blob: 1eb02754aec47cb6f0987f1f427d5841876b07b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter team. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
const _l10nDir = 'lib/l10n';
const _intlHeader = '''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file was automatically generated.
Please do not edit it manually.
It is based on lib/l10n/intl_en.arb.
const _pluralSuffixes = <String>[
String _escapeXml(String xml) {
return xml
.replaceAll('&', '&amp;')
.replaceAll('"', '&quot;')
.replaceAll("'", '&apos;')
.replaceAll('>', '&gt;')
.replaceAll('<', '&lt;');
/// Processes the XML files.
/// Note that the filename for `intl_en_US.xml` is used by the internal
/// translation console and changing the filename may require manually updating
/// already translated messages to point to the new file. Therefore, avoid doing so
/// unless necessary.
Future<void> englishArbsToXmls({bool isDryRun = false}) async {
final output =
isDryRun ? stdout : File('$_l10nDir/intl_en_US.xml').openWrite();
await generateXmlFromArb(
inputArb: File('$_l10nDir/intl_en.arb'),
outputXml: output,
xmlHeader: _intlHeader,
await output.close();
Future<void> generateXmlFromArb({
File inputArb,
IOSink outputXml,
String xmlHeader,
}) async {
final bundle =
jsonDecode(await inputArb.readAsString()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
String translationFor(String key) {
assert(bundle[key] != null);
return _escapeXml(bundle[key] as String);
final xml = StringBuffer(xmlHeader);
for (final key in bundle.keys) {
if (key == '@@last_modified') {
if (!key.startsWith('@')) {
final resourceId = key.substring(1);
final name = _escapeXml(resourceId);
final metaInfo = bundle[key] as Map<String, dynamic>;
assert(metaInfo != null && metaInfo['description'] != null);
var description = _escapeXml(metaInfo['description'] as String);
if (metaInfo.containsKey('plural')) {
// Generate a plurals resource element formatted like this:
// <plurals
// name="dartVariableName"
// description="description">
// <item
// quantity="other"
// >%d translation</item>
// ... items for quantities one, two, etc.
// </plurals>
final quantityVar = "\$${metaInfo['plural']}";
description = description.replaceAll('\$$quantityVar', '%d');
xml.writeln(' <plurals');
xml.writeln(' name="$name"');
xml.writeln(' description="$description">');
for (final suffix in _pluralSuffixes) {
final pluralKey = '$resourceId$suffix';
if (bundle.containsKey(pluralKey)) {
final translation =
translationFor(pluralKey).replaceFirst(quantityVar, '%d');
xml.writeln(' <item');
xml.writeln(' quantity="${suffix.toLowerCase()}"');
xml.writeln(' >$translation</item>');
xml.writeln(' </plurals>');
} else if (metaInfo.containsKey('parameters')) {
// Generate a parameterized string resource element formatted like this:
// <string
// name="dartVariableName"
// description="string description"
// >string %1$s %2$s translation</string>
// The translated string's original $vars, which must be listed in its
// description's 'parameters' value, are replaced with printf positional
// string arguments, like "%1$s".
var translation = translationFor(resourceId);
assert((metaInfo['parameters'] as String).trim().isNotEmpty);
final parameters = (metaInfo['parameters'] as String)
.map<String>((s) => s.trim())
var index = 1;
for (final parameter in parameters) {
translation = translation.replaceAll('\$$parameter', '%$index\$s');
description = description.replaceAll('\$$parameter', '%$index\$s');
index += 1;
xml.writeln(' <string');
xml.writeln(' name="$name"');
xml.writeln(' description="$description"');
xml.writeln(' >$translation</string>');
} else {
// Generate a string resource element formatted like this:
// <string
// name="dartVariableName"
// description="string description"
// >string translation</string>
final translation = translationFor(resourceId);
xml.writeln(' <string');
xml.writeln(' name="$name"');
xml.writeln(' description="$description"');
xml.writeln(' >$translation</string>');