blob: 2a1ef573b4d2367851fe27979cbac6f1f9c6a805 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
/// @assertion String findProxyFromEnvironment(
/// Uri url, {
/// Map<String, String> environment
/// })
/// Function for resolving the proxy server to be used for a HTTP connection from
/// the proxy configuration specified through environment variables.
/// The following environment variables are taken into account:
/// http_proxy
/// https_proxy
/// no_proxy
/// http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY specify the proxy server to use for http:// urls.
/// Use the format hostname:port. If no port is used a default of 1080 will be
/// used. If both are set the lower case one takes precedence.
/// https_proxy and HTTPS_PROXY specify the proxy server to use for https://
/// urls. Use the format hostname:port. If no port is used a default of 1080 will
/// be used. If both are set the lower case one takes precedence.
/// no_proxy and NO_PROXY specify a comma separated list of postfixes of
/// hostnames for which not to use the proxy server. E.g. the value
/// "localhost," will make requests to both "localhost" and ""
/// not use a proxy. If both are set the lower case one takes precedence.
/// To activate this way of resolving proxies assign this function to the
/// findProxy property on the HttpClient.
/// HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
/// client.findProxy = HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment;
/// If you don't want to use the system environment you can use a different one
/// by wrapping the function.
/// HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
/// client.findProxy = (url) {
/// return HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment(
/// url, {"http_proxy": ..., "no_proxy": ...});
/// }
/// If a proxy requires authentication it is possible to configure the username
/// and password as well. Use the format username:password@hostname:port to
/// include the username and password. Alternatively the API addProxyCredentials
/// can be used to set credentials for proxies which require authentication.
/// @description Checks rewritten value of findProxyFromEnvironment
/// @author
import "dart:io";
import "dart:convert";
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
var localhost = InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4.address;
test() async {
bool findProxyCalled = false;
String hello = "Hello world!";
HttpServer server = await HttpServer.bind(localhost, 0);
server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.findProxy = (Uri url) {
findProxyCalled = true;
return HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment(url,
environment: {"http_proxy": localhost + ":${server.port}"});
client.get(localhost, server.port, "")
.then((HttpClientRequest request) => request.close())
.then((HttpClientResponse response) {
response.cast<List<int>>().transform(utf8.decoder).listen((content) {
Expect.equals(hello, content);
main() {