blob: 191e5345ba38fb7406866779487f884e29d55f1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion For an expression of the form e<typeArgs>, which is not followed
/// by an argument list (that would turn it into a generic function invocation),
/// the meaning of e<typeArgs> depends on the expression e:
/// ...
/// - If e has a static type which is a generic callable object type (a
/// non-function type with a generic method named call), then e<typeArgs> is
/// equivalent to the instantiated method-tear off<typeArgs>.
/// @description Checks that if e denotes a generic instance method then then
/// e<typeArgs> performs an explicitly instantiated method tear-off
/// @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=constructor-tearoffs
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
class C {
T call<T>(T t) => t;
typedef CAlias = C;
main() {
var c1 = C()<int>;
Expect.isFalse(c1 is Type);
Expect.isTrue(c1 is int Function(int));
Expect.equals(c1, C().call<int>);
var c2 = CAlias()<int>;
Expect.isFalse(c2 is Type);
Expect.isTrue(c2 is int Function(int));
Expect.equals(c2, CAlias().call<int>);