blob: a369880660a23224954c14dd6bb019805539b4a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// @assertion
/// Switch statement
/// 1. Evaluate the switch value producing v.
/// 2. For each case:
/// i. Match the case's pattern against v. If the match fails then continue to
/// the next case (or default clause or exit the switch if there are no
/// other cases).
/// ii. If there is a guard clause, evaluate it. If it does not evaluate to a
/// Boolean, throw a runtime error. This can happen if the guard
/// expression's type is dynamic. If it evaluates to false, continue to the
/// next case (or default or exit).
/// iii. Find the nearest non-empty case body at or following this case.
/// You're allowed to have multiple empty cases where all preceding ones
/// share the same body with the last case.
/// iv. If the enclosing scope for the body is a shared case scope, then
/// initialize all shared variables the values of the corresponding
/// variables from the case scope. There will be no shared case scope and
/// nothing to copy if the body is only used by a single case.
/// v. Execute the body statement.
/// vi. If execution of the body statement continues with a label, and that
/// label is labeling a switch case of this switch, go to step 3 and
/// continue from that label.
/// vii. Otherwise the switch statement completes normally. An explicit break
/// is no longer required.
/// 3. If no case pattern matched and there is a default clause, execute the
/// statements after it.
/// 4. If the static type of v is an always-exhaustive type, no case matches,
/// and there is no default clause, then throw a runtime error.
/// @description Check that if there is a guard clause, it is evaluated if match
/// success
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
String log = "";
bool guard(int v) {
log += "guard($v);";
return v == 42;
main() {
var v = [0, 42];
switch (v) {
case [int v1, var v2] when guard(v1):
log += "case-1;";
case [1, final v3] when guard(v3):
log += "case-2";
case [0, var v4] when guard(v4):
log += "case-3;";
log += "default";
Expect.equals("guard(0);guard(42);case-3;", log);