blob: 31eb87387278fec8dc48eb52ae70a5fa3b01bcb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The static type of a is flatten(T) (the flatten function is
* defined in section 'Function Expressions' where T is the static type of e.
* @assertion flatten(T) is defied as follows:
* If T = Future<S> then flatten(T) = flatten(S).
* Otherwise if T <: Future then let S be a type such that T << Future<S>
* and for all R, if T << Future<R> then S << R.
* This ensures that Future <S> is the most specific instantiation of
* Future that is a super type of T.
* Then flatten(T) = S.
* In any other circumstance, flatten(T) = T.
* @description Check static type of await expression match with expected
* type, so static type warnings are not issued. Expression e is Future<T>.
* @static-clean
* @author
import '../../../Utils/async_utils.dart';
Future<bool> boolean(bool b) async => b;
Future<int> integer(int i) async => i;
Future<String> string(String s) async => s;
Future<Exception> exception(Exception e) async => e;
Future<bool> test() async {
bool b = await boolean(true);
int i = await integer(1);
String s = await string('hello');
Exception z = await exception(null);
// use variables, so dart analyzer is happy
return b && i == 1 && s == 'hello' && z == null;
main() {
test().then((value) => asyncEnd());