blob: 20aba0547eabfccc72af343400c25d3bc2271caa [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
// ignore: unused_import
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart' as intl;
import 'gallery_localizations_af.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_af;
import 'gallery_localizations_am.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_am;
import 'gallery_localizations_ar.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ar;
import 'gallery_localizations_as.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_as;
import 'gallery_localizations_az.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_az;
import 'gallery_localizations_be.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_be;
import 'gallery_localizations_bg.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_bg;
import 'gallery_localizations_bn.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_bn;
import 'gallery_localizations_bs.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_bs;
import 'gallery_localizations_ca.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ca;
import 'gallery_localizations_cs.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_cs;
import 'gallery_localizations_da.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_da;
import 'gallery_localizations_de.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_de;
import 'gallery_localizations_el.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_el;
import 'gallery_localizations_en.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_en;
import 'gallery_localizations_es.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_es;
import 'gallery_localizations_et.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_et;
import 'gallery_localizations_eu.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_eu;
import 'gallery_localizations_fa.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_fa;
import 'gallery_localizations_fi.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_fi;
import 'gallery_localizations_fil.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_fil;
import 'gallery_localizations_fr.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_fr;
import 'gallery_localizations_gl.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_gl;
import 'gallery_localizations_gsw.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_gsw;
import 'gallery_localizations_gu.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_gu;
import 'gallery_localizations_he.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_he;
import 'gallery_localizations_hi.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_hi;
import 'gallery_localizations_hr.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_hr;
import 'gallery_localizations_hu.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_hu;
import 'gallery_localizations_hy.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_hy;
import 'gallery_localizations_id.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_id;
import 'gallery_localizations_is.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_is;
import 'gallery_localizations_it.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_it;
import 'gallery_localizations_ja.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ja;
import 'gallery_localizations_ka.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ka;
import 'gallery_localizations_kk.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_kk;
import 'gallery_localizations_km.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_km;
import 'gallery_localizations_kn.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_kn;
import 'gallery_localizations_ko.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ko;
import 'gallery_localizations_ky.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ky;
import 'gallery_localizations_lo.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_lo;
import 'gallery_localizations_lt.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_lt;
import 'gallery_localizations_lv.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_lv;
import 'gallery_localizations_mk.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_mk;
import 'gallery_localizations_ml.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ml;
import 'gallery_localizations_mn.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_mn;
import 'gallery_localizations_mr.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_mr;
import 'gallery_localizations_ms.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ms;
import 'gallery_localizations_my.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_my;
import 'gallery_localizations_nb.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_nb;
import 'gallery_localizations_ne.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ne;
import 'gallery_localizations_nl.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_nl;
import 'gallery_localizations_or.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_or;
import 'gallery_localizations_pa.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_pa;
import 'gallery_localizations_pl.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_pl;
import 'gallery_localizations_pt.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_pt;
import 'gallery_localizations_ro.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ro;
import 'gallery_localizations_ru.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ru;
import 'gallery_localizations_si.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_si;
import 'gallery_localizations_sk.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_sk;
import 'gallery_localizations_sl.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_sl;
import 'gallery_localizations_sq.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_sq;
import 'gallery_localizations_sr.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_sr;
import 'gallery_localizations_sv.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_sv;
import 'gallery_localizations_sw.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_sw;
import 'gallery_localizations_ta.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ta;
import 'gallery_localizations_te.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_te;
import 'gallery_localizations_th.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_th;
import 'gallery_localizations_tl.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_tl;
import 'gallery_localizations_tr.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_tr;
import 'gallery_localizations_uk.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_uk;
import 'gallery_localizations_ur.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_ur;
import 'gallery_localizations_uz.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_uz;
import 'gallery_localizations_vi.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_vi;
import 'gallery_localizations_zh.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_zh;
import 'gallery_localizations_zu.dart' deferred as gallery_localizations_zu;
/// Callers can lookup localized strings with an instance of GalleryLocalizations returned
/// by `GalleryLocalizations.of(context)`.
/// Applications need to include `GalleryLocalizations.delegate()` in their app's
/// localizationDelegates list, and the locales they support in the app's
/// supportedLocales list. For example:
/// ```
/// import 'l10n/gallery_localizations.dart';
/// return MaterialApp(
/// localizationsDelegates: GalleryLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
/// supportedLocales: GalleryLocalizations.supportedLocales,
/// home: MyApplicationHome(),
/// );
/// ```
/// ## Update pubspec.yaml
/// Please make sure to update your pubspec.yaml to include the following
/// packages:
/// ```
/// dependencies:
/// # Internationalization support.
/// flutter_localizations:
/// sdk: flutter
/// intl: 0.16.1
/// # rest of dependencies
/// ```
/// ## iOS Applications
/// iOS applications define key application metadata, including supported
/// locales, in an Info.plist file that is built into the application bundle.
/// To configure the locales supported by your app, you’ll need to edit this
/// file.
/// First, open your project’s ios/Runner.xcworkspace Xcode workspace file.
/// Then, in the Project Navigator, open the Info.plist file under the Runner
/// project’s Runner folder.
/// Next, select the Information Property List item, select Add Item from the
/// Editor menu, then select Localizations from the pop-up menu.
/// Select and expand the newly-created Localizations item then, for each
/// locale your application supports, add a new item and select the locale
/// you wish to add from the pop-up menu in the Value field. This list should
/// be consistent with the languages listed in the GalleryLocalizations.supportedLocales
/// property.
abstract class GalleryLocalizations {
GalleryLocalizations(String locale)
: assert(locale != null),
localeName = intl.Intl.canonicalizedLocale(locale.toString());
// ignore: unused_field
final String localeName;
static GalleryLocalizations of(BuildContext context) {
return Localizations.of<GalleryLocalizations>(
context, GalleryLocalizations);
static const LocalizationsDelegate<GalleryLocalizations> delegate =
/// A list of this localizations delegate along with the default localizations
/// delegates.
/// Returns a list of localizations delegates containing this delegate along with
/// GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegate, GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegate,
/// and GlobalWidgetsLocalizations.delegate.
/// Additional delegates can be added by appending to this list in
/// MaterialApp. This list does not have to be used at all if a custom list
/// of delegates is preferred or required.
static const List<LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>> localizationsDelegates =
/// A list of this localizations delegate's supported locales.
static const List<Locale> supportedLocales = <Locale>[
Locale('ar', 'EG'),
Locale('ar', 'JO'),
Locale('ar', 'MA'),
Locale('ar', 'SA'),
Locale('de', 'AT'),
Locale('de', 'CH'),
Locale('en', 'AU'),
Locale('en', 'CA'),
Locale('en', 'GB'),
Locale('en', 'IE'),
Locale('en', 'IN'),
Locale('en', 'NZ'),
Locale('en', 'SG'),
Locale('en', 'ZA'),
Locale('es', '419'),
Locale('es', 'AR'),
Locale('es', 'BO'),
Locale('es', 'CL'),
Locale('es', 'CO'),
Locale('es', 'CR'),
Locale('es', 'DO'),
Locale('es', 'EC'),
Locale('es', 'GT'),
Locale('es', 'HN'),
Locale('es', 'MX'),
Locale('es', 'NI'),
Locale('es', 'PA'),
Locale('es', 'PE'),
Locale('es', 'PR'),
Locale('es', 'PY'),
Locale('es', 'SV'),
Locale('es', 'US'),
Locale('es', 'UY'),
Locale('es', 'VE'),
Locale('fr', 'CA'),
Locale('fr', 'CH'),
Locale('pt', 'BR'),
Locale('pt', 'PT'),
Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'sr', scriptCode: 'Latn'),
Locale('zh', 'CN'),
Locale('zh', 'HK'),
Locale('zh', 'TW'),
// Represents a link to a GitHub repository.
String githubRepo(Object repoName);
// A description about how to view the source code for this app.
String aboutDialogDescription(Object repoLink);
// Sign in label to sign into website.
