blob: a635db8b805ecb78cb9f5b48a187084b395ac0c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Large portions of this code where taken from
import "dart:collection";
const int _replacementCodepoint = 0xfffd;
const int _UNICODE_VALID_RANGE_MAX = 0x10ffff;
const int _UNICODE_UTF16_RESERVED_LO = 0xd800;
const int _UNICODE_UTF16_RESERVED_HI = 0xdfff;
const int _UTF8_ONE_BYTE_MAX = 0x7f;
const int _UTF8_TWO_BYTE_MAX = 0x7ff;
const int _UTF8_THREE_BYTE_MAX = 0xffff;
const int _UTF8_LO_SIX_BIT_MASK = 0x3f;
const int _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_TWO_BASE = 0xc0;
const int _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_THREE_BASE = 0xe0;
const int _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_FOUR_BASE = 0xf0;
const int _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_FIVE_BASE = 0xf8;
const int _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_SIX_BASE = 0xfc;
const int _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_BOUND_EXCL = 0xfe;
/// Decodes the UTF-8 bytes as an iterable. Thus, the consumer can only convert
/// as much of the input as needed. Set the replacementCharacter to null to
/// throw an ArgumentError rather than replace the bad value.
Iterable<int> decodeUtf8AsIterable(List<int> bytes, int offset, int length) =>
_IterableUtf8Decoder(bytes, offset, length);
/// Return type of [decodeUtf8AsIterable] and variants. The Iterable type
/// provides an iterator on demand and the iterator will only translate bytes
/// as requested by the user of the iterator. (Note: results are not cached.)
// TODO(floitsch): Consider removing the extend and switch to implements since
// that's cheaper to allocate.
class _IterableUtf8Decoder extends IterableBase<int> {
final List<int> bytes;
final int offset;
final int length;
_IterableUtf8Decoder(this.bytes, this.offset, this.length);
_Utf8Decoder get iterator => _Utf8Decoder(bytes, offset, length);
/// Provides an iterator of Unicode codepoints from UTF-8 encoded bytes. The
/// parameters can set an offset into a list of bytes (as int), limit the length
/// of the values to be decoded, and override the default Unicode replacement
/// character. Set the replacementCharacter to null to throw an
/// ArgumentError rather than replace the bad value. The return value
/// from this method can be used as an Iterable (e.g. in a for-loop).
class _Utf8Decoder implements Iterator<int> {
final _ListRangeIterator utf8EncodedBytesIterator;
int _current;
_Utf8Decoder(List<int> utf8EncodedBytes, int offset, int length)
: utf8EncodedBytesIterator =
(_ListRange(utf8EncodedBytes, offset, length)).iterator;
_Utf8Decoder._fromListRangeIterator(_ListRange source)
: utf8EncodedBytesIterator = source.iterator;
/// Decode the remaininder of the characters in this decoder
/// into a [List<int>].
List<int> decodeRest() {
List<int> codepoints = List<int>(utf8EncodedBytesIterator.remaining);
int i = 0;
while (moveNext()) {
codepoints[i++] = current;
if (i == codepoints.length) {
return codepoints;
} else {
List<int> truncCodepoints = List<int>(i);
truncCodepoints.setRange(0, i, codepoints);
return truncCodepoints;
int get current => _current;
bool moveNext() {
_current = null;
if (!utf8EncodedBytesIterator.moveNext()) return false;
int value = utf8EncodedBytesIterator.current;
int additionalBytes = 0;
if (value < 0) {
if (_replacementCodepoint != null) {
_current = _replacementCodepoint;
return true;
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
"Invalid UTF8 at ${utf8EncodedBytesIterator.position}");
} else if (value <= _UTF8_ONE_BYTE_MAX) {
_current = value;
return true;
} else if (value < _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_TWO_BASE) {
if (_replacementCodepoint != null) {
_current = _replacementCodepoint;
return true;
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
"Invalid UTF8 at ${utf8EncodedBytesIterator.position}");
} else if (value < _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_THREE_BASE) {
additionalBytes = 1;
} else if (value < _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_FOUR_BASE) {
additionalBytes = 2;
} else if (value < _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_FIVE_BASE) {
additionalBytes = 3;
} else if (value < _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_SIX_BASE) {
additionalBytes = 4;
} else if (value < _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_BOUND_EXCL) {
additionalBytes = 5;
} else if (_replacementCodepoint != null) {
_current = _replacementCodepoint;
return true;
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
"Invalid UTF8 at ${utf8EncodedBytesIterator.position}");
int j = 0;
while (j < additionalBytes && utf8EncodedBytesIterator.moveNext()) {
int nextValue = utf8EncodedBytesIterator.current;
if (nextValue > _UTF8_ONE_BYTE_MAX &&
value = ((value << 6) | (nextValue & _UTF8_LO_SIX_BIT_MASK));
} else {
// if sequence-starting code unit, reposition cursor to start here
if (nextValue >= _UTF8_FIRST_BYTE_OF_TWO_BASE) {
bool validSequence = (j == additionalBytes &&
bool nonOverlong = (additionalBytes == 1 && value > _UTF8_ONE_BYTE_MAX) ||
(additionalBytes == 2 && value > _UTF8_TWO_BYTE_MAX) ||
(additionalBytes == 3 && value > _UTF8_THREE_BYTE_MAX);
bool inRange = value <= _UNICODE_VALID_RANGE_MAX;
if (validSequence && nonOverlong && inRange) {
_current = value;
return true;
} else if (_replacementCodepoint != null) {
_current = _replacementCodepoint;
return true;
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
"Invalid UTF8 at ${utf8EncodedBytesIterator.position - j}");
/// _ListRange in an internal type used to create a lightweight Interable on a
/// range within a source list. DO NOT MODIFY the underlying list while
/// iterating over it. The results of doing so are undefined.
// TODO(floitsch): Consider removing the extend and switch to implements since
// that's cheaper to allocate.
class _ListRange extends IterableBase<int> {
final List<int> _source;
final int _offset;
final int _length;
_ListRange(List<int> source, [int offset = 0, int length])
: _source = source,
_offset = offset,
_length = (length == null ? source.length - offset : length) {
if (_offset < 0 || _offset > _source.length) {
throw RangeError.value(_offset);
if (_length != null && (_length < 0)) {
throw RangeError.value(_length);
if (_length + _offset > _source.length) {
throw RangeError.value(_length + _offset);
_ListRangeIterator get iterator =>
_ListRangeIteratorImpl(_source, _offset, _offset + _length);
int get length => _length;
/// The ListRangeIterator provides more capabilities than a standard iterator,
/// including the ability to get the current position, count remaining items,
/// and move forward/backward within the iterator.
abstract class _ListRangeIterator implements Iterator<int> {
bool moveNext();
int get current;
int get position;
void backup([int by]);
int get remaining;
void skip([int count]);
class _ListRangeIteratorImpl implements _ListRangeIterator {
final List<int> _source;
int _offset;
final int _end;
_ListRangeIteratorImpl(this._source, int offset, this._end)
: _offset = offset - 1;
int get current => _source[_offset];
bool moveNext() => ++_offset < _end;
int get position => _offset;
void backup([int by = 1]) {
_offset -= by;
int get remaining => _end - _offset - 1;
void skip([int count = 1]) {
_offset += count;