blob: 5878b6bbfed08008bd9c15eb9a952bd18ef10c9f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import sys
"""Helper functions useful when writing scripts that are run from GN's
exec_script function."""
class GNError(Exception):
# Computes ASCII code of an element of encoded Python 2 str / Python 3 bytes.
_Ord = ord if sys.version_info.major < 3 else lambda c: c
def _TranslateToGnChars(s):
for decoded_ch in s.encode('utf-8'): # str in Python 2, bytes in Python 3.
code = _Ord(decoded_ch) # int
if code in (34, 36, 92): # For '"', '$', or '\\'.
yield '\\' + chr(code)
elif 32 <= code < 127:
yield chr(code)
yield '$0x%02X' % code
def ToGNString(value, pretty=False):
"""Returns a stringified GN equivalent of a Python value.
value: The Python value to convert.
pretty: Whether to pretty print. If true, then non-empty lists are rendered
recursively with one item per line, with indents. Otherwise lists are
rendered without new line.
The stringified GN equivalent to |value|.
GNError: |value| cannot be printed to GN.
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
basestring_compat = basestring
basestring_compat = str
# Emits all output tokens without intervening whitespaces.
def GenerateTokens(v, level):
if isinstance(v, basestring_compat):
yield '"' + ''.join(_TranslateToGnChars(v)) + '"'
elif isinstance(v, bool):
yield 'true' if v else 'false'
elif isinstance(v, int):
yield str(v)
elif isinstance(v, list):
yield '['
for i, item in enumerate(v):
if i > 0:
yield ','
for tok in GenerateTokens(item, level + 1):
yield tok
yield ']'
elif isinstance(v, dict):
if level > 0:
yield '{'
for key in sorted(v):
if not isinstance(key, basestring_compat):
raise GNError('Dictionary key is not a string.')
if not key or key[0].isdigit() or not key.replace('_', '').isalnum():
raise GNError('Dictionary key is not a valid GN identifier.')
yield key # No quotations.
yield '='
for tok in GenerateTokens(v[key], level + 1):
yield tok
if level > 0:
yield '}'
else: # Not supporting float: Add only when needed.
raise GNError('Unsupported type when printing to GN.')
can_start = lambda tok: tok and tok not in ',}]='
can_end = lambda tok: tok and tok not in ',{[='
# Adds whitespaces, trying to keep everything (except dicts) in 1 line.
def PlainGlue(gen):
prev_tok = None
for i, tok in enumerate(gen):
if i > 0:
if can_end(prev_tok) and can_start(tok):
yield '\n' # New dict item.
elif prev_tok == '[' and tok == ']':
yield ' ' # Special case for [].
elif tok != ',':
yield ' '
yield tok
prev_tok = tok
# Adds whitespaces so non-empty lists can span multiple lines, with indent.
def PrettyGlue(gen):
prev_tok = None
level = 0
for i, tok in enumerate(gen):
if i > 0:
if can_end(prev_tok) and can_start(tok):
yield '\n' + ' ' * level # New dict item.
elif tok == '=' or prev_tok in '=':
yield ' ' # Separator before and after '=', on same line.
if tok in ']}':
level -= 1
# Exclude '[]' and '{}' cases.
if int(prev_tok == '[') + int(tok == ']') == 1 or \
int(prev_tok == '{') + int(tok == '}') == 1:
yield '\n' + ' ' * level
yield tok
if tok in '[{':
level += 1
if tok == ',':
yield '\n' + ' ' * level
prev_tok = tok
token_gen = GenerateTokens(value, 0)
ret = ''.join((PrettyGlue if pretty else PlainGlue)(token_gen))
# Add terminating '\n' for dict |value| or multi-line output.
if isinstance(value, dict) or '\n' in ret:
return ret + '\n'
return ret