blob: 7dfea2863bbe35a64f7cbb6f64f655895d221d61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion Adjacent strings are implicitly concatenated to form a single
/// string literal.
/// @description Checks that various string literal separated by whitespace
/// are concatenated to form a single string literal.
/// @author msyabro
/// @reviewer rodionov
import '../../../Utils/expect.dart';
main() {
//Empty single-quoted strings
Expect.equals('', '' '');
Expect.equals('', ''
Expect.equals('', ''r'');
//Empty double-quoted strings
Expect.equals('', "" "");
Expect.equals('', ""
Expect.equals('', ""r"");
//Empty multi-line strings
Expect.equals('', """""" """""");
Expect.equals('', '''''' '''''');
Expect.equals('', """""""""""");
Expect.equals('', '''''''''''');
//Empty mixed quotes strings
Expect.equals('', '' "");
Expect.equals('', ''"");
Expect.equals('', ""'');
Expect.equals('', ""
Expect.equals('', '''''' "");
Expect.equals('', """"""'');
Expect.equals('', '''''''');
Expect.equals('', """""""");
Expect.equals('', '' '' '');
Expect.equals('', '' "" '');
Expect.equals('', ""
Expect.equals('', '' "" '''''' """""");
//Non-empty strings
Expect.equals('string', 'st' 'ring');
Expect.equals('0123', "0" "1" "2" "3");
Expect.equals('abcdb', 'a''b''c''d'
Expect.equals('12', '1'r'2');
Expect.equals('11111', """11"""'''111''');
Expect.equals('1[2, 1, 1]', "${1}"'${[2, 1, 1]}');
Expect.equals(' abc\n defa\n bc', '''
def''' """a