blob: f5622e116b5cd637efbf13bf49ccbbbb99a90d26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Portions of this test are derived from code under the following license:
* Web-platform-tests are covered by the dual-licensing approach described in:
* after web-platform-tests/html/dom/documents/dom-tree-accessors/nameditem-02.html
* @assertion
* @description Named items: iframes
import 'dart:html';
import "../../../../Utils/expectWeb.dart";
const String htmlEL='''
<div id="test">
<iframe name="test1"></iframe>
<iframe name="test2"></iframe>
<iframe name="test2"></iframe>
<iframe name="test3"></iframe>
<img name="test3">
<img name="test4">
<iframe name="test4"></iframe>
<iframe id="test5"></iframe>
<iframe name="test6" id="fail"></iframe>
<iframe name="fail" id="test7"></iframe>
<iframe name="42"></iframe>
void main() {
test(() {
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
assert_equals(, "test1");
var test1 = document.getElementsByName("test1")[0];
assert_equals(test1, iframe.contentWindow);
}, "If the only named item is an iframe, the contentWindow should be returned.");
test(() {
var iframe1 = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[1];
assert_equals(, "test2");
var iframe2 = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[2];
assert_equals(, "test2");
var collection = document.getElementsByName("test2");
assert_true(collection is HtmlCollection, "collection should be an HTMLCollection, but is a ${collection.runtimeType}");
assert_array_equals(collection, [iframe1, iframe2]);
}, "If there are two iframes, a collection should be returned.");
test(() {
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[3];
assert_equals(, "test3");
var img = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
//assert_equals(, "test3"); //Class 'ImageElement' has no instance getter 'name'.
var collection = document.getElementsByName("test3");
assert_array_equals(collection, [iframe, img]);
assert_true(collection is HtmlCollection, "collection should be an HTMLCollection, but is a ${collection.runtimeType}");
}, "If there are an iframe and another element (iframe first), a collection should be returned.");
test(() {
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[4];
assert_equals(, "test4");
var img = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[1];
//assert_equals(, "test4"); //Class 'ImageElement' has no instance getter 'name'.
var collection = document.getElementsByName("test4");
assert_array_equals(collection, [img, iframe]);
assert_true(collection is HtmlCollection, "collection should be an HTMLCollection, but is a ${collection.runtimeType}");
}, "If there are an iframe and another element (iframe last), a collection should be returned.");
test(() {
var collection = document.getElementsByName("test5");
assert_equals(collection.length, 0);
}, "If an iframe has an id and no name, it should not be returned.");
test(() {
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[6];
assert_equals(, "test6");
var test6 = document.getElementsByName("test6")[0];
// assert_equals(test6, iframe.contentWindow);
assert_equals(test6, iframe);
}, "If an iframe has a name and a different id, it should be returned by its name.");
test(() {
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[8];
assert_equals(, "42");
var test42 = document.getElementsByName("42")[0];
// assert_equals(test42, iframe.contentWindow);
assert_equals(test42, iframe);
}, "An iframe whose name looks like an array index should work.");