes[0] : null;
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str);
void _addInnerHtml(StringBuffer str) {
for (var child in nodes) {
Node remove() {
// TODO(jmesserly): is parent == null an error?
return this;
/// Insert [node] as a child of the current node, before [refNode] in the
/// list of child nodes. Raises [UnsupportedOperationException] if [refNode]
/// is not a child of the current node. If refNode is null, this adds to the
/// end of the list.
void insertBefore(Node node, Node? refNode) {
if (refNode == null) {
} else {
nodes.insert(nodes.indexOf(refNode), node);
/// Replaces this node with another node.
Node replaceWith(Node otherNode) {
if (parentNode == null) {
throw UnsupportedError('Node must have a parent to replace it.');
parentNode!.nodes[parentNode!.nodes.indexOf(this)] = otherNode;
return this;
// TODO(jmesserly): should this be a property or remove?
/// Return true if the node has children or text.
bool hasContent() => nodes.isNotEmpty;
/// Move all the children of the current node to [newParent].
/// This is needed so that trees that don't store text as nodes move the
/// text in the correct way.
void reparentChildren(Node newParent) {
bool hasChildNodes() => nodes.isNotEmpty;
bool contains(Node node) => nodes.contains(node);
/// Initialize [attributeSpans] using [sourceSpan].
void _ensureAttributeSpans() {
if (_attributeSpans != null) return;
_attributeSpans = LinkedHashMap<Object?, FileSpan>();
_attributeValueSpans = LinkedHashMap<Object?, FileSpan>();
if (sourceSpan == null) return;
final tokenizer = HtmlTokenizer(sourceSpan!.text,
generateSpans: true, attributeSpans: true);
final token = tokenizer.current as StartTagToken;
if (token.attributeSpans == null) return; // no attributes
for (var attr in token.attributeSpans!) {
final offset = sourceSpan!.start.offset;
_attributeSpans![] =
sourceSpan!.file.span(offset + attr.start, offset + attr.end);
if (attr.startValue != null) {
_attributeValueSpans![] = sourceSpan!.file
.span(offset + attr.startValue!, offset + attr.endValue);
T _clone<T extends Node>(T shallowClone, bool deep) {
if (deep) {
for (var child in nodes) {
return shallowClone;
class Document extends Node
with _ParentNode, _NonElementParentNode, _ElementAndDocument {
Document() : super._();
factory Document.html(String html) => parse(html);
int get nodeType => Node.DOCUMENT_NODE;
// TODO(jmesserly): optmize this if needed
Element get documentElement => querySelector('html')!;
Element get head => documentElement.querySelector('head')!;
Element get body => documentElement.querySelector('body')!;
/// Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element and its
/// contents.
// TODO(jmesserly): this API is not specified in:
// <> nor is it in dart:html, instead
// only Element has outerHtml. However it is quite useful. Should we move it
// to dom_parsing, where we keep other custom APIs?
String get outerHtml => _outerHtml;
String toString() => '#document';
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str) => _addInnerHtml(str);
Document clone(bool deep) => _clone(Document(), deep);
Element createElement(String tag) => Element.tag(tag);
// TODO(jmesserly): this is only a partial implementation of:
Element createElementNS(String? namespaceUri, String? tag) {
if (namespaceUri == '') namespaceUri = null;
return Element._(tag, namespaceUri);
DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment() => DocumentFragment();
class DocumentFragment extends Node with _ParentNode, _NonElementParentNode {
DocumentFragment() : super._();
factory DocumentFragment.html(String html) => parseFragment(html);
int get nodeType => Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
/// Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element and its
/// contents.
// TODO(jmesserly): this API is not specified in:
// <> nor is it in dart:html, instead
// only Element has outerHtml. However it is quite useful. Should we move it
// to dom_parsing, where we keep other custom APIs?
String get outerHtml => _outerHtml;
String toString() => '#document-fragment';
DocumentFragment clone(bool deep) => _clone(DocumentFragment(), deep);
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str) => _addInnerHtml(str);
String get text => _getText(this);
set text(String? value) => _setText(this, value);
class DocumentType extends Node {
final String? name;
final String? publicId;
final String? systemId;
DocumentType(, this.publicId, this.systemId) : super._();
int get nodeType => Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE;
String toString() {
if (publicId != null || systemId != null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): the html5 serialization spec does not add these. But
// it seems useful, and the parser can handle it, so for now keeping it.
final pid = publicId ?? '';
final sid = systemId ?? '';
return '<!DOCTYPE $name "$pid" "$sid">';
} else {
return '<!DOCTYPE $name>';
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str) {
DocumentType clone(bool deep) => DocumentType(name, publicId, systemId);
class Text extends Node {
/// The text node's data, stored as either a String or StringBuffer.
