blob: e48865a47a2d70c2d6eaa0c11e2bad4e65606961 [file] [log] [blame]
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/// @assertion Like numbers, records do not have a well-defined persistent
/// identity. That means [Expando]s can not be attached to them.
/// @description Checks that [Expando] cannot be attached to records
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
typedef R1 = (int, int i,);
typedef R2 = (num, {String name});
typedef R3 = ({double x, double y});
main() {
R1 r1 = (1, 2);
Expando<int> exp = Expando("C");
Expect.throws(() {exp[r1] = 42;});
R2 r2 = (3.14, name: "pi");
Expect.throws(() {exp[r2] = 42;});
R3 r3 = (x: 1.2, y: 3.4);
Expect.throws(() {exp[r3] = 42;});
Expect.throws(() {exp[()] = 42;});
Expect.throws(() {exp[(1,)] = 42;});
Expect.throws(() {exp[(s: "s")] = 42;});
Expect.throws(() {exp[(42, s: "s")] = 42;});
Object r4 = (1, x: 2);
Expect.throws(() {exp[r4] = 42;});
dynamic r5 = (x: 2, 1);
Expect.throws(() {exp[r5] = 42;});