blob: 1c011d356b02f55eccea2a367573f100f5a7bcfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of 'expect.dart';
const oneMillisecond = const Duration(milliseconds: 1);
typedef CreateStreamFunction = Stream<T> Function<T>(Iterable<T> values);
typedef CreateStreamWithErrorsFunction =
Stream<T> Function<T>(Iterable<T> values,
{bool Function(T element)? isError, required T defaultValue});
Duration durationInMilliseconds(delay) {
return delay == null ? : oneMillisecond * delay;
Future runLater(void action(), [int delay = 0]) {
return Future.delayed(durationInMilliseconds(delay), () {
Future runAfter(Future f, void action()) {
return f.whenComplete((){
bool _initialized = false;
int _asyncLevel = 0;
Exception _buildException(String msg) {
return Exception('Fatal: $msg. This is most likely a bug in your test.');
/// Call this method before an asynchronous test is created.
/// If [count] is provided, expect [count] [asyncEnd] calls instead of just one.
void asyncStart([int count = 1]) {
if (count <= 0) {
if (_initialized && _asyncLevel == 0) {
throw _buildException('asyncStart() was called even though we are done '
'with testing.');
if (!_initialized) {
_initialized = true;
_asyncLevel += count;
/// Call this after an asynchronous test has ended successfully.
/// Note, that when all async tests are finished and `unittest-suite-success` is
/// printed browser tests are successfully finished. So, there should be no any
/// assertions after `asyncEnd()`. Otherwise the test may produce false-positive
/// result
void asyncEnd() {
if (_asyncLevel <= 0) {
if (!_initialized) {
throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().');
} else {
throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called more often than '
if (_asyncLevel == 0) {
class Sync2<T> {
Function fire;
bool firstPut = false, secondPut = false;
T? val1, val2;
void put1(T val) {
val1 = val;
firstPut = true;
if (secondPut) {
fire(val1, val2);
void put2(T val) {
val2 = val;
secondPut = true;
if (firstPut) {
fire(val1, val2);
/// [asyncTest] is intended for executing tests with asynchronous nature.
/// If [setup] is provided, it will be executed first in order to prepare
/// necessary environment for the test (i.e. create some files, start some
/// services, etc). The [setup] may return some value, which will be passed to
/// [test] and to [cleanup].
/// [test] is the main test code. It should return [Future] instance, which
/// completes when test is over. The future may complete with error, in this
/// case the whole test will fail.
/// If [cleanup] is provided it will be executed after [Future] returned by
/// [test] is completed. [cleanup] is always called, regardless of test status.
void asyncTest<T>(Future test(T? value), {required Future<T> setup(),
required void cleanup(T? value)}) {
Future<T?> setupFuture = setup();
setupFuture.then((T? setupValue) {
.then((_) => asyncEnd())
.whenComplete(() {
/// [AsyncExpect] is intended for async test to ease checking [Future]
/// completion value and checking Stream content.
class AsyncExpect {
/// Checks whether the given future completes with expected value.
/// Returns [Future], that may be used for test cleanup via method
/// [whenComplete]. If checks are passed, the returned future completes the
/// same way as a supplied one. Otherwise, the returned future completes with
/// error.
static Future<T> value<T>(
T expected, Future<T> future, [String? reason]) {
String msg = reason ?? StackTrace.current.toString();
return future.then((T value){
if (expected is List) {
Expect.listEquals(expected, value, msg);
} else if (expected is Set) {
Expect.setEquals(expected, value as Iterable<Object?>, msg);
} else {
Expect.equals(expected, value, msg);
return value;
/// Checks whether the given future completes with expected error.
/// Returns [Future], that may be used for test cleanup via method
/// [whenComplete]. If checks are passed, the returned future completes the
/// same way as a supplied one. Otherwise, the returned future completes
/// with error.
static Future<T?> error<T>(
Object error, Future<T> future, [String? reason]) {
String msg = reason ?? StackTrace.current.toString();
return future.then(
(_) {"The future is expected to complete with error $msg");
return future;
onError: (e) {
if (error is Function(Object)) {
Expect.isTrue(error(e), msg);
} else {
Expect.equals(error, e, msg);
return null;
/// Checks whether the given stream contains expected data events.
/// Any error in the stream is unexpected and wil fail the test.
static Future<bool> data<T>(
List<T> data, Stream<T> stream, [String? reason]) {
String msg = reason ?? StackTrace.current.toString();
Completer<bool> completer = Completer<bool>();
List<T> actual = [];
(T value) {
onDone: () {
Expect.listEquals(data, actual, msg);
return completer.future;
/// Checks whether the given stream contains expected data and error events.
static Future<bool> events<T>
(List<T> data, List errors, Stream<T> stream, [String? reason]) {
String msg = reason ?? StackTrace.current.toString();
Completer<bool> completer = new Completer<bool>();
List<T> actualData = [];
List actualErrors = [];
(T value) {
onError: (error) {
onDone: () {
Expect.listEquals(data, actualData, msg);
Expect.listEquals(errors, actualErrors, msg);
return completer.future;