/// We support storing a StringBuffer here to support fast [appendData].
/// It will flatten back to a String on read.
Object _data;
Text(String? data)
: _data = data ?? '',
int get nodeType => Node.TEXT_NODE;
String get data => _data = _data.toString();
set data(String value) {
_data = identical(value, null) ? '' : value;
String toString() => '"$data"';
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str) => writeTextNodeAsHtml(str, this);
Text clone(bool deep) => Text(data);
void appendData(String data) {
if (_data is! StringBuffer) _data = StringBuffer(_data);
final sb = _data as StringBuffer;
String get text => data;
set text(String? value) {
data = value ?? '';
// TODO(jmesserly): Elements should have a pointer back to their document
class Element extends Node with _ParentNode, _ElementAndDocument {
final String? namespaceUri;
/// The [local name](
/// of this element.
final String? localName;
// TODO(jmesserly): consider using an Expando for this, and put it in
// dom_parsing. Need to check the performance affect.
/// The source span of the end tag this element, if it was created by the
/// [HtmlParser]. May be `null` if does not have an implicit end tag.
FileSpan? endSourceSpan;
Element._(this.localName, [this.namespaceUri]) : super._();
: namespaceUri = Namespaces.html,
static final _startTagRegexp = RegExp('<(\\w+)');
static final _customParentTagMap = const {
'body': 'html',
'head': 'html',
'caption': 'table',
'td': 'tr',
'colgroup': 'table',
'col': 'colgroup',
'tr': 'tbody',
'tbody': 'table',
'tfoot': 'table',
'thead': 'table',
'track': 'audio',
// TODO(jmesserly): this is from dart:html _ElementFactoryProvider...
// TODO(jmesserly): have a look at fixing some things in dart:html, in
// particular: is the parent tag map complete? Is it faster without regexp?
// TODO(jmesserly): for our version we can do something smarter in the parser.
// All we really need is to set the correct parse state.
factory Element.html(String html) {
// TODO(jacobr): this method can be made more robust and performant.
// 1) Cache the dummy parent elements required to use innerHTML rather than
// creating them every call.
// 2) Verify that the html does not contain leading or trailing text nodes.
// 3) Verify that the html does not contain both <head> and <body> tags.
// 4) Detatch the created element from its dummy parent.
var parentTag = 'div';
String? tag;
final match = _startTagRegexp.firstMatch(html);
if (match != null) {
tag =!.toLowerCase();
if (_customParentTagMap.containsKey(tag)) {
parentTag = _customParentTagMap[tag]!;
final fragment = parseFragment(html, container: parentTag);
Element element;
if (fragment.children.length == 1) {
element = fragment.children[0];
} else if (parentTag == 'html' && fragment.children.length == 2) {
// You'll always get a head and a body when starting from html.
element = fragment.children[tag == 'head' ? 0 : 1];
} else {
throw ArgumentError('HTML had ${fragment.children.length} '
'top level elements but 1 expected');
return element;
int get nodeType => Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
// TODO(jmesserly): we can make this faster
Element? get previousElementSibling {
if (parentNode == null) return null;
final siblings = parentNode!.nodes;
for (var i = siblings.indexOf(this) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final s = siblings[i];
if (s is Element) return s;
return null;
Element? get nextElementSibling {
final parentNode = this.parentNode;
if (parentNode == null) return null;
final siblings = parentNode.nodes;
for (var i = siblings.indexOf(this) + 1; i < siblings.length; i++) {
final s = siblings[i];
if (s is Element) return s;
return null;
String toString() {
final prefix = Namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceUri);
return "<${prefix == null ? '' : '$prefix '}$localName>";
String get text => _getText(this);
set text(String? value) => _setText(this, value);
/// Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element and its
/// contents.
String get outerHtml => _outerHtml;
/// Returns a fragment of HTML or XML that represents the element's contents.
/// Can be set, to replace the contents of the element with nodes parsed from
/// the given string.
String get innerHtml => _innerHtml;
// TODO(jmesserly): deprecate in favor of:
// <>
set innerHtml(String value) {
// TODO(jmesserly): should be able to get the same effect by adding the
// fragment directly.
nodes.addAll(parseFragment(value, container: localName!).nodes);
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str) {
// Element is the most complicated one.
if (attributes.isNotEmpty) {
attributes.forEach((key, v) {
// Note: AttributeName.toString handles serialization of attribute
// namespace, if needed.
str.write(' ');
str.write(htmlSerializeEscape(v, attributeMode: true));
if (nodes.isNotEmpty) {
if (localName == 'pre' ||
localName == 'textarea' ||
localName == 'listing') {
final first = nodes[0];
if (first is Text &&'\n')) {
// These nodes will remove a leading \n at parse time, so if we still
// have one, it means we started with two. Add it back.
