blob: 34b7c757d2ef23982e298cf514f8e07635a7c56b [file] [log] [blame]
/// Test for the Selectors API ported from
/// <>
/// Note: tried to make minimal changes possible here. Hence some oddities such
/// as [test] arguments having a different order, long lines, etc.
/// As usual with ports: being faithful to the original style is more important
/// than other style goals, as it reduces friction to integrating changes
/// from upstream.
library html.test.selectors.level1_lib;
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart' as unittest;
Document doc;
* Create and append special elements that cannot be created correctly with HTML markup alone.
setupSpecialElements(parent) {
// Setup null and undefined tests
// Setup namespace tests
var anyNS = doc.createElement("div");
var noNS = doc.createElement("div"); = "any-namespace"; = "no-namespace";
var div;
div = [
doc.createElementNS("", "div"),
doc.createElementNS("", "div"),
doc.createElementNS("", "div")
div[0].id = "any-namespace-div1";
div[1].id = "any-namespace-div2";
div[2].attributes["id"] =
"any-namespace-div3"; // Non-HTML elements can't use .id property
div[3].attributes["id"] = "any-namespace-div4";
for (var i = 0; i < div.length; i++) {
div = [
doc.createElementNS("", "div"),
doc.createElementNS("", "div"),
doc.createElementNS("", "div")
div[0].id = "no-namespace-div1";
div[1].id = "no-namespace-div2";
div[2].attributes["id"] =
"no-namespace-div3"; // Non-HTML elements can't use .id property
div[3].attributes["id"] = "no-namespace-div4";
for (var i = 0; i < div.length; i++) {
* Check that the querySelector and querySelectorAll methods exist on the given Node
interfaceCheck(type, obj) {
test(() {
var q = obj.querySelector is Function;
assert_true(q, type + " supports querySelector.");
}, type + " supports querySelector");
test(() {
var qa = obj.querySelectorAll is Function;
assert_true(qa, type + " supports querySelectorAll.");
}, type + " supports querySelectorAll");
test(() {
var list = obj.querySelectorAll("div");
// TODO(jmesserly): testing List<Element> for now. It should return an
// ElementList which has extra properties. Needed for dart:html compat.
assert_true(list is List<Element>,
"The result should be an instance of a NodeList");
}, type + ".querySelectorAll returns NodeList instance");
* Verify that the NodeList returned by querySelectorAll is static and and that a new list is created after
* each call. A static list should not be affected by subsequent changes to the DOM.
verifyStaticList(type, root) {
var pre, post, preLength;
test(() {
pre = root.querySelectorAll("div");
preLength = pre.length;
var div = doc.createElement("div");
(root is Document ? root.body : root).append(div);
pre.length, preLength, "The length of the NodeList should not change.");
}, type + ": static NodeList");
test(() {
post = root.querySelectorAll("div");
assert_equals(post.length, preLength + 1,
"The length of the new NodeList should be 1 more than the previous list.");
}, type + ": new NodeList");
* Verify handling of special values for the selector parameter, including stringification of
* null and undefined, and the handling of the empty string.
runSpecialSelectorTests(type, root) {
// Dart note: changed these tests because we don't have auto conversion to
// String like JavaScript does.
test(() {
// 1
assert_equals(root.querySelectorAll('null').length, 1,
"This should find one element with the tag name 'NULL'.");
}, type + ".querySelectorAll null");
test(() {
// 2
assert_equals(root.querySelectorAll('undefined').length, 1,
"This should find one element with the tag name 'UNDEFINED'.");
}, type + ".querySelectorAll undefined");
test(() {
// 3
assert_throws((e) => e is NoSuchMethodError, () {
}, "This should throw a TypeError.");
}, type + ".querySelectorAll no parameter");
test(() {
// 4
var elm = root.querySelector('null');
assert_not_equals(elm, null, "This should find an element.");
// TODO(jmesserly): change "localName" back to "tagName" once implemented.
