blob: 0fbbf585b209aa02320c9cf3c5f97746c2d40c69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion
/// Future<RandomAccessFile> lock([
/// FileLock mode = FileLock.exclusive,
/// int start = 0,
/// int end = -1
/// ])
/// . . .
/// NOTE file locking does have slight differences in behavior across platforms:
/// On Linux and OS X this uses advisory locks, which have the surprising
/// semantics that all locks associated with a given file are removed when any
/// file descriptor for that file is closed by the process. Note that this does
/// not actually lock the file for access. Also note that advisory locks are on
/// a process level. This means that several isolates in the same process can
/// obtain an exclusive lock on the same file.
/// On Windows the regions used for lock and unlock needs to match. If that is
/// not the case unlocking will result in the OS error "The segment is already
/// unlocked".
/// @description Checks that on Windows the regions used for lock and unlock
/// needs to match.
/// @author
import "dart:io";
import "dart:async";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../file_utils.dart";
import "lock_check_1_lib.dart";
runMain() {
int fLen = 10;
File file = getTempFileSync();
var rf1 = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
var rf2 = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
for (int i = 0; i < fLen; i++) {
rf1.writeByteSync((i + 1) & 0xff);
var rfLock = rf1.lock(FileLock.exclusive, 4, 6);
rf2.lock(FileLock.exclusive, 7, 8);
String eScript = Platform.script.toString();
rfLock.then((RandomAccessFile f) {
var tests = [
() => checkLocked(eScript, f.path, 4),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, f.path, 0, 4),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, f.path, 6, 7),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, f.path, 8),
() => checkLocked(eScript, f.path, 7)
if (Platform.isWindows) {
() => rf1.unlockSync(4, 6),
() => rf2.unlockSync(7, 8),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, file.path)
} else {
() => rf1.unlockSync(4, 5),
() => rf1.unlock(7, 8),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, file.path, 0, 5),
() => checkLocked(eScript, file.path, 5),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, file.path, 6),
() => rf2.unlockSync(5, 6),
() => checkUnlocked(eScript, file.path)
Future.forEach(tests, (Function f) => f()).whenComplete(() {
main(List<String> args) {
if(args.length > 0)
else {