blob: 3096aa26ba45d39d4748380eda4d5a3cc6a1c9c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Execution of a statement s of the form yield* e; proceeds as
* follows:
* First, the expression e is evaluated to an object o.
* If the immediately enclosing function m is marked sync*, then:
* 1. It is a dynamic error if the class of o does not implement Iterable.
* Otherwise
* 2. The method iterator is invoked upon o returning an object i.
* 3. The moveNext method of i is invoked on it with no arguments. If moveNext
* returns false execution of s is complete. Otherwise
* 4. The getter current is invoked on i. If the invocation raises an
* exception ex, execution of s throws ex. Otherwise, the result x of the
* getter invocation is added to the iterable associated with m. Execution of
* the function m immediately enclosing s is suspended until the nullary method
* moveNext() is invoked upon the iterator used to initiate the current
* invocation of m, at which point execution of s continues at 3.
* 5. The current call to moveNext() returns true.
* @description Check that value x, obtained via getter current, is added to
* the iterable associated with m.
* @author
import '../../../../Utils/expect.dart';
class IteratorStub extends Iterator<int> {
int _value = 0;
int get current => _value;
bool moveNext() {
return _value<5;
class IterableStub extends Iterable<int> {
Iterator<int> get iterator => new IteratorStub();
Iterable generator(Iterable iterable, List log) sync* {
yield* iterable;
main() {
List log = [];
IterableStub its = new IterableStub();
Iterable g = generator(its, log);
Iterator i = g.iterator;
while (i.moveNext()) {
Expect.listEquals(['main', 'before', 1, 2, 3, 4, 'after', 'finish'], log);