elm.localName.toUpperCase(), "NULL", "The tag name should be 'NULL'.");
}, type + ".querySelector null");
test(() {
// 5
var elm = root.querySelector('undefined');
assert_not_equals(elm, 'undefined', "This should find an element.");
// TODO(jmesserly): change "localName" back to "tagName" once implemented.
assert_equals(elm.localName.toUpperCase(), "UNDEFINED",
"The tag name should be 'UNDEFINED'.");
}, type + ".querySelector undefined");
test(() {
// 6
assert_throws((e) => e is NoSuchMethodError, () {
}, "This should throw a TypeError.");
}, type + ".querySelector no parameter");
test(() {
// 7
var result = root.querySelectorAll("*");
var i = 0;
traverse(root, (elem) {
if (!identical(elem, root)) {
elem, result[i], "The result in index $i should be in tree order.");
}, type + ".querySelectorAll tree order");
* Execute queries with the specified valid selectors for both querySelector() and querySelectorAll()
* Only run these tests when results are expected. Don't run for syntax error tests.
runValidSelectorTest(type, root, selectors, testType, docType) {
var nodeType = "";
switch (root.nodeType) {
nodeType = "document";
nodeType = root.parentNode != null ? "element" : "detached";
nodeType = "fragment";
throw new StateError("Reached unreachable code path.");
for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
var s = selectors[i];
var n = s["name"];
var q = s["selector"];
var e = s["expect"];
if ((s["exclude"] is! List ||
(s["exclude"].indexOf(nodeType) == -1 &&
s["exclude"].indexOf(docType) == -1)) &&
(s["testType"] & testType != 0)) {
//console.log("Running tests " + nodeType + ": " + s["testType"] + "&" + testType + "=" + (s["testType"] & testType) + ": " + JSON.stringify(s))
var foundall, found;
test(() {
foundall = root.querySelectorAll(q);
assert_not_equals(foundall, null, "The method should not return null.");
assert_equals(foundall.length, e.length,
"The method should return the expected number of matches.");
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
foundall[i], null, "The item in index $i should not be null.");
assert_equals(foundall[i].attributes["id"], e[i],
"The item in index $i should have the expected ID.");
"This should not be a cloned element.");
}, type + ".querySelectorAll: " + n + ": " + q);
test(() {
found = root.querySelector(q);
if (e.length > 0) {
assert_not_equals(found, null, "The method should return a match.");
assert_equals(found.attributes["id"], e[0],
"The method should return the first match.");
assert_equals(found, foundall[0],
"The result should match the first item from querySelectorAll.");
"This should not be annotated as a cloned element.");
} else {
assert_equals(found, null, "The method should not match anything.");
}, type + ".querySelector: " + n + ": " + q);
} else {
//console.log("Excluding for " + nodeType + ": " + s["testType"] + "&" + testType + "=" + (s["testType"] & testType) + ": " + JSON.stringify(s))
* Execute queries with the specified invalid selectors for both querySelector() and querySelectorAll()
* Only run these tests when errors are expected. Don't run for valid selector tests.
runInvalidSelectorTest(type, root, selectors) {
for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
var s = selectors[i];
var n = s["name"];
var q = s["selector"];
// Dart note: FormatException seems a reasonable mapping of SyntaxError
test(() {
assert_throws((e) => e is FormatException, () {
}, type + ".querySelector: " + n + ": " + q);
test(() {
assert_throws((e) => e is FormatException, () {
}, type + ".querySelectorAll: " + n + ": " + q);
traverse(Node elem, fn) {
if (elem.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// Dart note: changed this since our DOM API doesn't support nextNode yet.
for (var node in elem.nodes) {
traverse(node, fn);
test(Function body, String name) => unittest.test(name, body);
assert_true(value, String reason) =>
unittest.expect(value, true, reason: reason);
assert_false(value, String reason) =>
unittest.expect(value, false, reason: reason);
assert_equals(x, y, reason) => unittest.expect(x, y, reason: reason);
assert_not_equals(x, y, reason) =>
unittest.expect(x, unittest.isNot(y), reason: reason);
assert_throws(exception, body, [reason]) =>
unittest.expect(body, unittest.throwsA(exception), reason: reason);