blob: 0c94ed6f9a974e2b082ce329bb90fc7761bfa4c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description This tests that a dialog's containing block is the initial containing block.
import "dart:html";
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../../../testcommon.dart";
main() {
var style = new Element.html('''
body {
margin: 0;
dialog {
padding : 0;
#console {
position: fixed;
''', treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
document.body.setAttribute('style', "height: 10000px; width: 10000px");
<div style="position: absolute; top: 5000px; left: 5000px; width: 20px;">
<dialog id="dialog" style="top: 1200px; left: 1200px; right: auto; height: 100px; width: 50%; background-color: yellow">
''', treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
//debug('The dialog should be onscreen with a width of 50% of the viewport. It is the child of a ' +
// 'narrow element positioned off screen, but its containing block is the initial containing ' +
// 'block, so its position and percent lengths are relative to that.');
checkPosition(dialog) {
shouldBe(dialog.offsetParent, null);
shouldBe(dialog.offsetTop, 1200);
shouldBe(dialog.offsetLeft, 1200);
// Since dialog's 'width' is '50%', the expected width is half of the
// viewport width, but viewport width may be odd. It seems Blink rounds up for
// percentage lengths, so use Math.ceil here.
var expectedWidth = (document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2).ceil();
shouldBe(dialog.clientWidth, expectedWidth);
window.scroll(1000, 1000);
var dialog = document.getElementById('dialog');