blob: ca7d5815b752466f11b542632e90cb9af73b9199 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Unary expressions invoke unary operators on objects.
* unaryExpression:
* prefixOperator unaryExpression |
* postfixExpression |
* (minusOperator | tildeOperator) super |
* incrementOperator assignableExpression
* ;
* prefixOperator:
* minusOperator |
* negationOperator |
* tildeOperator
* ;
* minusOperator:
* ‘-’ |
* ;
* negationOperator:
* ‘!’ |
* ;
* tildeOperator:
* ‘˜’
* ;
* @description Checks that unary expressions of the form [incrementOperator assignableExpression]
* don't cause compile-time errors.
* @static-warning
* @author msyabro
* @reviewer kaigorodov
* @reviewer rodionov
class S {
S() : x = 1;
operator[](var ind) {return x;}
operator[]=(var ind, var val) {x = val;}
var x;
class A extends S{
A() : id = 1;
method() {}
test() {
//invocation of getter or list access on super
--super.x; // issue 1300
++super[0]; // issue 1300
//invocation of a method, getter or list access operator on an expression e.
try { --this[0]; } catch(e) {}
try { ++this.x; } catch(e) {}
try { ++() {} [0]; } catch(e) {} /// static type warnings galore
try { --(){}.x; } catch(e) {}
try { --null["key"]; } catch(e) {}
try { ++null.x; } catch(e) {}
try {++true[1];} catch(e) {}
try {--true.t;} catch(e) {}
try {--1[1];} catch(e) {}
try {++1.num;} catch(e) {}
try {++"s"["s"];} catch(e) {}
try {--"".c;} catch(e) {}
try { ++{"1" : 1, "2" : 2}["1"]; } catch(e) {}
try { --{"1" : 1, "2" : 2}.prop; } catch(e) {}
try { ++[0, 1, 2, 3][1]; } catch(e) {}
try { --[].a; } catch(e) {}
try { ++id["id"];} catch(e) {}
try {;} catch(e) {}
try { --new A()[0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++new A().x;} catch(e) {}
try { --const [1, 2, 3][0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++const {"1":1}.x;} catch(e) {}
try { ++topLevelFunction()[0];} catch(e) {}
try { --topLevelFunction().x;} catch(e) {}
try { ++this.method()[1]; } catch(e) {}
try { --this.method().x; } catch(e) {}
try { ++(id = 2)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { --(id += 1).x;} catch(e) {}
try { --(super.x)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++(true ? 1 : 2)[1];} catch(e) {}
try { --(true || false)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++(id & 1)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++(1 == 1)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { --(2 <= 3).x;} catch(e) {}
try { ++(1 << 1)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++(0 + 0)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { --(1 * 5)[4];} catch(e) {}
try { ++(id++)[0];} catch(e) {}
try { ++(1 is int)[0];} catch(e) {}
var id;
main() {
A a = new A();