blob: 1134fa5b609888000641a7d2d53ede39eff75e95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion A function literal is an object that encapsulates an executable
/// unit of code.
/// functionExpression:
/// formalParameterList functionExpressionBody
/// ;
/// @description Checks that various function expressions that are valid
/// according to the specification don't produce compile-time errors.
/// @author kaigorodov
/// @reviewer rodionov
/// @note the test split into t01 and t05
abstract class I {}
class C implements I {}
typedef int tf(int x, double y);
main() {
// as right side of an assignment
var f = () {};
var f2 = (int k) {};
var g = () => 1;
var g2 = (int k) => k;
var interfaceFunc = (C x, y) => new C();
var classFunc = ([p1, String p2]) {var x = p2;};
var funcFunc = (tf p1, tf p2, [tf p3]) => null;
var funcFunc1 = (tf p1, tf p2, {tf p3}) => null;
// as function expression statement
() {};
(int k) {};
() => 1;
(C x, y) => new C();
([p1, String p2]) {{var x = 1;}};
(tf p1, tf p2, [tf p3]) => null;
// as an invocation of function expression
// see test A01/t05