blob: f78318b90d76e280463102246593b0c14964b121 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion objectPattern ::= typeName typeArguments? '(' patternFields? ')'
/// An object pattern matches values of a given named type and then extracts
/// values from it by calling getters on the value. Object patterns let users
/// destructure data from arbitrary objects using the getters the object's class
/// already exposes.
/// @description Checks an object pattern with different subpatterns in an
/// if-case statement
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "patterns_lib.dart";
String test(Shape shape) {
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 1, areaAsInt: > 3 || 2)) {
return "logical-or";
if (shape case Rectangle<Meter>(sizeAsInt: 11, areaAsInt: > 3 || 2)) {
return "logical-or-2";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 2, areaAsInt: > 0 && < 10)) {
return "logical-and";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 3, areaAsInt: > 5)) {
return "relational";
if (shape case Circle(sizeAsInt: 1, areaAsDouble: var c1 as num)) {
return "cast = ${c1.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
if (shape case Circle(sizeAsInt: 10, areaAsNull: final c2 as num)) {
return "cast = ${c2.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
if (shape case Circle(sizeAsInt: 2, areaAsNullable: var a1?)) {
return "null-check = ${a1.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
if (shape case Circle(sizeAsInt: 20, areaAsNull: var a2?)) {
return "null-check = ${a2.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
if (shape case Circle(sizeAsInt: 3, areaAsNullable: var b1!)) {
return "null-assert = ${b1.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
if (shape case Circle(sizeAsInt: 30, areaAsNull: var b2!)) {
return "null-assert = ${b2.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
if (shape case Square(sizeAsInt: 1)) {
return "constant";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 41, areaAsInt: int s1)) {
return "variable-1 = $s1";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 42, areaAsInt: var s2)) {
return "variable-2 = $s2";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 43, areaAsInt: final int s3)) {
return "variable-3 = $s3";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 44, areaAsInt: final s4)) {
return "variable-4 = $s4";
if (shape case Square(sizeAsInt: (2))) {
return "parenthesized";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 5, areaAsList: [var l1])) {
return "list = ${l1.toInt()}";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 6, areaAsList: [5])) {
return "list-2";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 7, areaAsMap: {"area": var m1})) {
return "map = ${m1.toInt()}";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 8, areaAsMap: {"area": 3})) {
return "map-2";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 9, areaAsRecord: (area: var x1))) {
return "record = ${x1.toInt()}";
if (shape case Rectangle(sizeAsInt: 10, areaAsRecord: (area: 1))) {
return "record-2";
if (shape case Square(size: Unit(value: 3))) {
return "object-1";
if (shape case Square(sizeAsInt: 4, area: Unit(value: var o1))) {
return "object-2 = ${o1.toInt()}";
return "default";
main() {
Expect.equals("logical-or", test(Rectangle(1, 4)));
Expect.equals("logical-or", test(Rectangle(1, 2)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(1, 1)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(11, 4)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle<Centimeter>(11, 4)));
Expect.equals("logical-or-2", test(Rectangle<Meter>(11, 4)));
Expect.equals("logical-and", test(Rectangle(2, 1)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(2, 5)));
Expect.equals("relational", test(Rectangle(3, 2)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(3, 1)));
Expect.equals("cast = 3.14", test(Circle(1)));
Expect.throws(() {test(Circle(10));});
Expect.equals("null-check = 12.56", test(Circle(2)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Circle(20)));
Expect.equals("null-assert = 28.26", test(Circle(3)));
Expect.throws(() {test(Circle(30));});
Expect.equals("constant", test(Square(1)));
Expect.equals("variable-1 = 41", test(Rectangle(41, 1)));
Expect.equals("variable-2 = 42", test(Rectangle(42, 1)));
Expect.equals("variable-3 = 43", test(Rectangle(43, 1)));
Expect.equals("variable-4 = 44", test(Rectangle(44, 1)));
Expect.equals("parenthesized", test(Square(2)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Square(20)));
Expect.equals("list = 10", test(Rectangle(5, 2)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(6, 1)));
Expect.equals("map = 7", test(Rectangle(7, 1)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(8, 1)));
Expect.equals("record = 9", test(Rectangle(9, 1)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Rectangle(10, 1)));
Expect.equals("object-1", test(Square(3)));
Expect.equals("object-2 = 16", test(Square(4)));
Expect.equals("default", test(Square(5)));