// void elements must not have an end tag
if (!isVoidElement(localName)) str.write('</$localName>');
static String _getSerializationPrefix(String? uri) {
if (uri == null ||
uri == Namespaces.html ||
uri == Namespaces.mathml ||
uri == Namespaces.svg) {
return '';
final prefix = Namespaces.getPrefix(uri);
// TODO(jmesserly): the spec doesn't define "qualified name".
// I'm not sure if this is correct, but it should parse reasonably.
return prefix == null ? '' : '$prefix:';
Element clone(bool deep) {
final result = Element._(localName, namespaceUri)
..attributes = LinkedHashMap.from(attributes);
return _clone(result, deep);
String get id {
final result = attributes['id'];
return result ?? '';
set id(String value) {
attributes['id'] = '$value';
String get className {
final result = attributes['class'];
return result ?? '';
set className(String value) {
attributes['class'] = '$value';
/// The set of CSS classes applied to this element.
/// This set makes it easy to add, remove or toggle the classes applied to
/// this element.
/// element.classes.add('selected');
/// element.classes.toggle('isOnline');
/// element.classes.remove('selected');
CssClassSet get classes => ElementCssClassSet(this);
class Comment extends Node {
String? data;
Comment( : super._();
int get nodeType => Node.COMMENT_NODE;
String toString() => '<!-- $data -->';
void _addOuterHtml(StringBuffer str) {
Comment clone(bool deep) => Comment(data);
String? get text => data;
set text(String? value) {
data = value;
// TODO(jmesserly): fix this to extend one of the corelib classes if possible.
// (The requirement to remove the node from the old node list makes it tricky.)
// TODO(jmesserly): is there any way to share code with the _NodeListImpl?
class NodeList extends ListProxy<Node> {
// Note: this is conceptually final, but because of circular reference
// between Node and NodeList we initialize it after construction.
Node? _parent;
Node _setParent(Node node) {
// Note: we need to remove the node from its previous parent node, if any,
// before updating its parent pointer to point at our parent.
node.parentNode = _parent;
return node;
void add(Node value) {
if (value is DocumentFragment) {
} else {
void addLast(Node value) => add(value);
void addAll(Iterable<Node> collection) {
// Note: we need to be careful if collection is another NodeList.
// In particular:
// 1. we need to copy the items before updating their parent pointers,
// _flattenDocFragments does a copy internally.
// 2. we should update parent pointers in reverse order. That way they
// are removed from the original NodeList (if any) from the end, which
// is faster.
final list = _flattenDocFragments(collection);
for (var node in list.reversed) {
void insert(int index, Node value) {
if (value is DocumentFragment) {
insertAll(index, value.nodes);
} else {
super.insert(index, _setParent(value));
Node removeLast() => super.removeLast()..parentNode = null;
Node removeAt(int i) => super.removeAt(i)..parentNode = null;
void clear() {
for (var node in this) {
node.parentNode = null;
void operator []=(int index, Node value) {
if (value is DocumentFragment) {
insertAll(index, value.nodes);
} else {
this[index].parentNode = null;
super[index] = _setParent(value);
// TODO(jmesserly): These aren't implemented in DOM _NodeListImpl, see
void setRange(int start, int rangeLength, Iterable<Node> from,
[int startFrom = 0]) {
var fromVar = from as List<Node>;
if (fromVar is NodeList) {
// Note: this is presumed to make a copy
fromVar = fromVar.sublist(startFrom, startFrom + rangeLength);
// Note: see comment in [addAll]. We need to be careful about the order of
// operations if [from] is also a NodeList.
for (var i = rangeLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
this[start + i] = fromVar[startFrom + i];
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Node> newContents) {
removeRange(start, end);
insertAll(start, newContents);
void removeRange(int start, int rangeLength) {
for (var i = start; i < rangeLength; i++) {
this[i].parentNode = null;
super.removeRange(start, rangeLength);
void removeWhere(bool Function(Node) test) {
for (var node in where(test)) {
node.parentNode = null;
void retainWhere(bool Function(Node) test) {
for (var node in where((n) => !test(n))) {
node.parentNode = null;
void insertAll(int index, Iterable<Node> collection) {
// Note: we need to be careful how we copy nodes. See note in addAll.
final list = _flattenDocFragments(collection);
for (var node in list.reversed) {
super.insertAll(index, list);
List<Node> _flattenDocFragments(Iterable<Node> collection) {
// Note: this function serves two purposes:
// * it flattens document fragments
// * it creates a copy of [collections] when `collection is NodeList`.
final result = <Node>[];
for (var node in collection) {
if (node is DocumentFragment) {
} else {
return result;
/// An indexable collection of a node's descendants in the document tree,
/// filtered so that only elements are in the collection.
