blob: a104b4316375f6dd1c6d9146a25646b010e62454 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion A mixin application of the form S with M1,...,Mk; defines a
/// class C whose superclass is the application of the mixin composition
/// Mk−1 ∗ ... ∗ M1 to S.
/// ...
/// The composition of two mixins, M1< T1...TkM1 > and M2< U1...UkM2 >,
/// written M1< T1...TkM1 > ∗ M2< U1...UkM2 > defines an anonymous mixin
/// such that for any class S< V1...VkS >, the application of
/// M1< T1...TkM1 > ∗ M2< U1...UkM2 >
/// to S< V1...VkS > is equivalent to
/// abstract class Id1< T1...TkM1, U1...UkM2, V1...VkS > =
/// Id2< U1...UkM2, V1...VkS > with M1< T1...TkM1 >;
/// where Id2 denotes
/// abstract class Id2< U1...UkM2, V1...VkS > =
/// S< V1...VkS > with M2< U1...UkM2 >;
/// @description Checks that mixin composition applies mixins in the right
/// order. Test type aliases
/// @author
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=nonfunction-type-aliases
import "../../../Utils/expect.dart";
class A {
int m = 0;
class M1 {
int m = 1;
class M2 {
int m = 2;
class M3 {
int m = 3;
typedef AAlias = A;
typedef MAlias1 = M1;
typedef MAlias2 = M2;
typedef MAlias3 = M3;
class B1 = AAlias with MAlias1, MAlias2;
class B2 = AAlias with MAlias1, MAlias2, MAlias3;
class B3 = B1 with MAlias3, MAlias2, MAlias1;
main() {
B1 b1 = new B1();
B2 b2 = new B2();
B3 b3 = new B3();
Expect.equals(2, b1.m);
Expect.equals(3, b2.m);
Expect.equals(1, b3.m);