blob: 85ccc79fdf32b60179b68ccc1df1e0804a77089b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion
/// To type check a pattern p being matched against a value of type M:
/// ...
/// Map:
/// i. Calculate the value's entry key type K and value type V, and key context
/// C:
/// a. If p has type arguments <K, V> for some K and V then use those, and C
/// is K.
/// b. Else if M implements Map<K, V> for some K and V then use those, and C
/// is K.
/// c. Else if M is dynamic then K and V are dynamic and C is _.
/// d. Else K and V are Object? and C is _.
/// ii. Type-check each key expression using C as the context type.
/// iii. Type-check each value subpattern using V as the matched value type.
/// vi. The required type of p is Map<K, V>.
/// @description Check that if `p` has no type arguments and `M` implements
/// `Map<K, V>` then value's value type is `V` and key context is `K`
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../../Utils/static_type_helper.dart";
class C<T> {
const C();
String test1() {
switch (<C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1}) {
case {const C(): var a}:
return "match";
return "no match";
String test2() {
switch (<C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1}) {
case {const C(): final a}:
return "match";
return "no match";
String test3() {
if (<C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1} case {const C(): var a}) {
return "match";
return "no match";
String test4() {
if (<C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1} case {const C(): final a}) {
return "match";
return "no match";
String test5() =>
switch (<C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1}) {
{const C(): var a} when a.expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>() is int => "match",
_ => "no match"
String test6() =>
switch (<C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1}) {
{const C(): final a} when
a.expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>() is int => "match",
_ => "no match"
main() {
var {const C(): a1} = <C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1};
final {const C(): a2} = <C<String>, int>{const C<String>(): 1};
var {1: a3, 2: b3} = {1: "str", 2: bool};
final {1: a4, 2: b4} = {1: "str", 2: bool};
Expect.equals("match", test1());
Expect.equals("match", test2());
Expect.equals("match", test3());
Expect.equals("match", test4());
Expect.equals("match", test5());
Expect.equals("match", test6());