String get signIn;
// Password was updated on a different device and the user is required to sign in again
String get bannerDemoText;
// Show the Banner to the user again.
String get bannerDemoResetText;
// When the user clicks this button the Banner will toggle multiple actions or a single action
String get bannerDemoMultipleText;
// If user clicks this button the leading icon in the Banner will disappear
String get bannerDemoLeadingText;
// When text is pressed the banner widget will be removed from the screen.
String get dismiss;
// Semantic label for back button to exit a study and return to the gallery home page.
String get backToGallery;
// The user can tap this button
String get cardsDemoTappable;
// If the user taps and hold this card. The card will toggled between on and off.
String get cardsDemoSelectable;
// Click to see more about the content in the cards demo.
String get cardsDemoExplore;
// Semantics label for Explore. Label tells user to explore the destinationName to the user. Example Explore Tamil
String cardsDemoExploreSemantics(Object destinationName);
// Semantics label for Share. Label tells user to share the destinationName to the user. Example Share Tamil
String cardsDemoShareSemantics(Object destinationName);
// The top 10 cities that you can visit in Tamil Nadu
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationTitle1;
// Number 10
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationDescription1;
// Thanjavur the city
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationCity1;
// Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu is a location
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationLocation1;
// Artist that are from Southern India
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationTitle2;
// Silk Spinners
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationDescription2;
// Chettinad the city
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationCity2;
// Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu is a location
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationLocation2;
// Brihadisvara Temple
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationTitle3;
// Temples
String get cardsDemoTravelDestinationDescription3;
// Header title on home screen for Gallery section.
String get homeHeaderGallery;
// Header title on home screen for Categories section.
String get homeHeaderCategories;
// Study description for Shrine.
String get shrineDescription;
// Study description for Fortnightly.
String get fortnightlyDescription;
// Study description for Rally.
String get rallyDescription;
// Name for account made up by user.
String get rallyAccountDataChecking;
// Name for account made up by user.
String get rallyAccountDataHomeSavings;
// Name for account made up by user.
String get rallyAccountDataCarSavings;
// Name for account made up by user.
String get rallyAccountDataVacation;
// Title for account statistics. Below a percentage such as 0.10% will be displayed.
String get rallyAccountDetailDataAnnualPercentageYield;
// Title for account statistics. Below a dollar amount such as $100 will be displayed.
String get rallyAccountDetailDataInterestRate;
// Title for account statistics. Below a dollar amount such as $100 will be displayed.
String get rallyAccountDetailDataInterestYtd;
// Title for account statistics. Below a dollar amount such as $100 will be displayed.
String get rallyAccountDetailDataInterestPaidLastYear;
// Title for an account detail. Below a date for when the next account statement is released.
String get rallyAccountDetailDataNextStatement;
// Title for an account detail. Below the name of the account owner will be displayed.
String get rallyAccountDetailDataAccountOwner;
// Title for column where it displays the total dollar amount that the user has in bills.
String get rallyBillDetailTotalAmount;
// Title for column where it displays the amount that the user has paid.
String get rallyBillDetailAmountPaid;
// Title for column where it displays the amount that the user has due.
String get rallyBillDetailAmountDue;
// Category for budget, to sort expenses / bills in.
String get rallyBudgetCategoryCoffeeShops;
// Category for budget, to sort expenses / bills in.
String get rallyBudgetCategoryGroceries;
// Category for budget, to sort expenses / bills in.
String get rallyBudgetCategoryRestaurants;
// Category for budget, to sort expenses / bills in.
String get rallyBudgetCategoryClothing;
// Title for column where it displays the total dollar cap that the user has for its budget.
String get rallyBudgetDetailTotalCap;
// Title for column where it displays the dollar amount that the user has used in its budget.
String get rallyBudgetDetailAmountUsed;
// Title for column where it displays the dollar amount that the user has left in its budget.
String get rallyBudgetDetailAmountLeft;
// Link to go to the page 'Manage Accounts.
String get rallySettingsManageAccounts;
// Link to go to the page 'Tax Documents'.
String get rallySettingsTaxDocuments;
// Link to go to the page 'Passcode and Touch ID'.
String get rallySettingsPasscodeAndTouchId;
// Link to go to the page 'Notifications'.
String get rallySettingsNotifications;
// Link to go to the page 'Personal Information'.
String get rallySettingsPersonalInformation;
// Link to go to the page 'Paperless Settings'.
String get rallySettingsPaperlessSettings;
// Link to go to the page 'Find ATMs'.
String get rallySettingsFindAtms;
// Link to go to the page 'Help'.
String get rallySettingsHelp;
// Link to go to the page 'Sign out'.
String get rallySettingsSignOut;
// Title for 'total account value' overview page, a dollar value is displayed next to it.
String get rallyAccountTotal;
// Title for 'bills due' page, a dollar value is displayed next to it.
String get rallyBillsDue;
// Title for 'budget left' page, a dollar value is displayed next to it.
String get rallyBudgetLeft;
// Link text for accounts page.
String get rallyAccounts;
// Link text for bills page.
String get rallyBills;
// Link text for budgets page.
String get rallyBudgets;
// Title for alerts part of overview page.
String get rallyAlerts;
// Link text for button to see all data for category.
String get rallySeeAll;
// Displayed as 'dollar amount left', for example $46.70 LEFT, for a budget category.
String get rallyFinanceLeft;
// The navigation link to the overview page.
String get rallyTitleOverview;
// The navigation link to the accounts page.
String get rallyTitleAccounts;
// The navigation link to the bills page.
String get rallyTitleBills;
// The navigation link to the budgets page.
String get rallyTitleBudgets;
// The navigation link to the settings page.
String get rallyTitleSettings;
// Title for login page for the Rally app (Rally does not need to be translated as it is a product name).
String get rallyLoginLoginToRally;
// Prompt for signing up for an account.
String get rallyLoginNoAccount;
// Button text to sign up for an account.
String get rallyLoginSignUp;
// The username field in an login form.
String get rallyLoginUsername;
// The password field in an login form.
String get rallyLoginPassword;
// The label text to login.
String get rallyLoginLabelLogin;
// Text if the user wants to stay logged in.
String get rallyLoginRememberMe;
// Text for login button.
String get rallyLoginButtonLogin;
// Alert message shown when for example, user has used more than 90% of their shopping budget.
String rallyAlertsMessageHeadsUpShopping(Object percent);
// Alert message shown when for example, user has spent $120 on Restaurants this week.
String rallyAlertsMessageSpentOnRestaurants(Object amount);
// Alert message shown when for example, the user has spent $24 in ATM fees this month.
String rallyAlertsMessageATMFees(Object amount);
// Alert message shown when for example, the checking account is 1% higher than last month.
String rallyAlertsMessageCheckingAccount(Object percent);
// Alert message shown when you have unassigned transactions.
String rallyAlertsMessageUnassignedTransactions(int count);
// Semantics label for button to see all accounts. Accounts refer to bank account here.
String get rallySeeAllAccounts;
// Semantics label for button to see all bills.
String get rallySeeAllBills;
// Semantics label for button to see all budgets.
String get rallySeeAllBudgets;
// Semantics label for row with bank account name (for example checking) and its bank account number (for example 123), with how much money is deposited in it (for example $12).
String rallyAccountAmount(
Object accountName, Object accountNumber, Object amount);
// Semantics label for row with a bill (example name is rent), when the bill is due (1/12/2019 for example) and for how much money ($12).
String rallyBillAmount(Object billName, Object date, Object amount);
// Semantics label for row with a budget (housing budget for example), with how much is used of the budget (for example $5), the total budget (for example $100) and the amount left in the budget (for example $95).
String rallyBudgetAmount(Object budgetName, Object amountUsed,
Object amountTotal, Object amountLeft);
// Study description for Crane.
String get craneDescription;
// Category title on home screen for styles & other demos (for context, the styles demos consist of a color demo and a typography demo).
String get homeCategoryReference;
// Error message when opening the URL for a demo.
String get demoInvalidURL;
// Tooltip for options button in a demo.
