blob: 31b02887b3ec69b83c9fde84ed9e00d36fb426b6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion
/// mapPattern ::= typeArguments? '{' mapPatternEntries? '}'
/// mapPatternEntries ::= mapPatternEntry ( ',' mapPatternEntry )* ','?
/// mapPatternEntry ::= expression ':' pattern
/// A map pattern matches values that implement Map and accesses values by key
/// from it.
/// It is a compile-time error if:
/// - typeArguments is present and there are more or fewer than two type
/// arguments.
/// - Any of the entry key expressions are not constant expressions.
/// - Any two keys in the map are identical.
/// - Any two record keys which both have primitive equality are equal.
/// @description Checks a map pattern with different subpatterns in a switch
/// expression
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "patterns_lib.dart";
class C {
const C();
String test(Map map) {
return switch (map) {
<int, num>{1: > 0 || -42} => "logical-or",
<int, num>{2: > 0 && < 10} => "logical-and",
<int, num>{3: > 0} => "relational",
{4: var x as num} => "cast",
{5: var a?} => "null-check",
{6: final b!} => "null-assert",
{7: 42} => "constant-1",
{7: const C()} => "constant-2",
{8: String s1} => "variable-1",
{8: var s2} => "variable-2",
{80: final String s3} => "variable-3",
{80: final s4} => "variable-4",
{9: (42)} => "parenthesized",
{10: [42, _]} => "list-1",
{10: <Object>["42", _]} => "list-2",
{11: {1: _}} => "map-1",
{11: <String, String>{"1": _}} => "map-2",
{12: (var x,)} => "record-1",
{12: (42, x: 0)} => "record-2",
{13: Square(size: const Unit(1))} => "object",
_ => "default"
main() {
Expect.equals("logical-or", test(<int, num>{1: 1}));
Expect.equals("logical-or", test(<int, num>{1: -42}));
Expect.equals("default", test(<int, num>{1: -100}));
Expect.equals("logical-and", test(<int, num>{2: 1}));
Expect.equals("default", test(<int, num>{2: 10}));
Expect.equals("relational", test(<int, num>{3: 1}));
Expect.equals("default", test(<int, num>{3: 0}));
Expect.equals("cast", test({4: 42}));
Expect.throws(() {test({4: "42"});});
Expect.equals("null-check", test({5: 42}));
Expect.equals("default", test({5: null}));
Expect.equals("null-assert", test({6: 42}));
Expect.throws(() {test({6: null});});
Expect.equals("constant-1", test({7: 42}));
Expect.equals("constant-2", test({7: const C()}));
Expect.equals("default", test({7: "42"}));
Expect.equals("variable-1", test({8: "42"}));
Expect.equals("variable-2", test({8: 42}));
Expect.equals("variable-3", test({80: "42"}));
Expect.equals("variable-4", test({80: 42}));
Expect.equals("parenthesized", test({9: 42}));
Expect.equals("default", test({9: "42"}));
Expect.equals("list-1", test({10: [42, 42]}));
Expect.equals("list-2", test({10: <Object>["42", 42]}));
Expect.equals("default", test({10: [Object(), 42]}));
Expect.equals("map-1", test({11: {1: 42}}));
Expect.equals("map-2", test({11: <String, String>{"1": "42"}}));
Expect.equals("default", test({11: {Object(): 42}}));
Expect.equals("record-1", test({12: (42,)}));
Expect.equals("record-2", test({12: (42, x: 0)}));
Expect.equals("default", test({12: (42, 0)}));
Expect.equals("default", test({12: (42, a: 0)}));
Expect.equals("object", test({13: Square(1)}));
Expect.equals("default", test({13: Square(2)}));