blob: ec9f1911ae38f7b2fc90408e44cfefa86d4a8899 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion Future then(dynamic onValue(T value), {Function onError})
/// Register callbacks to be called when this future completes.
/// When this future completes with a value, the onValue callback will be
/// called with that value. If this future is already completed, the callback
/// will not be called immediately, but will be scheduled in a later microtask.
/// . . .
/// Returns a new Future which is completed with the result of the call to
/// onValue (if this future completes with a value) or to onError (if this
/// future completes with an error).
/// @description Checks that the correct value is passes to [onValue].
/// @author msyabro
import "dart:async";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
class C {
const C();
void check(Object value) {
Completer completer = new Completer();
Future f = completer.future;
f.then((fValue) {
Expect.identical(value, fValue);
main() {
check(const {});
check(const C());