blob: e9f846a9eacc4910dc432a92a614fd1c69958dce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @assertion
/// A collection element of the form:
/// for (<keyword> <pattern> in <expression>) <element>
/// Where <keyword> is var or final is treated like so:
/// 1. Let I be the static type of <expression>, inferred using context type
/// schema Iterable<P> where P is the context type schema of <pattern>.
/// 2. Calculate the element type of I:
/// i. If I implements Iterable<T> for some T then E is T.
/// ii. Else if I is dynamic then E is dynamic.
/// iii. Else it is a compile-time error.
/// 3. Type check <pattern> with matched value type E.
/// 4. If there are no compile-time errors, then execution proceeds as the
/// following code, where id1 and id2 are fresh identifiers and append() is
/// an operation to add an element to the surrounding collection being built:
/// ```dart
/// I id1 = <expression>;
/// Iterator<E> id2 = id1.iterator;
/// while (id2.moveNext()) {
/// <keyword> <pattern> = id2.current;
/// append(<element>);
/// }
/// ```
/// @description Checks that in an async for-in element if `I` implements
/// `Stream<T>` for some `T` then `E` is `T`. Test `T` inferred from `<pattern>`
/// to `<expression>` and from `<expression>` to `<pattern>`. Check a map
/// literal
/// @author
import "../../Utils/expect.dart";
import "../../Utils/static_type_helper.dart";
import "patterns_lib.dart";
extension Storing on Object? {
static dynamic stored;
void get store => stored = this;
main() async {
var m1 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (var (num v1) in Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3])
"k$v1": v1,
"k4": 4
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2, "k3": 3, "k4": 4}, m1);
Expect.isTrue(Storing.stored is Stream<num>);
var m2 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (final (v2) in Stream<num>.fromIterable([1, 2, 3]))
"k$v2": v2.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>(),
"k4": 4
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2, "k3": 3, "k4": 4}, m2);
var m3 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (var <num>[v3] in Stream.fromIterable([
]) "k$v3": v3,
"k4": 4
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2, "k3": 3, "k4": 4}, m3);
Expect.isTrue(Storing.stored is Stream<List<num>>);
var m4 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (final [v4] in Stream<List<num>>.fromIterable([
"k$v4": v4.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>(),
"k4": 4
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2, "k3": 3, "k4": 4}, m4);
var m5 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (var <String, num>{"k1": v5} in Stream.fromIterable([
{"k1": 1}
]) "k$v5": v5,
"k2": 2
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2}, m5);
Expect.isTrue(Storing.stored is Stream<Map<String, num>>);
var m6 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (final {"k1": v6} in Stream<Map<String, num>>.fromIterable([
{"k1": 1}])) "k$v6": v6.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>(),
"k2": 2
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2}, m6);
var m7 = {
"k0": 0,
await for (var (num v7, n: num v8)
in Stream.fromIterable([(1, n: 2)])
"k$v7": v7,
"k2": 2
Expect.mapEquals({"k0": 0, "k1": 1, "k2": 2}, m7);
Expect.isTrue(Storing.stored is Stream<(num, {num n})>);
var m8 = {
"k1": 1,
await for (final (v9, n: v10)
in Stream<(num, {num n})>.fromIterable([(1, n: 2)]))
"k$v10": v10.expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>(),
"k3": 3
Expect.mapEquals({"k1": 1, "k2": 2, "k3": 3}, m8);
var m9 = {
await for (var Square<Centimeter>(area: v11)
in Stream.fromIterable([Square(1)])
"k": v11,
Expect.mapEquals({"k": Unit<Centimeter>(1)}, m9);
Expect.isTrue(Storing.stored is Stream<Square<Centimeter>>);
var m10 = {
await for (final Square(area: v12)
in Stream<Square<Centimeter>>.fromIterable([Square<Centimeter>(1)]))
"k": v12.expectStaticType<Exactly<Unit<Centimeter>>>()
Expect.mapEquals({"k": Unit<Centimeter>(1)}, m10);