String get demoOptionsTooltip;
// Tooltip for info button in a demo.
String get demoInfoTooltip;
// Tooltip for demo code button in a demo.
String get demoCodeTooltip;
// Tooltip for API documentation button in a demo.
String get demoDocumentationTooltip;
// Tooltip for Full Screen button in a demo.
String get demoFullscreenTooltip;
// Caption for a button to copy all text.
String get demoCodeViewerCopyAll;
// A message displayed to the user after clicking the COPY ALL button, if the text is successfully copied to the clipboard.
String get demoCodeViewerCopiedToClipboardMessage;
// A message displayed to the user after clicking the COPY ALL button, if the text CANNOT be copied to the clipboard.
String demoCodeViewerFailedToCopyToClipboardMessage(Object error);
// Title for an alert that explains what the options button does.
String get demoOptionsFeatureTitle;
// Description for an alert that explains what the options button does.
String get demoOptionsFeatureDescription;
// Title for the settings screen.
String get settingsTitle;
// Accessibility label for the settings button when settings are not showing.
String get settingsButtonLabel;
// Accessibility label for the settings button when settings are showing.
String get settingsButtonCloseLabel;
// Option label to indicate the system default will be used.
String get settingsSystemDefault;
// Title for text scaling setting.
String get settingsTextScaling;
// Option label for small text scale setting.
String get settingsTextScalingSmall;
// Option label for normal text scale setting.
String get settingsTextScalingNormal;
// Option label for large text scale setting.
String get settingsTextScalingLarge;
// Option label for huge text scale setting.
String get settingsTextScalingHuge;
// Title for text direction setting.
String get settingsTextDirection;
// Option label for locale-based text direction setting.
String get settingsTextDirectionLocaleBased;
// Option label for left-to-right text direction setting.
String get settingsTextDirectionLTR;
// Option label for right-to-left text direction setting.
String get settingsTextDirectionRTL;
// Title for locale setting.
String get settingsLocale;
// Title for platform mechanics (iOS, Android, macOS, etc.) setting.
String get settingsPlatformMechanics;
// Title for the theme setting.
String get settingsTheme;
// Title for the dark theme setting.
String get settingsDarkTheme;
// Title for the light theme setting.
String get settingsLightTheme;
// Title for slow motion setting.
String get settingsSlowMotion;
// Title for information button.
String get settingsAbout;
// Title for feedback button.
String get settingsFeedback;
// Title for attribution (TOASTER is a proper name and should remain in English).
String get settingsAttribution;
// Title for the material bottom app bar component demo.
String get demoBottomAppBarTitle;
// Subtitle for the material bottom app bar component demo.
String get demoBottomAppBarSubtitle;
// Description for the material bottom app bar component demo.
String get demoBottomAppBarDescription;
// A toggle for whether to have a notch (or cutout) in the bottom app bar demo.
String get bottomAppBarNotch;
// A setting for the position of the floating action button in the bottom app bar demo.
String get bottomAppBarPosition;
// A setting for the position of the floating action button in the bottom app bar that docks the button in the bar and aligns it at the end.
String get bottomAppBarPositionDockedEnd;
// A setting for the position of the floating action button in the bottom app bar that docks the button in the bar and aligns it in the center.
String get bottomAppBarPositionDockedCenter;
// A setting for the position of the floating action button in the bottom app bar that places the button above the bar and aligns it at the end.
String get bottomAppBarPositionFloatingEnd;
// A setting for the position of the floating action button in the bottom app bar that places the button above the bar and aligns it in the center.
String get bottomAppBarPositionFloatingCenter;
// Title for the material banner component demo.
String get demoBannerTitle;
// Subtitle for the material banner component demo.
String get demoBannerSubtitle;
// Description for the material banner component demo.
String get demoBannerDescription;
// Title for the material bottom navigation component demo.
String get demoBottomNavigationTitle;
// Subtitle for the material bottom navigation component demo.
String get demoBottomNavigationSubtitle;
// Option title for bottom navigation with persistent labels.
String get demoBottomNavigationPersistentLabels;
// Option title for bottom navigation with only a selected label.
String get demoBottomNavigationSelectedLabel;
// Description for the material bottom navigation component demo.
String get demoBottomNavigationDescription;
// Title for the material buttons component demo.
String get demoButtonTitle;
// Subtitle for the material buttons component demo.
String get demoButtonSubtitle;
// Title for the flat button component demo.
String get demoFlatButtonTitle;
// Description for the flat button component demo.
String get demoFlatButtonDescription;
// Title for the raised button component demo.
String get demoRaisedButtonTitle;
// Description for the raised button component demo.
String get demoRaisedButtonDescription;
// Title for the outline button component demo.
String get demoOutlineButtonTitle;
// Description for the outline button component demo.
String get demoOutlineButtonDescription;
// Title for the toggle buttons component demo.
String get demoToggleButtonTitle;
// Description for the toggle buttons component demo.
String get demoToggleButtonDescription;
// Title for the floating action button component demo.
String get demoFloatingButtonTitle;
// Description for the floating action button component demo.
String get demoFloatingButtonDescription;
// Title for the material cards component demo.
String get demoCardTitle;
// Subtitle for the material cards component demo.
String get demoCardSubtitle;
// Title for the material chips component demo.
String get demoChipTitle;
// Description for the material cards component demo.
String get demoCardDescription;
// Subtitle for the material chips component demo.
String get demoChipSubtitle;
// Title for the action chip component demo.
String get demoActionChipTitle;
// Description for the action chip component demo.
String get demoActionChipDescription;
// Title for the choice chip component demo.
String get demoChoiceChipTitle;
// Description for the choice chip component demo.
String get demoChoiceChipDescription;
// Title for the filter chip component demo.
String get demoFilterChipTitle;
// Description for the filter chip component demo.
String get demoFilterChipDescription;
// Title for the input chip component demo.
String get demoInputChipTitle;
// Description for the input chip component demo.
String get demoInputChipDescription;
// Title for the material data table component demo.
String get demoDataTableTitle;
// Subtitle for the material data table component demo.
String get demoDataTableSubtitle;
// Description for the material data table component demo.
String get demoDataTableDescription;
// Header for the data table component demo about nutrition.
String get dataTableHeader;
// Column header for desserts.
String get dataTableColumnDessert;
// Column header for number of calories.
String get dataTableColumnCalories;
// Column header for number of grams of fat.
String get dataTableColumnFat;
// Column header for number of grams of carbs.
String get dataTableColumnCarbs;
// Column header for number of grams of protein.
String get dataTableColumnProtein;
// Column header for number of milligrams of sodium.
String get dataTableColumnSodium;
// Column header for daily percentage of calcium.
String get dataTableColumnCalcium;
// Column header for daily percentage of iron.
String get dataTableColumnIron;
// Column row for frozen yogurt.
String get dataTableRowFrozenYogurt;
// Column row for Ice cream sandwich.
String get dataTableRowIceCreamSandwich;
// Column row for Eclair.
String get dataTableRowEclair;
// Column row for Cupcake.
String get dataTableRowCupcake;
// Column row for Gingerbread.
String get dataTableRowGingerbread;
// Column row for Jelly bean.
String get dataTableRowJellyBean;
// Column row for Lollipop.
String get dataTableRowLollipop;
// Column row for Honeycomb.
String get dataTableRowHoneycomb;
// Column row for Donut.
String get dataTableRowDonut;
// Column row for Apple pie.
String get dataTableRowApplePie;
// A dessert with sugar on it. The parameter is some type of dessert.
String dataTableRowWithSugar(Object value);
// A dessert with honey on it. The parameter is some type of dessert.
String dataTableRowWithHoney(Object value);
// Title for the material dialog component demo.
String get demoDialogTitle;
// Subtitle for the material dialog component demo.
String get demoDialogSubtitle;
// Title for the alert dialog component demo.
String get demoAlertDialogTitle;
// Description for the alert dialog component demo.
