blob: 32c19376ee2a9191fd20281c2032dc7891e96663 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion The effect of a type alias of the form
* typedef T id(T1 p1, ..., Tn pn, [Tn+1 pn+1, ..., Tn+k pn+k]) declared in a library L
* is is to introduce the name id into the scope of L, bound to the function type
* (T1, ..., Tn, [Tn+1 pn+1, ..., Tn+k pn+k ]) -> T.
* The effect of a type alias of the form
* typedef T id(T1 p1, ..., Tn pn, {Tn+1 pn+1, ..., Tn+k pn+k]} declared in a library L
* is is to introduce the name id into the scope of L, bound to the function type
* (T1, ..., Tn, {Tn+1 pn+1, ..., Tn+k pn+k }) -> T.
* @description Checks that this is true for more complex function signatures.
* @author iefremov
* @reviewer rodionov
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
class C {}
abstract class I {}
typedef void f_t(int i, String s, C c, I i2, var v, List a, List<int> a2,
[int opti, String opts, C optc, I opti2, var optv, List opta, List<int> opta2]);
void f(int i, String s, C c, I i2, var v, List a, List<int> a2,
[int opti, String opts, C optc, I opti2, var optv, List opta, List<int> opta2]) {}
typedef void g_t(int i, String s, C c, {int opti, String opts, C optc});
void g(int i, String s, C c, {int opti, String opts, C optc}) {}
main() {
Expect.isTrue(f is f_t);
Expect.isTrue(g is g_t);