blob: ad3c98d77604dba0a0d388cc42f4116f8abade06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion
/// mapPattern ::= typeArguments? '{' mapPatternEntries? '}'
/// mapPatternEntries ::= mapPatternEntry ( ',' mapPatternEntry )* ','?
/// mapPatternEntry ::= expression ':' pattern
/// A map pattern matches values that implement Map and accesses values by key
/// from it.
/// It is a compile-time error if:
/// - typeArguments is present and there are more or fewer than two type
/// arguments.
/// - Any of the entry key expressions are not constant expressions.
/// - Any two keys in the map are identical.
/// - Any two record keys which both have primitive equality are equal.
/// @description Checks a map pattern in a declaration context
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
const two = 2;
class C {
int val;
main() {
var m1 = {1: "1", 2: "2"};
var <Object, String>{1: String _, two: a1} = m1;
Expect.equals("2", a1);
a1 = "3";
Expect.equals("2", m1[two]);
final {"1": a2, "2": int b2} = {"1": 1, "2": 2};
Expect.equals(1, a2);
Expect.equals(2, b2);
Map<int, C> m2 = {1: C(1)};
var {1: a3} = m2;
Expect.equals(1, a3.val);
a3.val = 3;
Expect.equals(3, m2[1]?.val);
Expect.throws(() {
var {1: a, 2: b} = {1: "1"};
Expect.throws(() {
final {1: a, 2: b!} = {1: 1, 2: null};
Expect.throws(() {
var {1: a, 2: b} = {1: "1", 3: "3"};