blob: e7e42d9ba46785b618d7692bd65745d21705d521 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description Test using to write overlapping existing data
* in a file.
import "dart:html";
import "../../testcommon.dart";
import "../../../Utils/async_utils.dart";
import "resources/file-writer-utils.dart";
main() {
document.body.appendHtml('<div id="console"></div>',
treeSanitizer: NodeTreeSanitizer.trusted);
var fileEntry;
var fileWriter;
var testData = "Lorem ipsum";
var seekBackwardOffset = -4;
var seekForwardOffset = 4;
testPassed("All writes verified.");
validateNonextendingWriteEnd() {
verifyByteRangeAsString(fileEntry, testData.length + seekForwardOffset, testData.substring(seekForwardOffset), onTestSucceeded);
validateNonextendingWriteStart() {
testPassed("Nonextending write validated.");
shouldBeTrue(fileWriter.length == testData.length * 2);
verifyByteRangeAsString(fileEntry, 0, testData.substring(0, seekForwardOffset), validateNonextendingWriteEnd);
testNonextendingWrite() {
writeString(fileEntry, fileWriter, seekForwardOffset, testData, validateNonextendingWriteStart);
setupNonextendingWrite() {
testPassed("Positive seek validated.");
setFileContents(fileEntry, fileWriter, testData + testData, testNonextendingWrite);
validateSeekForward() {
shouldBeTrue(fileWriter.length == testData.length + seekForwardOffset);
verifyByteRangeAsString(fileEntry, 0, testData.substring(0, seekForwardOffset), setupNonextendingWrite);
testSeekForward() {
writeString(fileEntry, fileWriter, seekForwardOffset, testData, validateSeekForward);
setupSeekForward() {
testPassed("Negative seek validated.");
setFileContents(fileEntry, fileWriter, testData, testSeekForward);
validateSeekBackward() {
shouldBeTrue(fileWriter.length == 2 * testData.length + seekBackwardOffset);
verifyByteRangeAsString(fileEntry, 0, testData.substring(0, testData.length + seekBackwardOffset), setupSeekForward);
testSeekBackward() {
writeString(fileEntry, fileWriter, seekBackwardOffset, testData, validateSeekBackward);
// Each test has 3 phases: setup, execution, and validation. In the setup phase, we make sure that there's a FileWriter pointing at a file with appropriate
// data for the test we want to run. In the execution phase, we do a seek and a write, and the utility that does those also validates that the data
// actually got written. So in the validation phase, we only have to check that the rest of the file didn't get corrupted while we were writing our bit.
runTest(fileEntryIn, fileWriterIn) {
fileEntry = fileEntryIn;
fileWriter = fileWriterIn;
setFileContents(fileEntry, fileWriter, testData, testSeekBackward);
setupAndRunTest(1024, 'file-writer-truncate-extend', runTest);