blob: 91d672b105ed6b8ec367002fa155ec472479a0ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'base64/decoder.dart';
import 'base64/encoder.dart';
/// This is deprecated.
/// Use the `BASE64` constant in `dart:convert` instead.
@Deprecated("Will be removed in crypto 1.0.0.")
const Base64Codec BASE64 = const Base64Codec();
/// This is deprecated.
/// Use the `Base64Codec` class in `dart:convert` instead.
@Deprecated("Will be removed in crypto 1.0.0.")
class Base64Codec extends Codec<List<int>, String> {
final bool _urlSafe;
final bool _addLineSeparator;
final bool _encodePaddingCharacter;
/// Creates a new [Base64Codec].
/// The default [BASE64] codec will be good enough for most cases. A new codec
/// only needs to be instantiated when you want to do multiple conversions
/// with the same configuration.
/// If [urlSafe] is `true`, a URL-safe alphabet will be used when encoding.
/// Specifically, the characters `-` and `_` will be used instead of `+` and
/// `/`.
/// If [addLineSeparator] is `true`, `\r\n` line separators will be added
/// every 76 characters when encoding.
/// If [encodePaddingCharacter] is `true`, the padding character `=` will be
/// written as `%3D` when encoding.
const Base64Codec(
{bool urlSafe: false,
bool addLineSeparator: false,
bool encodePaddingCharacter: false})
: _urlSafe = urlSafe,
_addLineSeparator = addLineSeparator,
_encodePaddingCharacter = encodePaddingCharacter;
String get name => "base64";
/// Encodes [bytes] into a Base64 string.
/// If [urlSafe] is `true`, a URL-safe alphabet will be used when encoding.
/// Specifically, the characters `-` and `_` will be used instead of `+` and
/// `/`.
/// If [addLineSeparator] is `true`, `\r\n` line separators will be added
/// every 76 characters when encoding.
/// If [encodePaddingCharacter] is `true`, the padding character `=` will be
/// written as `%3D` when encoding.
/// Any flags passed to this method take precedence over the flags passed to
/// the codec itself.
String encode(List<int> bytes,
{bool urlSafe, bool addLineSeparator, bool encodePaddingCharacter}) {
if (urlSafe == null) urlSafe = _urlSafe;
if (addLineSeparator == null) addLineSeparator = _addLineSeparator;
if (encodePaddingCharacter == null) {
encodePaddingCharacter = _encodePaddingCharacter;
return new Base64Encoder(
urlSafe: urlSafe,
addLineSeparator: addLineSeparator,
encodePaddingCharacter: encodePaddingCharacter).convert(bytes);
Base64Encoder get encoder => new Base64Encoder(
urlSafe: _urlSafe,
addLineSeparator: _addLineSeparator,
encodePaddingCharacter: _encodePaddingCharacter);
Base64Decoder get decoder => const Base64Decoder();