String get demoAlertDialogDescription;
// Title for the alert dialog with title component demo.
String get demoAlertTitleDialogTitle;
// Title for the simple dialog component demo.
String get demoSimpleDialogTitle;
// Description for the simple dialog component demo.
String get demoSimpleDialogDescription;
// Title for the grid lists component demo.
String get demoGridListsTitle;
// Subtitle for the grid lists component demo.
String get demoGridListsSubtitle;
// Description for the grid lists component demo.
String get demoGridListsDescription;
// Title for the grid lists image-only component demo.
String get demoGridListsImageOnlyTitle;
// Title for the grid lists component demo with headers on each tile.
String get demoGridListsHeaderTitle;
// Title for the grid lists component demo with footers on each tile.
String get demoGridListsFooterTitle;
// Title for the sliders component demo.
String get demoSlidersTitle;
// Short description for the sliders component demo.
String get demoSlidersSubtitle;
// Description for the sliders demo.
String get demoSlidersDescription;
// Title for the range sliders component demo.
String get demoRangeSlidersTitle;
// Description for the range sliders demo.
String get demoRangeSlidersDescription;
// Title for the custom sliders component demo.
String get demoCustomSlidersTitle;
// Description for the custom sliders demo.
String get demoCustomSlidersDescription;
// Text to describe a slider has a continuous value with an editable numerical value.
String get demoSlidersContinuousWithEditableNumericalValue;
// Text to describe that we have a slider with discrete values.
String get demoSlidersDiscrete;
// Text to describe that we have a slider with discrete values and a custom theme.
String get demoSlidersDiscreteSliderWithCustomTheme;
// Text to describe that we have a range slider with continuous values and a custom theme.
String get demoSlidersContinuousRangeSliderWithCustomTheme;
// Text to describe that we have a slider with continuous values.
String get demoSlidersContinuous;
// Label for input field that has an editable numerical value.
String get demoSlidersEditableNumericalValue;
// Title for the menu component demo.
String get demoMenuTitle;
// Title for the context menu component demo.
String get demoContextMenuTitle;
// Title for the sectioned menu component demo.
String get demoSectionedMenuTitle;
// Title for the simple menu component demo.
String get demoSimpleMenuTitle;
// Title for the checklist menu component demo.
String get demoChecklistMenuTitle;
// Short description for the menu component demo.
String get demoMenuSubtitle;
// Description for the menu demo.
String get demoMenuDescription;
// The first item in a menu.
String get demoMenuItemValueOne;
// The second item in a menu.
String get demoMenuItemValueTwo;
// The third item in a menu.
String get demoMenuItemValueThree;
// The number one.
String get demoMenuOne;
// The number two.
String get demoMenuTwo;
// The number three.
String get demoMenuThree;
// The number four.
String get demoMenuFour;
// Label next to a button that opens a menu. A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuAnItemWithAContextMenuButton;
// Text label for a context menu item. A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuContextMenuItemOne;
// Text label for a disabled menu item. A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuADisabledMenuItem;
// Text label for a context menu item three. A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuContextMenuItemThree;
// Label next to a button that opens a sectioned menu . A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuAnItemWithASectionedMenu;
// Button to preview content.
String get demoMenuPreview;
// Button to share content.
String get demoMenuShare;
// Button to get link for content.
String get demoMenuGetLink;
// Button to remove content.
String get demoMenuRemove;
// A text to show what value was selected.
String demoMenuSelected(Object value);
// A text to show what value was checked.
String demoMenuChecked(Object value);
// Label next to a button that opens a simple menu. A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuAnItemWithASimpleMenu;
// Label next to a button that opens a checklist menu. A menu displays a list of choices on a temporary surface. Used as an example in a demo.
String get demoMenuAnItemWithAChecklistMenu;
// Title for the fullscreen dialog component demo.
String get demoFullscreenDialogTitle;
// Description for the fullscreen dialog component demo.
String get demoFullscreenDialogDescription;
// Title for the cupertino activity indicator component demo.
String get demoCupertinoActivityIndicatorTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino activity indicator component demo.
String get demoCupertinoActivityIndicatorSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino activity indicator component demo.
String get demoCupertinoActivityIndicatorDescription;
// Title for the cupertino buttons component demo.
String get demoCupertinoButtonsTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino buttons component demo.
String get demoCupertinoButtonsSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino buttons component demo.
String get demoCupertinoButtonsDescription;
// Title for the cupertino alerts component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertsTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino alerts component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertsSubtitle;
// Title for the cupertino alert component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertTitle;
// Description for the cupertino alert component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertDescription;
// Title for the cupertino alert with title component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertWithTitleTitle;
// Title for the cupertino alert with buttons component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertButtonsTitle;
// Title for the cupertino alert buttons only component demo.
String get demoCupertinoAlertButtonsOnlyTitle;
// Title for the cupertino action sheet component demo.
String get demoCupertinoActionSheetTitle;
// Description for the cupertino action sheet component demo.
String get demoCupertinoActionSheetDescription;
// Title for the cupertino navigation bar component demo.
String get demoCupertinoNavigationBarTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino navigation bar component demo.
String get demoCupertinoNavigationBarSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino navigation bar component demo.
String get demoCupertinoNavigationBarDescription;
// Title for the cupertino date and time pickers component demo.
String get demoCupertinoPickerTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino pickers component demo.
String get demoCupertinoPickerSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino pickers component demo.
String get demoCupertinoPickerDescription;
// Label to open a countdown timer picker.
String get demoCupertinoPickerTimer;
// Label to open a date picker.
String get demoCupertinoPickerDate;
// Label to open a time picker.
String get demoCupertinoPickerTime;
// Label to open a date and time picker.
String get demoCupertinoPickerDateTime;
// Title for the cupertino pull-to-refresh component demo.
String get demoCupertinoPullToRefreshTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino pull-to-refresh component demo.
String get demoCupertinoPullToRefreshSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino pull-to-refresh component demo.
String get demoCupertinoPullToRefreshDescription;
// Title for the cupertino segmented control component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSegmentedControlTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino segmented control component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSegmentedControlSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino segmented control component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSegmentedControlDescription;
// Title for the cupertino slider component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSliderTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino slider component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSliderSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino slider component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSliderDescription;
// A label for a continuous slider that indicates what value it is set to.
String demoCupertinoSliderContinuous(Object value);
// A label for a discrete slider that indicates what value it is set to.
String demoCupertinoSliderDiscrete(Object value);
// Subtitle for the cupertino switch component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSwitchSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino switch component demo.
String get demoCupertinoSwitchDescription;
// Title for the cupertino bottom tab bar demo.
String get demoCupertinoTabBarTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino bottom tab bar demo.
String get demoCupertinoTabBarSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino bottom tab bar demo.
String get demoCupertinoTabBarDescription;
// Title for the home tab in the bottom tab bar demo.
String get cupertinoTabBarHomeTab;
// Title for the chat tab in the bottom tab bar demo.
String get cupertinoTabBarChatTab;
// Title for the profile tab in the bottom tab bar demo.
String get cupertinoTabBarProfileTab;
// Title for the cupertino text field demo.
String get demoCupertinoTextFieldTitle;
// Subtitle for the cupertino text field demo.
String get demoCupertinoTextFieldSubtitle;
// Description for the cupertino text field demo.
String get demoCupertinoTextFieldDescription;
// The placeholder for a text field where a user would enter their PIN number.
String get demoCupertinoTextFieldPIN;
// Title for the colors demo.
String get demoColorsTitle;
// Subtitle for the colors demo.
String get demoColorsSubtitle;
// Description for the colors demo. Material Design should remain capitalized.
String get demoColorsDescription;
// Title for the typography demo.
String get demoTypographyTitle;
// Subtitle for the typography demo.
String get demoTypographySubtitle;
// Description for the typography demo. Material Design should remain capitalized.
String get demoTypographyDescription;
// Title for the 2D transformations demo.
