blob: 9ba87152ce6a7ecdeae222f71422ddf078c7ccc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion An expression e may always be enclosed in parentheses, but this never has any semantic effect on e.
* @description Checks that any expression can be enclosed in parentheses.
* @author msyabro
* @reviewer kaigorodov
class C {
method() {}
var id;
test() {
//number literals
//string literals
//boolean literals
//list literal
([1, 2, 3]);
//map literal
({'1': 1, '2': 2});
//function expressions
(()=> 1);
(() {});
//instance creation
(new C());
var o = new C();
(id = 1);
(id += 1);
(id -= 1);
//conditional expression
(true ? true : false);
//logical expressions
(true || true);
(false && false);
//bitwise expressions
(1 ^ 1);
(0 & 1);
(0 | 0);
//relational expressions
(1 < 2);
(3 > 2);
(identical(this, this));
('' == "");
(1 != 1);
//shift expressions
(1 << 1);
(2 >> 1);
//additive expressions
(1 + 2);
(0 - 0);
//multiplicative expressions
(2 * 1);
(1 / 1);
(0 ~/ 1);
(9 % 3);
//unary expressions
//identifier reference
//type test
(1 is int);
(2 is! int);
// type cast
(1 as int);
main() {
new C().test();