blob: 7735656c0efa98ca0a95da074f90904c5b147f07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* after LayoutTests/fast/xpath/4XPath/Core/test_boolean_expr.html
* @description
import "dart:html";
import "../../../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../../../../testcommon.dart";
int passcnt=0;
int failcnt=0;
String failures="";
void checkTestFailures() {
print("tests passed: $passcnt; failed: $failcnt");
if (failcnt==0) return;;
void main() {
XPathEvaluator evaluator=new XPathEvaluator();
Document doc = (new DomParser()).parseFromString("<root num0='0' num2='2' num4='4'><egg1>egg1</egg1><egg2>egg2</egg2></root>", "application/xml");
void test(String expr, bool expected) {
var nodeset = evaluator.evaluate(expr, doc, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null);
bool actual=nodeset.booleanValue;
if (actual==expected) {
} else {
failures="$failures\ntest($expr) failed: expected length=$expected, actual=$actual.";
test("3.14 < -4", false);
test("3.14 <= -4", false);
test("3.14 > -4", true);
test("3.14 >= 3.14", true);
test("number(\'NaN\') < -4", false);
test("number(\'NaN\') <= -4", false);
test("number(\'NaN\') > -4", false);
test("number(\'NaN\') >= 3.14", false);
test("/root/@num2 <= /root/@num2", true);
test("/root/@num2 >= /root/@num2", true);
test("/root/@num0 <= /root/@num2", true);
test("/root/@num0 >= /root/@num2", false);
test("/root/@num4 <= /root/@num2", false);
test("/root/@num4 >= /root/@num2", true);
test("\'3.14\' = \'3.14\'", true);
test("\'3.14\' = \'Hi\'", false);
test("\'3.14\' != -4", true);
test("number(\'NaN\') = \'Hi\'", false);
test("number(\'NaN\') != -4", true);
test("number(\'NaN\') = number(\'NaN\')", false);
test("number(\'NaN\') != number(\'NaN\')", true);
test("/empty = true()", false);
test("/empty != true()", true);
test("/empty = false()", true);
test("/empty != false()", false);
test("/empty = /root/*[1]", false);
test("/empty != /root/*[1]", false);
test("/root/*[1] = /empty", false);
test("/root/*[1] != /empty", false);
test("/root/*[1] = /root/*[1]", true);
test("/root/*[1] != /root/*[1]", false);
test("\'egg1\' = /root/*[1]", true);
test("\'egg1\' != /root/*[1]", false);
test("\'egg2\' = /root/*[1]", false);
test("\'egg2\' != /root/*[1]", true);
test("\'egg1\' = /root/*", true);
// Yeah, non-intuitive, but true acc to XPath spec 3.4
test("\'egg1\' != /root/*", true);
test("true() and true()", true);
test("true() and false()", false);
test("false() and true()", false);
test("false() and false()", false);
test("true() or false()", true);
test("false() or true()", true);
test("true() or true()", true);
test("false() or false()", false);