String get demo2dTransformationsTitle;
// Subtitle for the 2D transformations demo.
String get demo2dTransformationsSubtitle;
// Description for the 2D transformations demo.
String get demo2dTransformationsDescription;
// Tooltip for a button to reset the transformations (scale, translation) for the 2D transformations demo.
String get demo2dTransformationsResetTooltip;
// Tooltip for a button to edit a tile.
String get demo2dTransformationsEditTooltip;
// Text for a generic button.
String get buttonText;
// Title for bottom sheet demo.
String get demoBottomSheetTitle;
// Description for bottom sheet demo.
String get demoBottomSheetSubtitle;
// Title for persistent bottom sheet demo.
String get demoBottomSheetPersistentTitle;
// Description for persistent bottom sheet demo.
String get demoBottomSheetPersistentDescription;
// Title for modal bottom sheet demo.
String get demoBottomSheetModalTitle;
// Description for modal bottom sheet demo.
String get demoBottomSheetModalDescription;
// Semantic label for add icon.
String get demoBottomSheetAddLabel;
// Button text to show bottom sheet.
String get demoBottomSheetButtonText;
// Generic header placeholder.
String get demoBottomSheetHeader;
// Generic item placeholder.
String demoBottomSheetItem(Object value);
// Title for lists demo.
String get demoListsTitle;
// Subtitle for lists demo.
String get demoListsSubtitle;
// Description for lists demo. This describes what a single row in a list consists of.
String get demoListsDescription;
// Title for lists demo with only one line of text per row.
String get demoOneLineListsTitle;
// Title for lists demo with two lines of text per row.
String get demoTwoLineListsTitle;
// Text that appears in the second line of a list item.
String get demoListsSecondary;
// Title for progress indicators demo.
String get demoProgressIndicatorTitle;
// Subtitle for progress indicators demo.
String get demoProgressIndicatorSubtitle;
// Title for circular progress indicator demo.
String get demoCircularProgressIndicatorTitle;
// Description for circular progress indicator demo.
String get demoCircularProgressIndicatorDescription;
// Title for linear progress indicator demo.
String get demoLinearProgressIndicatorTitle;
// Description for linear progress indicator demo.
String get demoLinearProgressIndicatorDescription;
// Title for pickers demo.
String get demoPickersTitle;
// Subtitle for pickers demo.
String get demoPickersSubtitle;
// Title for date picker demo.
String get demoDatePickerTitle;
// Description for date picker demo.
String get demoDatePickerDescription;
// Title for time picker demo.
String get demoTimePickerTitle;
// Description for time picker demo.
String get demoTimePickerDescription;
// Button text to show the date or time picker in the demo.
String get demoPickersShowPicker;
// Title for tabs demo.
String get demoTabsTitle;
// Title for tabs demo with a tab bar that scrolls.
String get demoTabsScrollingTitle;
// Title for tabs demo with a tab bar that doesn't scroll.
String get demoTabsNonScrollingTitle;
// Subtitle for tabs demo.
String get demoTabsSubtitle;
// Description for tabs demo.
String get demoTabsDescription;
// Title for snackbars demo.
String get demoSnackbarsTitle;
// Subtitle for snackbars demo.
String get demoSnackbarsSubtitle;
// Description for snackbars demo.
String get demoSnackbarsDescription;
// Label for button to show a snackbar.
String get demoSnackbarsButtonLabel;
// Text to show on a snackbar.
String get demoSnackbarsText;
// Label for action button text on the snackbar.
String get demoSnackbarsActionButtonLabel;
// Text that appears when you press on a snackbars’ action.
String get demoSnackbarsAction;
// Title for selection controls demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsTitle;
// Subtitle for selection controls demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsSubtitle;
// Title for the checkbox (selection controls) demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsCheckboxTitle;
// Description for the checkbox (selection controls) demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsCheckboxDescription;
// Title for the radio button (selection controls) demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsRadioTitle;
// Description for the radio button (selection controls) demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsRadioDescription;
// Title for the switches (selection controls) demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsSwitchTitle;
// Description for the switches (selection controls) demo.
String get demoSelectionControlsSwitchDescription;
// Title for text fields demo.
String get demoBottomTextFieldsTitle;
// Title for text fields demo.
String get demoTextFieldTitle;
// Description for text fields demo.
String get demoTextFieldSubtitle;
// Description for text fields demo.
String get demoTextFieldDescription;
// Label for show password icon.
String get demoTextFieldShowPasswordLabel;
// Label for hide password icon.
String get demoTextFieldHidePasswordLabel;
// Text that shows up on form errors.
String get demoTextFieldFormErrors;
// Shows up as submission error if name is not given in the form.
String get demoTextFieldNameRequired;
// Error that shows if non-alphabetical characters are given.
String get demoTextFieldOnlyAlphabeticalChars;
// Error that shows up if non-valid non-US phone number is given.
String get demoTextFieldEnterUSPhoneNumber;
// Error that shows up if password is not given.
String get demoTextFieldEnterPassword;
// Error that shows up, if the re-typed password does not match the already given password.
String get demoTextFieldPasswordsDoNotMatch;
// Placeholder for name field in form.
String get demoTextFieldWhatDoPeopleCallYou;
// The label for a name input field that is required (hence the star).
String get demoTextFieldNameField;
// Placeholder for when entering a phone number in a form.
String get demoTextFieldWhereCanWeReachYou;
// The label for a phone number input field that is required (hence the star).
String get demoTextFieldPhoneNumber;
// The label for an email address input field.
String get demoTextFieldYourEmailAddress;
// The label for an email address input field
String get demoTextFieldEmail;
// The placeholder text for biography/life story input field.
String get demoTextFieldTellUsAboutYourself;
// Helper text for biography/life story input field.
String get demoTextFieldKeepItShort;
// The label for for biography/life story input field.
String get demoTextFieldLifeStory;
// The label for salary input field.
String get demoTextFieldSalary;
// US currency, used as suffix in input field for salary.
String get demoTextFieldUSD;
// Helper text for password input field.
String get demoTextFieldNoMoreThan;
// Label for password input field, that is required (hence the star).
String get demoTextFieldPassword;
// Label for repeat password input field.
String get demoTextFieldRetypePassword;
// The submit button text for form.
String get demoTextFieldSubmit;
// Text that shows up when valid phone number and name is submitted in form.
String demoTextFieldNameHasPhoneNumber(Object name, Object phoneNumber);
// Helper text to indicate that * means that it is a required field.
String get demoTextFieldRequiredField;
// Title for tooltip demo.
String get demoTooltipTitle;
// Subtitle for tooltip demo.
String get demoTooltipSubtitle;
// Description for tooltip demo.
String get demoTooltipDescription;
// Instructions for how to trigger a tooltip in the tooltip demo.
String get demoTooltipInstructions;
// Title for Comments tab of bottom navigation.
String get bottomNavigationCommentsTab;
// Title for Calendar tab of bottom navigation.
String get bottomNavigationCalendarTab;
// Title for Account tab of bottom navigation.
String get bottomNavigationAccountTab;
// Title for Alarm tab of bottom navigation.
String get bottomNavigationAlarmTab;
// Title for Camera tab of bottom navigation.
String get bottomNavigationCameraTab;
// Accessibility label for the content placeholder in the bottom navigation demo
String bottomNavigationContentPlaceholder(Object title);
// Tooltip text for a create button.
String get buttonTextCreate;
// Message displayed after an option is selected from a dialog
String dialogSelectedOption(Object value);
// A chip component to turn on the lights.
String get chipTurnOnLights;
// A chip component to select a small size.
String get chipSmall;
// A chip component to select a medium size.
String get chipMedium;
// A chip component to select a large size.
String get chipLarge;
// A chip component to filter selection by elevators.
String get chipElevator;
// A chip component to filter selection by washers.
String get chipWasher;
// A chip component to filter selection by fireplaces.
String get chipFireplace;
// A chip component to that indicates a biking selection.
String get chipBiking;
// Alert dialog message to discard draft.
