blob: 939bf41e84f90e426ac4b098313751f4e425d5c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jmesserly): everything in this file is copied straight from "dart:html".
library html.dom.src;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
class ElementCssClassSet extends _CssClassSetImpl {
final Element _element;
Set<String> readClasses() {
var s = LinkedHashSet<String>();
var classname = _element.className;
for (String name in classname.split(' ')) {
String trimmed = name.trim();
if (trimmed.isNotEmpty) {
return s;
void writeClasses(Set<String> s) {
_element.className = s.join(' ');
/// A Set that stores the CSS class names for an element.
abstract class CssClassSet implements Set<String> {
/// Adds the class [value] to the element if it is not on it, removes it if it
/// is.
/// If [shouldAdd] is true, then we always add that [value] to the element. If
/// [shouldAdd] is false then we always remove [value] from the element.
bool toggle(String value, [bool shouldAdd]);
/// Returns [:true:] if classes cannot be added or removed from this
/// [:CssClassSet:].
bool get frozen;
/// Determine if this element contains the class [value].
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [hasClass](
bool contains(Object value);
/// Add the class [value] to element.
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [addClass](
/// If this corresponds to one element. Returns true if [value] was added to
/// the set, otherwise false.
/// If this corresponds to many elements, null is always returned.
bool add(String value);
/// Remove the class [value] from element, and return true on successful
/// removal.
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [removeClass](
bool remove(Object value);
/// Add all classes specified in [iterable] to element.
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [addClass](
void addAll(Iterable<String> iterable);
/// Remove all classes specified in [iterable] from element.
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [removeClass](
void removeAll(Iterable<Object> iterable);
/// Toggles all classes specified in [iterable] on element.
/// Iterate through [iterable]'s items, and add it if it is not on it, or
/// remove it if it is. This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [toggleClass](
/// If [shouldAdd] is true, then we always add all the classes in [iterable]
/// element. If [shouldAdd] is false then we always remove all the classes in
/// [iterable] from the element.
void toggleAll(Iterable<String> iterable, [bool shouldAdd]);
abstract class _CssClassSetImpl extends SetBase<String> implements CssClassSet {
String toString() {
return readClasses().join(' ');
/// Adds the class [value] to the element if it is not on it, removes it if it
/// is.
/// If [shouldAdd] is true, then we always add that [value] to the element. If
/// [shouldAdd] is false then we always remove [value] from the element.
bool toggle(String value, [bool shouldAdd]) {
Set<String> s = readClasses();
bool result = false;
if (shouldAdd == null) shouldAdd = !s.contains(value);
if (shouldAdd) {
result = true;
} else {
return result;
/// Returns [:true:] if classes cannot be added or removed from this
/// [:CssClassSet:].
bool get frozen => false;
Iterator<String> get iterator => readClasses().iterator;
int get length => readClasses().length;
// interface Set - BEGIN
/// Determine if this element contains the class [value].
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [hasClass](
bool contains(Object value) => readClasses().contains(value);
/// Lookup from the Set interface. Not interesting for a String set.
String lookup(Object value) => contains(value) ? value as String : null;
Set<String> toSet() => readClasses().toSet();
/// Add the class [value] to element.
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [addClass](
bool add(String value) {
// TODO - figure out if we need to do any validation here
// or if the browser natively does enough.
return _modify((s) => s.add(value));
/// Remove the class [value] from element, and return true on successful
/// removal.
/// This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [removeClass](
bool remove(Object value) {
if (value is! String) return false;
Set<String> s = readClasses();
bool result = s.remove(value);
return result;
/// Toggles all classes specified in [iterable] on element.
/// Iterate through [iterable]'s items, and add it if it is not on it, or
/// remove it if it is. This is the Dart equivalent of jQuery's
/// [toggleClass](
/// If [shouldAdd] is true, then we always add all the classes in [iterable]
/// element. If [shouldAdd] is false then we always remove all the classes in
/// [iterable] from the element.
void toggleAll(Iterable<String> iterable, [bool shouldAdd]) {
iterable.forEach((e) => toggle(e, shouldAdd));
/// Helper method used to modify the set of css classes on this element.
/// f - callback with:
/// s - a Set of all the css class name currently on this element.
/// After f returns, the modified set is written to the
/// className property of this element.
bool _modify(bool f(Set<String> s)) {
Set<String> s = readClasses();
var ret = f(s);
return ret;
/// Read the class names from the Element class property,
/// and put them into a set (duplicates are discarded).
/// This is intended to be overridden by specific implementations.
Set<String> readClasses();
/// Join all the elements of a set into one string and write
/// back to the element.
/// This is intended to be overridden by specific implementations.
void writeClasses(Set<String> s);