blob: 038bf215ca4ba6289a9c5c79860b5d6aaceed460 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion A script is a library whose exported namespace includes a
* top-level function main().
* libraryDefinition:
* scriptTag? libraryName? libraryImport* partDirective* topLevelDefinition*
* ;
* topLevelDefinition:
* classDefinition
* | typeAlias
* | external? functionSignature
* | external? getterSignature
* | external? setterSignature
* | functionSignature functionBody
* | returnType? getOrSet identifier formalParameterList functionBody
* | (final | const) type? staticFinalDeclarationList ';'
* | variableDeclaration ';'
* ;
* getOrSet:
* get
* | set
* ;
* @description Checks that a script with valid top level definitions is parsed
* without errors.
* @author msyabro
* @reviewer rodionov
abstract class I {}
abstract class J<T> {}
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C implements I {}
class D implements J<String> {}
f() {}
g(p1, p2) => p1 + p2;
A h([p1, p2]) {
return new A();
typedef typeF();
typedef int typeG();
typedef void typeH(p1, p2);
external int extFunc(bool);
external int get extGetter;
external void set extSetter(int x);
final x = 'x';
String y = 'y';
var z;
int a, b, c = 1;
get _x {}
set _y(p) {}
main() {
new A();
new B();
new C();
new D();
g(1, 2);
h('', "");
typeF funcF = ()=>1;
typeG funcG = () {};
typeH funcH = (p1, p2) {};
_y = 1;