blob: 8654c96710bce845498b733df81ef76bbb36b4d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Returns an ordered collection of matches of the regular expression
* in [str]. The order in the collection is the order of the matches
* found in [str].
* @description Checks that all matches are returned in correct order
* @author rodionov
* @reviewer msyabro
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
main() {
check(r"^[^\n\r]+$", "pilOt\nsoviet\trobot\r\nopenoffice", true, false,
[[0, 5, "pilOt"],
[6, 18, "soviet\trobot"],
[20, 30, "openoffice"]]);
check(r"^(a+)\1*,\1+$", "aaaaaaaaa,aaaaaa\naa,aaaa\naaaaa,a", true, false,
[[0, 16, "aaaaaaaaa,aaaaaa", "aaa"],
[17, 24, "aa,aaaa", "aa"],
[25, 32, "aaaaa,a", "a"]]);
check(r"(ab|cd)+|ef", "AEKFCD", false, true,
[[4, 6, "CD", "CD"]]);
checkNeg(r"\bot", "pilot\nsoviet robot\topenoffice");
checkNeg(r"\2", "");
checkNeg(r"[A-Z]+", "ß", ignoreCase: true);
// expMatchesData is a list of matchData
// matchData is a list of the form [int, int, String, String*], where the ints
// correspond to start/end indices of the match, and the strings - to group values
void check(String pattern, String str, bool multiLine, bool ignoreCase, List expMatchesData) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(pattern, multiLine: multiLine, caseSensitive: !ignoreCase);
Iterable<Match> matches = re.allMatches(str);
if(0 == matches.length) {"\"$pattern\" !~ \"$str\"");
Expect.equals(expMatchesData.length, matches.length);
Iterator<Match> it = matches.iterator;
int matchCnt = 0;
expMatchesData.forEach((List expMatch) {
Match actMatch = it.current;
Expect.equals(expMatch.length, actMatch.groupCount + 3);
Expect.equals(str, actMatch.input);
Expect.equals(expMatch[0], actMatch.start);
Expect.equals(expMatch[1], actMatch.end);
for(int i = 0; i <= actMatch.groupCount; i++) {
String actMatchStr =;
String expMatchStr = expMatch[i + 2];
if(expMatchStr != actMatchStr) {"Group $i incorrect: '$expMatchStr' expected instead of '$actMatchStr'");
void checkNeg(String pattern, String str, {bool multiLine: false, bool ignoreCase: false}) {
RegExp re = new RegExp(pattern, multiLine: multiLine, caseSensitive: !ignoreCase);
Iterable<Match> matches = re.allMatches(str);
Expect.equals(0, matches.length);