blob: c5f35fc0285447b3476d1beeac454d25b41a22c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion Future<T> firstWhere(bool test(T element), {T orElse()?})
/// Finds the first element of this stream matching test.
/// Returns a future that is completed with the first element of this stream for
/// which test returns true.
/// If no such element is found before this stream is done, and an orElse
/// function is provided, the result of calling orElse becomes the value of the
/// future. If orElse throws, the returned future is completed with that error.
/// If this stream emits an error before the first matching element, the
/// returned future is completed with that error, and processing stops.
/// Stops listening to this stream after the first matching element or error has
/// been received.
/// Internally the method cancels its subscription after the first element that
/// matches the predicate. This means that single-subscription (non-broadcast)
/// streams are closed and cannot be reused after a call to this method.
/// If an error occurs, or if this stream ends without finding a match and with
/// no orElse function provided, the returned future is completed with an error.
/// @description Checks that if this stream ends without finding a match and
/// with no [orElse] function provided, the future will receive an error.
/// @author kaigorodov
import "dart:async";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "IsolateStream.dart" as IsolateStream;
check(Iterable data, bool test(var element)) {
Stream s = IsolateStream.fromIterable(data);
s.firstWhere(test).then((data) {"data passed: $data");
}, onError: (error) {
Expect.isTrue(error is Error);
main() {
check([], (var element) => true);
check([1, 2, 3], (var element) => element == null);
check([null, null], (var element) => element != null);
check(new Iterable.generate(0, (int index) => index), (var element) => false);
new Iterable.generate(10, (int index) => index), (var element) => false);
check(new Iterable.generate(10, (int index) => index * 5),
(var element) => element < 0);
check(new Iterable.generate(10, (int index) => index * 5),
(var element) => element == 300);