blob: 31b1c859fa4b582b2846e94524a14d6b3f58ba00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion A read of a field or variable which is marked as late which has
* not yet been written to causes the initializer expression of the variable to
* be evaluated to a value, assigned to the variable or field, and returned as
* the value of the read.
* ...
* If a variable or field is read from during the process of evaluating its own
* initializer expression, and no write to the variable has occurred, the read
* is treated as a first read and the initializer expression is evaluated again.
* @description Check that if a variable or field is read from during the
* process of evaluating its own initializer expression, and no write to the
* variable has occurred, the read is treated as a first read and the
* initializer expression is evaluated again
* @author
* @issue 40390
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=non-nullable
// Requirements=nnbd-strong
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
String _log = "";
int _counter = 0;
String init(String val, void readme()) {
_log = "init('$val'), counter: $_counter";
if (_counter == 1) {
throw new Exception();
return val;
void clear() {
_log = "";
_counter = 0;
class C {
static late final String? s1 = init("When", (){C.s1;});
static late String? s2 = init("I found", (){C.s2;});
covariant late String? v1 = init("myself", (){this.v1;});
late final String? v2 = init("in time", (){this.v2;});
late String? v3 = init("of trouble", (){this.v3;});
late final String? g1 = init("Mother Mary", (){g1;});
late String? g2 = init("comes to me", (){g2;});
main() {
Expect.equals("", _log);
Expect.throws(() {C.s1;});
Expect.equals("When", C.s1);
Expect.equals("init('When'), counter: 2", _log);
Expect.throws(() {C.s2;});
Expect.equals("I found", C.s2);
Expect.equals("init('I found'), counter: 2", _log);
C c = new C();
Expect.equals("", _log);
Expect.throws(() {c.v1;});
Expect.equals("myself", c.v1);
Expect.equals("init('myself'), counter: 2", _log);
Expect.throws(() {c.v2;});
Expect.equals("in time", c.v2);
Expect.equals("init('in time'), counter: 2", _log);
Expect.throws(() {c.v3;});
Expect.equals("of trouble", c.v3);
Expect.equals("init('of trouble'), counter: 2", _log);
Expect.throws(() {g1;});
Expect.equals("Mother Mary", g1);
Expect.equals("init('Mother Mary'), counter: 2", _log);
Expect.throws(() {g2;});
Expect.equals("comes to me", g2);
Expect.equals("init('comes to me'), counter: 2", _log);