blob: a47f310243b42339a1f7ff4511157d816ae96723 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion
* @description
import "dart:html";
import "../xpath-test-pre.dart";
void main() {
var doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <para id="1" />' +
' <div id="2" />' +
' <para id="3" />' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "para", [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[0], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[1]]);
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "*", [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[0], doc.getElementsByTagName("div")[0], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[1]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString('<doc>This is <i>some</i> text.</doc>', 'application/xml');
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "text()", [doc.documentElement.firstChild, doc.documentElement.lastChild]);
/* getAttributeNode not defined
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString('<doc name="foo" value="bar" />', 'application/xml');
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "@name", [doc.documentElement.getAttributeNode("name")]);
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "@*", [doc.documentElement.getAttributeNode("name"), doc.documentElement.getAttributeNode("value")]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString('<doc><para id="1" /><para id="2" /><para id="3" /></doc>', 'application/xml');
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "para[1]", [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[0]]);
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "para[last()]", [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <chapter><para id="1" /><para id="2" /></chapter>' +
' <section><para id="3" /><sub><para id="4" /></sub></section>' +
' <para id="4" />' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "*/para", [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[0], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <chapter id="1" /><chapter id="2" /><chapter id="3" />' +
' <chapter id="4">' +
' <section id="4.1" /><section id="4.2" /><section id="4.3" />' +
' </chapter>' +
' <chapter id="5">' +
' <section id="5.1" /><section id="5.2" /><section id="5.3" />' +
' </chapter>' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "/doc/chapter[5]/section[2]", [doc.getElementsByTagName("section")[4]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <chapter><para id="1" /><para id="2" /></chapter>' +
' <chapter><section><para id="3" /></section></chapter>' +
' <para id="4" />' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "chapter//para", [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[0], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<para id="0">' +
' <div id="1" />' +
' <para id="2">' +
' <para id="3" />' +
' </para>' +
test(doc, '//para[@id="2"]', '//para', [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[0], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <item id="1">' +
' <context />' +
' <olist><item id="2" /></olist>' +
' </item>' +
' <olist><item id="3" /></olist>' +
test(doc, '//context', '//olist/item', [doc.getElementsByTagName("item")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("item")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc id="0">' +
' <para id="1"/>' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, '.', [doc.documentElement]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<para id="0">' +
' <div id="1" />' +
' <para id="2">' +
' <para id="3" />' +
' </para>' +
test(doc, '//para[@id="2"]', './para', [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc id="0">' +
' <chapter id="1">' +
' <item id="2" />' +
' <item id="3"><subitem id="4" /></item>' +
' </chapter>' +
test(doc, '//item[@id="3"]', '..', [doc.getElementsByTagName("chapter")[0]]);
/* getAttributeNode not defined
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc id="0">' +
' <chapter id="1" lang="en">' +
' <item id="2" />' +
' <item id="3"><subitem id="4" /></item>' +
' </chapter>' +
test(doc, '//item[@id="3"]', '../@lang', [doc.getElementsByTagName("chapter")[0].getAttributeNode("lang")]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <para id="1" type="info" />' +
' <para id="2" type="warning" />' +
' <para id="3" type="warning" />' +
' <para id="4" type="error" />' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, 'para[@type="warning"]', [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <para id="1" type="info" />' +
' <para id="2" type="warning" />' +
' <para id="3" type="warning" />' +
' <para id="4" type="warning" />' +
' <para id="5" type="error" />' +
' <para id="6" type="warning" />' +
' <para id="7" type="warning" />' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, 'para[@type="warning"][5]', [doc.getElementsByTagName("para")[6]]);
test(doc, doc.documentElement, 'para[5][@type="warning"]', []);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <chapter id="1" />' +
' <chapter id="2"><title>Introduction</title></chapter>' +
' <chapter id="3"><title>Body</title></chapter>' +
' <chapter id="4">' +
' <title>Another</title>' +
' <title>Introduction</title>' +
' </chapter>' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "chapter[title='Introduction']", [doc.getElementsByTagName("chapter")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("chapter")[3]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <chapter id="1" />' +
' <chapter id="2"><title /></chapter>' +
' <chapter id="3"><title /><title /></chapter>' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "chapter[title]", [doc.getElementsByTagName("chapter")[1], doc.getElementsByTagName("chapter")[2]]);
doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString(
'<doc>' +
' <employee name="Alice" />' +
' <employee name="Bob" secretary="Cathy" />' +
' <employee name="Dianne" secretary="Edward" assistant="Fran" />' +
test(doc, doc.documentElement, "employee[@secretary and @assistant]", [doc.getElementsByTagName("employee")[2]]);