blob: ed6c00c877f51dd53c0454d5adabc8d6e5cf461a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @assertion Functions include function declarations, methods, getters,
* setters, constructors and function literals.
* All functions have a signature and a body.
* functionSignature:
* metadata returnType? identifier formalParameterList
* ;
* returnType: void | type
* ;
* functionBody:
* '=>' expression ';' | block
* ;
* block:
* '{' statements '}'
* ;
* @description Checks that any specified expression can be a body
* of a function of the form [functionSignature '=>' expression ';']
* @author msyabro
* @reviewer kaigorodov
* @reviewer iefremov
import "06_Functions_A01_t03_lib.dart" as prfx;
class A {
const A();
static final a = 1;
class B {
var p;
method() => this;
B() {}
main() {
int x = 1;
int y = 0;
B b = new B();
List l = new List.from([1, 2]);
f_const() => const {"a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : 3};
g_const() => const [];
f_null() => null;
f_num() => 1;
g_num() => -.0;
h_num() => 0xa;
f_bool() => true;
g_bool() => false;
f_string() => "";
g_string() => "str";
h_string() => "$x";
f_list() => [];
g_list() => [1, "2"];
f_map() => {"1" : 1, "2": 2};
//Function expressions
f_func() => (int z) {return z + 1;};
// only one semicolon is fine here because the nested function expression
// is not a statement and is parsed using a different grammar production
g_func() => () => 1;
//Instance creation
f_instance() => new B();
g_instance() => const A();
//Property extraction
f_property() => b.p;
g_property() => b.method;
//Function invocation
f_fInvocation() => f_property();
//Method invocation
f_mInvocation() => b.method();
f_assignment() => x = 3;
g_assignment() => x *= 2;
f_conditional() => (1 > 0) ? (x = 2) : (x = 5);
//Logical boolean expressions
f_logical() => x > 1 && y < 2;
g_logical() => x < 2 || y == 3;
//Bitwise expressions
f_bitwise() => x & y;
g_bitwise() => x | y;
h_bitwise() => x ^ y;
f_equality() => x == y;
g_equality() => identical(x, y);
h_equality() => !identical(x, y);
i_equality() => x != y;
//Relational expressions
f_relational() => x > y;
g_relational() => y <= x;
f_shift() => x << 1;
g_shift() => y >> 2;
//Additive expressions
f_additive() => x + y;
g_additive() => x - y;
//Multiplicative expressions
f_multiplicative() => x * y;
g_multiplicative() => x / y;
h_multiplicative() => x ~/ y;
i_multiplicative() => x % y;
//Unary expressions
f_unari() => ++x;
g_unari() => x--;
h_unari() => -y;
//Assignable expressions
f_assignable() => l[1];
//Identifier reference
f_identifier() => x;
g_identifier() => b;
h_identifier() =>;
//Type test
f_type() => x is String;
g_type() => f_type is Function;