blob: 98db085913e7300d0ebb1d65fc87f90fee7758f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion A generic class declaration introduces a generic class into the
/// enclosing library scope. A generic class is a mapping that accepts a list of
/// actual type arguments and maps them to a class. Consider a generic class
/// declaration [G] named [C] with formal type parameter declarations [X1 extends
/// B1,..., Xm extends Bm], and a parameterized type [T] of the form
/// [C<T1,..., Tl>].
/// Otherwise, said parameterized type [C<T1,..., Tm>] denotes an application of
/// the generic class declared by [G] to the type arguments [T1],...,[Tm]. This
/// yields a class [C0] whose members are equivalent to those of a class
/// declaration which is obtained from the declaration [G] by replacing each
/// occurrence of [Xj] by [Tj].
/// @description Checks that each occurrence of [Xj] is replaced by [Tj] for
/// generic class [C0].
/// @author
import "dart:async";
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
class A<X extends A<X>> {}
class C<T> {
check(expected) {
Expect.equals(expected, T);
main() {
(new C<int>()).check(int);
(new C<List>()).check(List);
(new C<String>()).check(String);
(new C<C>()).check(C);
(new C<A>()).check(A);
(new C<dynamic>()).check(dynamic);
(new C<Null>()).check(Null);
(new C<Object>()).check(Object);
(new C<FutureOr>()).check(FutureOr);
(new C<Null>()).check(Null);