blob: 7caf60391624604784412ec4d4eef21c7789616c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion If e is an expression that evaluates to an object o, and if m is
* the name of a concrete method member of e, then e.m is dened to be equivalent to:
* - (r1, ..., rn, {p1:d1, ..., pk:dk }){return u.m(r1, ..., rn, p1:p1, ..., pk:
* pk); } if m has required parameters r1, ..., rn, and named parameters
* p1, ..., pk with defaults d1, ..., dk.
* - (r1, ..., rn, [p1=d1, ..., pk=dk ]){return u.m(r1, ..., rn, p1, ..., pk ); } if
* m has required parameters r1, ..., rn, and optional positional parameters
* p1, ..., pk with defaults d1, ..., dk .
* where u is a fresh final variable bound to o, except that:
* 1. iff identical(o1,o2) then o1.m == o2.m.
* 2. The static type of the property extraction is the static type of function
* T.m, where T is the static type of e, if T.m is defined. Otherwise the
* static type of e.m is dynamic.
* @description Checks that property extraction returns equal results for
* identical() objects and not equal results for not identical() objects.
* @author ilya
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
class C {
f(x) => ++x;
class D {
const D();
g() {}
main() {
var x = new C();
var y = new C();
Expect.equals(x.f, x.f);
Expect.notEquals(x.f, y.f);
Expect.equals(const D().g, const D().g);
Expect.notEquals(new D().g, new D().g);