String get dialogDiscardTitle;
// Alert dialog title to use location services.
String get dialogLocationTitle;
// Alert dialog description to use location services.
String get dialogLocationDescription;
// Alert dialog cancel option.
String get dialogCancel;
// Alert dialog discard option.
String get dialogDiscard;
// Alert dialog disagree option.
String get dialogDisagree;
// Alert dialog agree option.
String get dialogAgree;
// Alert dialog title for setting a backup account.
String get dialogSetBackup;
// Alert dialog option for adding an account.
String get dialogAddAccount;
// Button text to display a dialog.
String get dialogShow;
// Title for full screen dialog demo.
String get dialogFullscreenTitle;
// Save button for full screen dialog demo.
String get dialogFullscreenSave;
// Description for full screen dialog demo.
String get dialogFullscreenDescription;
// Button text for a generic iOS-style button.
String get cupertinoButton;
// Button text for a iOS-style button with a filled background.
String get cupertinoButtonWithBackground;
// iOS-style alert cancel option.
String get cupertinoAlertCancel;
// iOS-style alert discard option.
String get cupertinoAlertDiscard;
// iOS-style alert title for location permission.
String get cupertinoAlertLocationTitle;
// iOS-style alert description for location permission.
String get cupertinoAlertLocationDescription;
// iOS-style alert allow option.
String get cupertinoAlertAllow;
// iOS-style alert don't allow option.
String get cupertinoAlertDontAllow;
// iOS-style alert title for selecting favorite dessert.
String get cupertinoAlertFavoriteDessert;
// iOS-style alert description for selecting favorite dessert.
String get cupertinoAlertDessertDescription;
// iOS-style alert cheesecake option.
String get cupertinoAlertCheesecake;
// iOS-style alert tiramisu option.
String get cupertinoAlertTiramisu;
// iOS-style alert apple pie option.
String get cupertinoAlertApplePie;
// iOS-style alert chocolate brownie option.
String get cupertinoAlertChocolateBrownie;
// Button text to show iOS-style alert.
String get cupertinoShowAlert;
// Tab title for the color red.
String get colorsRed;
// Tab title for the color pink.
String get colorsPink;
// Tab title for the color purple.
String get colorsPurple;
// Tab title for the color deep purple.
String get colorsDeepPurple;
// Tab title for the color indigo.
String get colorsIndigo;
// Tab title for the color blue.
String get colorsBlue;
// Tab title for the color light blue.
String get colorsLightBlue;
// Tab title for the color cyan.
String get colorsCyan;
// Tab title for the color teal.
String get colorsTeal;
// Tab title for the color green.
String get colorsGreen;
// Tab title for the color light green.
String get colorsLightGreen;
// Tab title for the color lime.
String get colorsLime;
// Tab title for the color yellow.
String get colorsYellow;
// Tab title for the color amber.
String get colorsAmber;
// Tab title for the color orange.
String get colorsOrange;
// Tab title for the color deep orange.
String get colorsDeepOrange;
// Tab title for the color brown.
String get colorsBrown;
// Tab title for the color grey.
String get colorsGrey;
// Tab title for the color blue grey.
String get colorsBlueGrey;
// Title for Chennai location.
String get placeChennai;
// Title for Tanjore location.
String get placeTanjore;
// Title for Chettinad location.
String get placeChettinad;
// Title for Pondicherry location.
String get placePondicherry;
// Title for Flower Market location.
String get placeFlowerMarket;
// Title for Bronze Works location.
String get placeBronzeWorks;
// Title for Market location.
String get placeMarket;
// Title for Thanjavur Temple location.
String get placeThanjavurTemple;
// Title for Salt Farm location.
String get placeSaltFarm;
// Title for image of people riding on scooters.
String get placeScooters;
// Title for an image of a silk maker.
String get placeSilkMaker;
// Title for an image of preparing lunch.
String get placeLunchPrep;
// Title for Beach location.
String get placeBeach;
// Title for an image of a fisherman.
String get placeFisherman;
// The title and name for the starter app.
String get starterAppTitle;
// The description for the starter app.
String get starterAppDescription;
// Generic placeholder for button.
String get starterAppGenericButton;
// Tooltip on add icon.
String get starterAppTooltipAdd;
// Tooltip on favorite icon.
String get starterAppTooltipFavorite;
// Tooltip on share icon.
String get starterAppTooltipShare;
// Tooltip on search icon.
String get starterAppTooltipSearch;
// Generic placeholder for title in app bar.
String get starterAppGenericTitle;
// Generic placeholder for subtitle in drawer.
String get starterAppGenericSubtitle;
// Generic placeholder for headline in drawer.
String get starterAppGenericHeadline;
// Generic placeholder for body text in drawer.
String get starterAppGenericBody;
// Generic placeholder drawer item.
String starterAppDrawerItem(Object value);
// Caption for a menu page.
String get shrineMenuCaption;
// A tab showing products from all categories.
String get shrineCategoryNameAll;
// A category of products consisting of accessories (clothing items).
String get shrineCategoryNameAccessories;
// A category of products consisting of clothing.
String get shrineCategoryNameClothing;
// A category of products consisting of items used at home.
String get shrineCategoryNameHome;
// Label for a logout button.
String get shrineLogoutButtonCaption;
// On the login screen, a label for a textfield for the user to input their username.
String get shrineLoginUsernameLabel;
// On the login screen, a label for a textfield for the user to input their password.
String get shrineLoginPasswordLabel;
// On the login screen, the caption for a button to cancel login.
String get shrineCancelButtonCaption;
// On the login screen, the caption for a button to proceed login.
String get shrineNextButtonCaption;
// Caption for a shopping cart page.
String get shrineCartPageCaption;
// A text showing the number of items for a specific product.
String shrineProductQuantity(Object quantity);
// A text showing the unit price of each product. Used as: 'Quantity: 3 x $129'. The currency will be handled by the formatter.
String shrineProductPrice(Object price);
// A text showing the total number of items in the cart.
String shrineCartItemCount(int quantity);
// Caption for a button used to clear the cart.
String get shrineCartClearButtonCaption;
// Label for a text showing total price of the items in the cart.
String get shrineCartTotalCaption;
// Label for a text showing the subtotal price of the items in the cart (excluding shipping and tax).
String get shrineCartSubtotalCaption;
// Label for a text showing the shipping cost for the items in the cart.
String get shrineCartShippingCaption;
// Label for a text showing the tax for the items in the cart.
String get shrineCartTaxCaption;
// Name of the product 'Vagabond sack'.
String get shrineProductVagabondSack;
// Name of the product 'Stella sunglasses'.
String get shrineProductStellaSunglasses;
// Name of the product 'Whitney belt'.
String get shrineProductWhitneyBelt;
// Name of the product 'Garden strand'.
String get shrineProductGardenStrand;
// Name of the product 'Strut earrings'.
String get shrineProductStrutEarrings;
// Name of the product 'Varsity socks'.
String get shrineProductVarsitySocks;
// Name of the product 'Weave keyring'.
String get shrineProductWeaveKeyring;
// Name of the product 'Gatsby hat'.
String get shrineProductGatsbyHat;
// Name of the product 'Shrug bag'.
String get shrineProductShrugBag;
// Name of the product 'Gilt desk trio'.
String get shrineProductGiltDeskTrio;
// Name of the product 'Copper wire rack'.
String get shrineProductCopperWireRack;
// Name of the product 'Soothe ceramic set'.
String get shrineProductSootheCeramicSet;
// Name of the product 'Hurrahs tea set'.
String get shrineProductHurrahsTeaSet;
// Name of the product 'Blue stone mug'.
String get shrineProductBlueStoneMug;
// Name of the product 'Rainwater tray'.
String get shrineProductRainwaterTray;
// Name of the product 'Chambray napkins'.
String get shrineProductChambrayNapkins;
// Name of the product 'Succulent planters'.
String get shrineProductSucculentPlanters;
// Name of the product 'Quartet table'.
