blob: bffbb308f28db4180301d8612cb70e486898cc8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @description createElementNS tests from mozilla, attached to webkit bug 16833
import "dart:html";
import "../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../../../testcommon.dart";
main() {
var allNSTests = [
{ 'args': ["", ""], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "<div>"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "0div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "di v"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "di<v"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "-div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", ".div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "<div>"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "0div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "di<v"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", "-div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", ".div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["", ":div"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE },
{ 'args': ["", "div:"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE },
{ 'args': ["", ":div"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE },
{ 'args': ["", "div:"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE },
{ 'args': ["", "d:iv"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE },
{ 'args': ["", "a:b:c"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["", "a:b:c"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["", "a::c"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["", "a::c"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["", "a:0"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER, 'message': "valid XML name, not a valid QName" },
{ 'args': ["", "0:a"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER, 'message': "0 at start makes it not a valid XML name" },
{ 'args': ["", "a:_"] },
{ 'args': ["", "a:\u0BC6"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE,
'message': "non-ASCII character after colon is CombiningChar, which is " +
"NCNameChar but not (Letter | \"_\") so invalid at start of " +
"NCName (but still a valid XML name, hence not INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)" },
{ 'args': ["", "\u0BC6:a"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER,
'message': "non-ASCII character after colon is CombiningChar, which is " +
"NCNameChar but not (Letter | \"_\") so invalid at start of " +
"NCName (Gecko chooses to throw NAMESPACE_ERR here, but either is valid " +
"as this is both an invalid XML name and an invalid QName)" },
{ 'args': ["", "a:a\u0BC6"] },
{ 'args': ["", "a\u0BC6:a"] },
{ 'args': ["", "xml:test"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "binding xml prefix wrong" },
{ 'args': ["", "xmlns:test"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "binding xmlns prefix wrong" },
{ 'args': ["", "x:test"], 'err': DomException.NAMESPACE, 'message': "binding namespace namespace to wrong prefix" },
{ 'args': ["", "xmlns:test"] },
{ 'args': ["", "xml:test"] },
{ 'args': ["", "x:test"] },
var allNoNSTests = [
{ 'args': [""], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["<div>"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["0div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["di v"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["di<v"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': ["-div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': [".div"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER },
{ 'args': [":"], 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': [":div"], 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["div:"], 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["d:iv"] },
{ 'args': ["a:b:c"], 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["a::c"], 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["a::c:"], 'message': "valid XML name, invalid QName" },
{ 'args': ["a:0"], 'message': "valid XML name, not a valid QName" },
{ 'args': ["0:a"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER, 'message': "0 at start makes it not a valid XML name" },
{ 'args': ["a:_"] },
{ 'args': ["a:\u0BC6"],
'message': "non-ASCII character after colon is CombiningChar, which is " +
"valid in pre-namespace XML" },
{ 'args': ["\u0BC6:a"], 'err': DomException.INVALID_CHARACTER, 'message': "not a valid start character" },
{ 'args': ["a:a\u0BC6"] },
{ 'args': ["a\u0BC6:a"] },
{ 'args': ["xml:test"] },
{ 'args': ["xmlns:test"] },
{ 'args': ["x:test"] },
{ 'args': ["xmlns:test"] },
{ 'args': ["SOAP-ENV:Body"] }, // From Yahoo Mail Beta
runTests(tests, doc, namespace) {
for (var t in tests) {
var f, title;
if (namespace) {
f = doc.createElementNS;
title = 'createElementNS';
else {
f = doc.createElement;
title = 'createElement';
var args = t['args'];
title += '(${args.join(", ")})';
if (t['message'] != null) {
title += ", " + t['message'];
if (t['err'] != null) {
Expect.throws(() {
Function.apply(f, args);
}, (e) => e is DomException && == t['err'],
} else {
try {
Function.apply(f, args);
} catch (e) { + e.toString());
//debug("HTML tests:");
runTests(allNSTests, document, true);
runTests(allNoNSTests, document, false);
//debug("XHTML createElement tests:");
var xhtmlDoc = document.implementation
.createDocument("", "html", null);
runTests(allNoNSTests, xhtmlDoc, false);
//debug("XML createElement tests:");
var xmlDoc = document.implementation
.createDocument("", "example", null);
runTests(allNoNSTests, xmlDoc, false);