blob: b9b27434d6f0b259c6149667b9c814feaaa12998 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion It is a compile-time error if a record type has any of:
/// The same field name more than once. This is true even if one or both of the
/// colliding fields is positional. We could permit collisions with positional
/// field names since they are only used for documentation, but we disallow it
/// because it's confusing and not useful.
/// Only one positional field and no trailing comma. This isn't ambiguous, since
/// there are no parenthesized type expressions in Dart. But prohibiting this is
/// symmetric with record expressions and leaves the potential for later support
/// for parentheses for grouping in type expressions.
/// A field named hashCode, runtimeType, noSuchMethod, or toString.
/// A field name that starts with an underscore.
/// A field name that collides with the synthesized getter name of a positional
/// field. For example: (int, $1: int) since the named field '$1' collides with
/// the getter for the first positional field.
/// @description Checks that it is no error if a record type has no named fields
/// and only one positional field but with a trailing comma
/// @author
typedef R1 = (int i,);
typedef (int,) R2();
typedef void R3((String s,) r);
(int,) foo() => (42,);
Record bar((int i,) r) => r;
main() {
(int,) r1 = (42,);
(double d,) r2 = (3.14,);
((int,),) r3 = ((42,),);
dynamic d = (1,);
if (d is (int i,)) {
d as (int,);