String get shrineProductQuartetTable;
// Name of the product 'Kitchen quattro'.
String get shrineProductKitchenQuattro;
// Name of the product 'Clay sweater'.
String get shrineProductClaySweater;
// Name of the product 'Sea tunic'.
String get shrineProductSeaTunic;
// Name of the product 'Plaster tunic'.
String get shrineProductPlasterTunic;
// Name of the product 'White pinstripe shirt'.
String get shrineProductWhitePinstripeShirt;
// Name of the product 'Chambray shirt'.
String get shrineProductChambrayShirt;
// Name of the product 'Seabreeze sweater'.
String get shrineProductSeabreezeSweater;
// Name of the product 'Gentry jacket'.
String get shrineProductGentryJacket;
// Name of the product 'Navy trousers'.
String get shrineProductNavyTrousers;
// Name of the product 'Walter henley (white)'.
String get shrineProductWalterHenleyWhite;
// Name of the product 'Surf and perf shirt'.
String get shrineProductSurfAndPerfShirt;
// Name of the product 'Ginger scarf'.
String get shrineProductGingerScarf;
// Name of the product 'Ramona crossover'.
String get shrineProductRamonaCrossover;
// Name of the product 'Classic white collar'.
String get shrineProductClassicWhiteCollar;
// Name of the product 'Cerise scallop tee'.
String get shrineProductCeriseScallopTee;
// Name of the product 'Shoulder rolls tee'.
String get shrineProductShoulderRollsTee;
// Name of the product 'Grey slouch tank'.
String get shrineProductGreySlouchTank;
// Name of the product 'Sunshirt dress'.
String get shrineProductSunshirtDress;
// Name of the product 'Fine lines tee'.
String get shrineProductFineLinesTee;
// The tooltip text for a search button. Also used as a semantic label, used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String get shrineTooltipSearch;
// The tooltip text for a settings button. Also used as a semantic label, used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String get shrineTooltipSettings;
// The tooltip text for a menu button. Also used as a semantic label, used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String get shrineTooltipOpenMenu;
// The tooltip text for a button to close a menu. Also used as a semantic label, used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String get shrineTooltipCloseMenu;
// The tooltip text for a button to close the shopping cart page. Also used as a semantic label, used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String get shrineTooltipCloseCart;
// The description of a shopping cart button containing some products. Used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String shrineScreenReaderCart(int quantity);
// An announcement made by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver to indicate the action of a button for adding a product to the cart.
String get shrineScreenReaderProductAddToCart;
// A tooltip for a button to remove a product. This will be read by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver when a product is added to the shopping cart.
String shrineScreenReaderRemoveProductButton(Object product);
// The tooltip text for a button to remove an item (a product) in a shopping cart. Also used as a semantic label, used by screen readers, such as TalkBack and VoiceOver.
String get shrineTooltipRemoveItem;
// Form field label to enter the number of diners.
String get craneFormDiners;
// Form field label to select a date.
String get craneFormDate;
// Form field label to select a time.
String get craneFormTime;
// Form field label to select a location.
String get craneFormLocation;
// Form field label to select the number of travellers.
String get craneFormTravelers;
// Form field label to choose a travel origin.
String get craneFormOrigin;
// Form field label to choose a travel destination.
String get craneFormDestination;
// Form field label to select multiple dates.
String get craneFormDates;
// Generic text for an amount of hours, abbreviated to the shortest form. For example 1h. {hours} should remain untranslated.
String craneHours(int hours);
// Generic text for an amount of minutes, abbreviated to the shortest form. For example 15m. {minutes} should remain untranslated.
String craneMinutes(int minutes);
// A pattern to define the layout of a flight duration string. For example in English one might say 1h 15m. Translation should only rearrange the inputs. {hoursShortForm} would for example be replaced by 1h, already translated to the given locale. {minutesShortForm} would for example be replaced by 15m, already translated to the given locale.
String craneFlightDuration(Object hoursShortForm, Object minutesShortForm);
// Title for FLY tab.
String get craneFly;
// Title for SLEEP tab.
String get craneSleep;
// Title for EAT tab.
String get craneEat;
// Subhead for FLY tab.
String get craneFlySubhead;
// Subhead for SLEEP tab.
String get craneSleepSubhead;
// Subhead for EAT tab.
String get craneEatSubhead;
// Label indicating if a flight is nonstop or how many layovers it includes.
String craneFlyStops(int numberOfStops);
// Text indicating the number of available properties (temporary rentals). Always plural.
String craneSleepProperties(int totalProperties);
// Text indicating the number of restaurants. Always plural.
String craneEatRestaurants(int totalRestaurants);
// Label for city.
String get craneFly0;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly1;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly2;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly3;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly4;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly5;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly6;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly7;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly8;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly9;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly10;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly11;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly12;
// Label for city.
String get craneFly13;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep0;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep1;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep2;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep3;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep4;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep5;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep6;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep7;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep8;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep9;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep10;
// Label for city.
String get craneSleep11;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat0;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat1;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat2;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat3;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat4;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat5;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat6;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat7;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat8;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat9;
// Label for city.
String get craneEat10;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly0SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly1SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly2SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly3SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly4SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly5SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly6SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly7SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly8SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly9SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly10SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly11SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly12SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneFly13SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep0SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep1SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep2SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep3SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep4SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep5SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep6SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep7SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep8SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep9SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep10SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneSleep11SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat0SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat1SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat2SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat3SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat4SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat5SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat6SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat7SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat8SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat9SemanticLabel;
// Semantic label for an image.
String get craneEat10SemanticLabel;
// Menu item for the front page of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuFrontPage;
// Menu item for the world news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuWorld;
// Menu item for the United States news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuUS;
// Menu item for the political news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuPolitics;
// Menu item for the business news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuBusiness;
// Menu item for the tech news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuTech;
// Menu item for the science news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuScience;
// Menu item for the sports news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuSports;
// Menu item for the travel news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuTravel;
// Menu item for the culture news section of the news app.
String get fortnightlyMenuCulture;
// Hashtag for the tech design trending topic of the news app.
String get fortnightlyTrendingTechDesign;
// Hashtag for the reform trending topic of the news app.
String get fortnightlyTrendingReform;
// Hashtag for the healthcare revolution trending topic of the news app.
String get fortnightlyTrendingHealthcareRevolution;
// Hashtag for the green army trending topic of the news app.
String get fortnightlyTrendingGreenArmy;
// Hashtag for the stocks trending topic of the news app.
String get fortnightlyTrendingStocks;
// Title for news section regarding the latest updates.
String get fortnightlyLatestUpdates;
// Headline for a news article about healthcare.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineHealthcare;
// Headline for a news article about war.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineWar;
// Headline for a news article about gasoline.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineGasoline;
// Headline for a news article about the green army.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineArmy;
// Headline for a news article about stocks.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineStocks;
// Headline for a news article about fabric.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineFabrics;
// Headline for a news article about feminists and partisanship.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineFeminists;
// Headline for a news article about bees.
String get fortnightlyHeadlineBees;
class _GalleryLocalizationsDelegate
extends LocalizationsDelegate<GalleryLocalizations> {
const _GalleryLocalizationsDelegate();
Future<GalleryLocalizations> load(Locale locale) {
return _lookupGalleryLocalizations(locale);
bool isSupported(Locale locale) => <String>[
bool shouldReload(_GalleryLocalizationsDelegate old) => false;
/// Lazy load the library for web, on other platforms we return the
/// localizations synchronously.
