blob: a4b2e6d73c8f6ad9defb65dd9c47e927f1a1961d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion A list literal denotes a list, which is an integer indexed
/// collection of objects.
/// listLiteral:
/// const? typeArguments? '[' (expressionList ','?)? ']'
/// ;
/// @description Checks that various list literals don't produce a compile-time
/// errors.
/// @author msyabro
topFunc() {}
class S {
const S();
class Test {
method() {}
var id;
expressions() {
[1, true, null, ""];
[{"1": 1, "2": 2}, []];
[() {}, () => 1, (p1) {return p1;}];
[topFunc(), this.method()];
[id = 1,id *= 1];
[id == 1, identical(1, 2), true != false];
[1 > 2, 3 >= 3, 0 <= 4, id < 1];
[true || false, false && false];
[20 | 0, 7 & 2, 1 ^ 1];
["a" "b", 7 - 100e-100];
[2 * 3, 0 / 1, 5 % 1, .5 ~/ 2];
[1 + 2 > 3 ? [] : 1 < 3 ? {} : () {}];
[this, new Test()];
[const S(), const {}, const [1]];
[1 << 1, 10 >> 2];
[ -1, !true, ~id];
[id++, --id];
[true is bool, false is! int];
constants() {
const [];
const <int> [1, 2 + 2];
const <String> ["1", "2", "3", "4"];
const <List> [const [], const [1, 2, 3]];
const <Map> [const {}];
const [ 1, true, const S(), const []];
typeVariables() {
<int> [1, 2];
<String> ["index 0", "index 1"];
<bool> [true, false && true];
<Test> [new Test()];
<Function> [() {}, () => 1];
endsWithComma() {
["1", 2,];
const [true, false, ];
<int> [1, 2,];
main() {
Test t = new Test();