// TODO(jmesserly): this was copied from dart:html
// TODO(jmesserly): "implements List<Element>" is a workaround for analyzer bug.
class FilteredElementList extends IterableBase<Element>
with ListMixin<Element>
implements List<Element> {
final List<Node> _childNodes;
/// Creates a collection of the elements that descend from a node.
/// Example usage:
/// var filteredElements = new FilteredElementList(query("#container"));
/// // filteredElements is [a, b, c].
FilteredElementList(Node node) : _childNodes = node.nodes;
// We can't memoize this, since it's possible that children will be messed
// with externally to this class.
// TODO(nweiz): we don't always need to create a new list. For example
// forEach, every, any, ... could directly work on the _childNodes.
List<Element> get _filtered => _childNodes.whereType<Element>().toList();
void forEach(void Function(Element) f) {
void operator []=(int index, Element value) {
set length(int newLength) {
final len = length;
if (newLength >= len) {
} else if (newLength < 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid list length');
removeRange(newLength, len);
String join([String separator = '']) => _filtered.join(separator);
void add(Element value) {
void addAll(Iterable<Element> iterable) {
for (var element in iterable) {
bool contains(Object? element) {
return element is Element && _childNodes.contains(element);
Iterable<Element> get reversed => _filtered.reversed;
void sort([int Function(Element, Element)? compare]) {
throw UnsupportedError('TODO(jacobr): should we impl?');
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Element> iterable,
[int skipCount = 0]) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void fillRange(int start, int end, [Element? fillValue]) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<Element> iterable) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void removeRange(int start, int end) {
_filtered.sublist(start, end).forEach((el) => el.remove());
void clear() {
// Currently, ElementList#clear clears even non-element nodes, so we follow
// that behavior.
Element removeLast() {
return last..remove();
Iterable<T> map<T>(T Function(Element) f) =>;
Iterable<Element> where(bool Function(Element) f) => _filtered.where(f);
Iterable<T> expand<T>(Iterable<T> Function(Element) f) => _filtered.expand(f);
void insert(int index, Element value) {
_childNodes.insert(index, value);
void insertAll(int index, Iterable<Element> iterable) {
_childNodes.insertAll(index, iterable);
Element removeAt(int index) {
final result = this[index];
return result;
bool remove(Object? element) {
if (element is! Element) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final indexElement = this[i];
if (identical(indexElement, element)) {
return true;
return false;
Element reduce(Element Function(Element, Element) combine) {
return _filtered.reduce(combine);
T fold<T>(
T initialValue, T Function(T previousValue, Element element) combine) {
return _filtered.fold(initialValue, combine);
bool every(bool Function(Element) f) => _filtered.every(f);
bool any(bool Function(Element) f) => _filtered.any(f);
List<Element> toList({bool growable = true}) =>
List<Element>.from(this, growable: growable);
Set<Element> toSet() => Set<Element>.from(this);
Element firstWhere(bool Function(Element) test,
{Element Function()? orElse}) {
return _filtered.firstWhere(test, orElse: orElse);
Element lastWhere(bool Function(Element) test, {Element Function()? orElse}) {
return _filtered.lastWhere(test, orElse: orElse);
Element singleWhere(bool Function(Element) test,
{Element Function()? orElse}) {
if (orElse != null) throw UnimplementedError('orElse');
return _filtered.singleWhere(test);
Element elementAt(int index) {
return this[index];
bool get isEmpty => _filtered.isEmpty;
int get length => _filtered.length;
Element operator [](int index) => _filtered[index];
Iterator<Element> get iterator => _filtered.iterator;
List<Element> sublist(int start, [int? end]) => _filtered.sublist(start, end);
Iterable<Element> getRange(int start, int end) =>
_filtered.getRange(start, end);
int indexOf(Object? element, [int start = 0]) =>
// Cast forced by ListMixin
_filtered.indexOf(element as Element, start);
int lastIndexOf(Object? element, [int? start]) {
start ??= length - 1;
// Cast forced by ListMixin
return _filtered.lastIndexOf(element as Element, start);
Element get first => _filtered.first;
Element get last => _filtered.last;
Element get single => _filtered.single;
// For Element and DocumentFragment
String _getText(Node node) => (_ConcatTextVisitor()..visit(node)).toString();
void _setText(Node node, String? value) {
class _ConcatTextVisitor extends TreeVisitor {
final _str = StringBuffer();
String toString() => _str.toString();
void visitText(Text node) {