blob: 7ee2162ca5edbaacd8ac1a6e9875bb02dadb685c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter team. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:gallery/pages/settings_icon/metrics.dart';
class SettingsIcon extends StatelessWidget {
const SettingsIcon(this.time, {super.key});
final double time;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CustomPaint(
painter: _SettingsIconPainter(time: time, context: context),
class _SettingsIconPainter extends CustomPainter {
_SettingsIconPainter({required this.time, required this.context});
final double time;
final BuildContext context;
late Offset _center;
late double _scaling;
late Canvas _canvas;
/// Computes [_center] and [_scaling], parameters used to convert offsets
/// and lengths in relative units into logical pixels.
/// The icon is aligned to the bottom-start corner.
void _computeCenterAndScaling(Size size) {
_scaling = min(size.width / unitWidth, size.height / unitHeight);
_center = Directionality.of(context) == TextDirection.ltr
? Offset(
unitWidth * _scaling / 2, size.height - unitHeight * _scaling / 2)
: Offset(size.width - unitWidth * _scaling / 2,
size.height - unitHeight * _scaling / 2);
/// Transforms an offset in relative units into an offset in logical pixels.
Offset _transform(Offset offset) {
return _center + offset * _scaling;
/// Transforms a length in relative units into a dimension in logical pixels.
double _size(double length) {
return length * _scaling;
/// A rectangle with a fixed location, used to locate gradients.
Rect get _fixedRect {
final topLeft = Offset(-_size(stickLength / 2), -_size(stickWidth / 2));
final bottomRight = Offset(_size(stickLength / 2), _size(stickWidth / 2));
return Rect.fromPoints(topLeft, bottomRight);
/// Black or white paint, depending on brightness.
Paint get _monoPaint {
final monoColor =
Theme.of(context).colorScheme.brightness == Brightness.light
: Colors.white;
return Paint()..color = monoColor;
/// Pink paint with horizontal gradient.
Paint get _pinkPaint {
const shader = LinearGradient(colors: [pinkLeft, pinkRight]);
final shaderRect = _fixedRect.translate(
_size(-(stickLength - colorLength(time)) / 2),
return Paint()..shader = shader.createShader(shaderRect);
/// Teal paint with horizontal gradient.
Paint get _tealPaint {
const shader = LinearGradient(colors: [tealLeft, tealRight]);
final shaderRect = _fixedRect.translate(
_size((stickLength - colorLength(time)) / 2),
return Paint()..shader = shader.createShader(shaderRect);
/// Paints a stadium-shaped stick.
void _paintStick({
required Offset center,
required double length,
required double width,
double angle = 0,
required Paint paint,
}) {
// Convert to pixels.
center = _transform(center);
length = _size(length);
width = _size(width);
// Paint.
width = min(width, length);
final stretch = length / 2;
final radius = width / 2;;
_canvas.translate(center.dx, center.dy);
final leftOval = Rect.fromCircle(
center: Offset(-stretch + radius, 0),
radius: radius,
final rightOval = Rect.fromCircle(
center: Offset(stretch - radius, 0),
radius: radius,
..arcTo(leftOval, pi / 2, pi, false)
..arcTo(rightOval, -pi / 2, pi, false),
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
_canvas = canvas;
if (isTransitionPhase(time)) {
center: upperColorOffset(time),
length: colorLength(time),
width: stickWidth,
paint: _pinkPaint,
center: lowerColorOffset(time),
length: colorLength(time),
width: stickWidth,
paint: _tealPaint,
center: upperMonoOffset(time),
length: monoLength(time),
width: knobDiameter,
paint: _monoPaint,
center: lowerMonoOffset(time),
length: monoLength(time),
width: knobDiameter,
paint: _monoPaint,
} else {
center: upperKnobCenter,
length: stickLength,
width: knobDiameter,
angle: -knobRotation(time),
paint: _monoPaint,
center: knobCenter(time),
length: stickLength,
width: knobDiameter,
angle: knobRotation(time),
paint: _monoPaint,
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) =>
oldDelegate is! _SettingsIconPainter || (oldDelegate).time != time;