blob: 6d6017ecca64c2f4534840153080a16a8abeb422 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion
/// parenthesizedPattern ::= '(' pattern ')'
/// Like parenthesized expressions, parentheses in a pattern let you control
/// pattern precedence and insert a lower precedence pattern where a higher
/// precedence one is expected.
/// @description Checks parentheses in a variable pattern. Test the case when
/// there are no parentheses around expression on right side
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "patterns_lib.dart";
const empty = ();
main() {
var (a) = 42;
Expect.equals(42, a);
(a) = 0;
Expect.equals(0, a);
final (b) = "42";
Expect.equals("42", b);
var (() c) = empty;
Expect.equals(empty, c);
(c) = ();
(c) = (());
final (() d) = empty;
Expect.equals(empty, d);
var (e) = [];
(e) = [42];
Expect.equals(42, e[0]);
final (List<int> f) = (<int>[42]);
Expect.equals(42, f[0]);
var (g) = {};
(g) = {1: "2"};
Expect.equals("2", g[1]);
final (Map<int, String> h) = <int, String>{2: "3"};
Expect.equals("3", h[2]);
var (Square(area: i)) = Square(1);
Expect.equals(i, 1);
(i) = Unit(42);
Expect.equals(i, 42);
final (Square(area: Unit j)) = Square(1);
Expect.equals(j, 1);