Future<GalleryLocalizations> _loadLibraryForWeb(
Future<dynamic> Function() loadLibrary,
GalleryLocalizations Function() localizationClosure,
) {
if (kIsWeb) {
return loadLibrary().then((dynamic _) => localizationClosure());
} else {
return SynchronousFuture<GalleryLocalizations>(localizationClosure());
Future<GalleryLocalizations> _lookupGalleryLocalizations(Locale locale) {
// Lookup logic when language+script codes are specified.
switch (locale.languageCode) {
case 'sr':
switch (locale.scriptCode) {
case 'Latn':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sr.GalleryLocalizationsSrLatn());
// Lookup logic when language+country codes are specified.
switch (locale.languageCode) {
case 'ar':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case 'EG':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ar.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ar.GalleryLocalizationsArEg());
case 'JO':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ar.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ar.GalleryLocalizationsArJo());
case 'MA':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ar.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ar.GalleryLocalizationsArMa());
case 'SA':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ar.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ar.GalleryLocalizationsArSa());
case 'de':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case 'AT':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_de.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_de.GalleryLocalizationsDeAt());
case 'CH':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_de.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_de.GalleryLocalizationsDeCh());
case 'en':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case 'AU':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnAu());
case 'CA':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnCa());
case 'GB':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnGb());
case 'IE':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnIe());
case 'IN':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnIn());
case 'NZ':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnNz());
case 'SG':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnSg());
case 'ZA':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEnZa());
case 'es':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case '419':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEs419());
case 'AR':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsAr());
case 'BO':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsBo());
case 'CL':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsCl());
case 'CO':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsCo());
case 'CR':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsCr());
case 'DO':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsDo());
case 'EC':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsEc());
case 'GT':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsGt());
case 'HN':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsHn());
case 'MX':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsMx());
case 'NI':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsNi());
case 'PA':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsPa());
case 'PE':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsPe());
case 'PR':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsPr());
case 'PY':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsPy());
case 'SV':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsSv());
case 'US':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsUs());
case 'UY':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsUy());
case 'VE':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEsVe());
case 'fr':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case 'CA':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_fr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_fr.GalleryLocalizationsFrCa());
case 'CH':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_fr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_fr.GalleryLocalizationsFrCh());
case 'pt':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case 'BR':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_pt.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_pt.GalleryLocalizationsPtBr());
case 'PT':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_pt.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_pt.GalleryLocalizationsPtPt());
case 'zh':
switch (locale.countryCode) {
case 'CN':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_zh.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_zh.GalleryLocalizationsZhCn());
case 'HK':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_zh.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_zh.GalleryLocalizationsZhHk());
case 'TW':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_zh.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_zh.GalleryLocalizationsZhTw());
// Lookup logic when only language code is specified.
switch (locale.languageCode) {
case 'af':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_af.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_af.GalleryLocalizationsAf());
case 'am':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_am.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_am.GalleryLocalizationsAm());
case 'ar':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ar.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ar.GalleryLocalizationsAr());
case 'as':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_as.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_as.GalleryLocalizationsAs());
case 'az':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_az.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_az.GalleryLocalizationsAz());
case 'be':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_be.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_be.GalleryLocalizationsBe());
case 'bg':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_bg.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_bg.GalleryLocalizationsBg());
case 'bn':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_bn.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_bn.GalleryLocalizationsBn());
case 'bs':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_bs.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_bs.GalleryLocalizationsBs());
case 'ca':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ca.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ca.GalleryLocalizationsCa());
case 'cs':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_cs.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_cs.GalleryLocalizationsCs());
case 'da':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_da.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_da.GalleryLocalizationsDa());
case 'de':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_de.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_de.GalleryLocalizationsDe());
case 'el':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_el.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_el.GalleryLocalizationsEl());
case 'en':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_en.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_en.GalleryLocalizationsEn());
case 'es':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_es.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_es.GalleryLocalizationsEs());
case 'et':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_et.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_et.GalleryLocalizationsEt());
case 'eu':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_eu.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_eu.GalleryLocalizationsEu());
case 'fa':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_fa.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_fa.GalleryLocalizationsFa());
case 'fi':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_fi.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_fi.GalleryLocalizationsFi());
case 'fil':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_fil.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_fil.GalleryLocalizationsFil());
case 'fr':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_fr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_fr.GalleryLocalizationsFr());
case 'gl':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_gl.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_gl.GalleryLocalizationsGl());
case 'gsw':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_gsw.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_gsw.GalleryLocalizationsGsw());
case 'gu':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_gu.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_gu.GalleryLocalizationsGu());
case 'he':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_he.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_he.GalleryLocalizationsHe());
case 'hi':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_hi.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_hi.GalleryLocalizationsHi());
case 'hr':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_hr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_hr.GalleryLocalizationsHr());
case 'hu':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_hu.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_hu.GalleryLocalizationsHu());
case 'hy':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_hy.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_hy.GalleryLocalizationsHy());
case 'id':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_id.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_id.GalleryLocalizationsId());
case 'is':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_is.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_is.GalleryLocalizationsIs());
case 'it':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_it.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_it.GalleryLocalizationsIt());
case 'ja':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ja.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ja.GalleryLocalizationsJa());
case 'ka':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ka.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ka.GalleryLocalizationsKa());
case 'kk':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_kk.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_kk.GalleryLocalizationsKk());
case 'km':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_km.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_km.GalleryLocalizationsKm());
case 'kn':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_kn.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_kn.GalleryLocalizationsKn());
case 'ko':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ko.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ko.GalleryLocalizationsKo());
case 'ky':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ky.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ky.GalleryLocalizationsKy());
case 'lo':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_lo.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_lo.GalleryLocalizationsLo());
case 'lt':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_lt.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_lt.GalleryLocalizationsLt());
case 'lv':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_lv.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_lv.GalleryLocalizationsLv());
case 'mk':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_mk.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_mk.GalleryLocalizationsMk());
case 'ml':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ml.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ml.GalleryLocalizationsMl());
case 'mn':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_mn.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_mn.GalleryLocalizationsMn());
case 'mr':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_mr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_mr.GalleryLocalizationsMr());
case 'ms':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ms.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ms.GalleryLocalizationsMs());
case 'my':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_my.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_my.GalleryLocalizationsMy());
case 'nb':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_nb.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_nb.GalleryLocalizationsNb());
case 'ne':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ne.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ne.GalleryLocalizationsNe());
case 'nl':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_nl.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_nl.GalleryLocalizationsNl());
case 'or':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_or.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_or.GalleryLocalizationsOr());
case 'pa':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_pa.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_pa.GalleryLocalizationsPa());
case 'pl':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_pl.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_pl.GalleryLocalizationsPl());
case 'pt':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_pt.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_pt.GalleryLocalizationsPt());
case 'ro':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ro.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ro.GalleryLocalizationsRo());
case 'ru':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ru.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ru.GalleryLocalizationsRu());
case 'si':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_si.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_si.GalleryLocalizationsSi());
case 'sk':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sk.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sk.GalleryLocalizationsSk());
case 'sl':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sl.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sl.GalleryLocalizationsSl());
case 'sq':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sq.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sq.GalleryLocalizationsSq());
case 'sr':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sr.GalleryLocalizationsSr());
case 'sv':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sv.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sv.GalleryLocalizationsSv());
case 'sw':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_sw.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_sw.GalleryLocalizationsSw());
case 'ta':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ta.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ta.GalleryLocalizationsTa());
case 'te':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_te.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_te.GalleryLocalizationsTe());
case 'th':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_th.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_th.GalleryLocalizationsTh());
case 'tl':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_tl.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_tl.GalleryLocalizationsTl());
case 'tr':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_tr.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_tr.GalleryLocalizationsTr());
case 'uk':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_uk.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_uk.GalleryLocalizationsUk());
case 'ur':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_ur.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_ur.GalleryLocalizationsUr());
case 'uz':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_uz.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_uz.GalleryLocalizationsUz());
case 'vi':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_vi.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_vi.GalleryLocalizationsVi());
case 'zh':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_zh.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_zh.GalleryLocalizationsZh());
case 'zu':
return _loadLibraryForWeb(gallery_localizations_zu.loadLibrary,
() => gallery_localizations_zu.GalleryLocalizationsZu());
'GalleryLocalizations.delegate failed to load unsupported locale "$locale"');
return null;