blob: 3e30eff9fc1d9f207298b79296216287d5e52896 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The logical boolean expressions combine boolean objects using
* the boolean conjunction and disjunction operators.
* logicalOrExpression:
* logicalAndExpression ('||' logicalAndExpression)*
* ;
* logicalAndExpression:
* equalityExpression ('&&' equalityExpression)*
* ;
* A logical boolean expression is either an equality expression, or an
* invocation of a logical boolean operator on an expression e1 with argument
* e2.
* @description Checks that various expression which fit into this grammar
* don't cause compile-time errors.
* @static-warning
* @author msyabro
* @author kaigorodov
* @reviewer rodionov
import '../../../Utils/expect.dart';
import '../../../Utils/dynamic_check.dart';
topLevelFunction() {}
class S {
const S();
class A {
int method() {return 3;}
var id = 6;
test() {
var arr = [1, 2];
1 && "1"; /// static type warning galore
false || null;
[1, 2, 3, 4] && {"1": 2, "3": 4};
//constants and instance creation
const [] || [];
const {"a": 1} && {"a": 1};
const S() && new A();
id || topLevelFunction();
this.method() && topLevelFunction();
method() || id;
id == id || true == false;
1 != 1 && 0;
//logical and relational expressions
1 < 2 || id > 1 ? 1 : id;
[] && {} || 2 > 2.0;
null || this && id <= 7;
//bitwise and shift expressions
arr[1] ^ method() && new S() & true;
id | method() || id >> method();
//additive expressions
1 + 2 && 2;
0 - 0 || id + method();
//multiplicative expressions
id * method() || id / arr[1];
id % method() || id ~/ arr[1];
//unary expressions
--id || id++;
~-id && !!false;
// selector operator invocations
try {
id[2.0] || topLevelFunction()[0] && [1, 2][0];"NoSuchMethodError expected.");
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (ok) {}
id && id || id;
//function expressions
() {} || () => ({});
() {return null;} && (int x) => 7; // issue 1189
main() {
if (isCheckedMode()) {
return; //this test is a nonsense in checked mode
A a = new A();