blob: a2b7e8897e77e2dfca20217300ef7d558f151a14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description
import "dart:html";
import "../../testharness.dart";
const String htmlEL1 = r'''
<link rel="author" title="Rune Lillesveen" href=""/>
<link rel="help" href=""/>
@media (color-index: 0.0) {}
@media (color-index: -1) {}
@media (color-index: 2.1) {}
const String htmlEL2 = r'''
void main() {
document.head.appendHtml(htmlEL1, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
document.body.appendHtml(htmlEL2, treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
var rules = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1].cssRules;
assert_equals(rules[0].media.mediaText, "not all");
}, "(color-index: 0.0) is invalid");
assert_equals(rules[1].media.mediaText, "not all");
}, "(color-index: -1) is invalid");
assert_equals(rules[2].media.mediaText, "not all");
}, "(color-index: 2.1) is invalid");