blob: 0c7abd32d48fa171be487a62b2b5c965eecf7393 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion static void approxEquals(num expected, num actual, [num tolerance = null, String reason = null])
/// Failure if the difference between expected and actual is greater than the given tolerance.
/// @description Checks that no exception is thrown when the difference between arguments is equal
/// to specified non-negative, non-NAN tolerance, regardless of reason (the last argument). Also
/// checks the case when the specified tolerance is negative zero (0.0 == -0.0).
/// @author rodionov
/// @reviewer varlax
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "dart:math" as Math;
main() {
final double MIN_DOUBLE = Math.pow(2.0, -1074);
final double NEG_MIN_DOUBLE = -1 * MIN_DOUBLE;
final double MAX_DOUBLE = (2 - Math.pow(2.0, -52)) * Math.pow(2.0, 1023);
final double NEG_MAX_DOUBLE = -1 * MAX_DOUBLE;
Expect.approxEquals(100.0, 101, 1);
Expect.approxEquals(100.0, 101, 1, "");
Expect.approxEquals(100.0, 101, 1, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(101, 100.0, 1);
Expect.approxEquals(101, 100.0, 1, "");
Expect.approxEquals(101, 100.0, 1, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(100, 100.0, 0);
Expect.approxEquals(100, 100.0, 0, "");
Expect.approxEquals(100, 100.0, 0, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(100, -100.0, 200);
Expect.approxEquals(100, -100.0, 200, "");
Expect.approxEquals(100, -100.0, 200, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(-100, 100.0, 200);
Expect.approxEquals(-100, 100.0, 200, "");
Expect.approxEquals(-100, 100.0, 200, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(100, 100, -0.0);
Expect.approxEquals(100, 100, -0.0, "");
Expect.approxEquals(100, 100, -0.0, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, 0, double.infinity);
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, 0, double.infinity, "");
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, 0, double.infinity, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, 0, double.infinity);
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, 0, double.infinity, "");
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, 0, double.infinity, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity);
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "");
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity);
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "");
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, NEG_MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity);
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, NEG_MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "");
Expect.approxEquals(double.infinity, NEG_MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "not empty");
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, NEG_MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity);
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, NEG_MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "");
Expect.approxEquals(double.negativeInfinity, NEG_MAX_DOUBLE, double.infinity, "not empty");